Minutes of the Ordinary Meeting of Laugharne Township Community Council

held on Thursday 10th April 2014 in the Millennium Hall, Laugharne.

Present: Mayor J. Bradshaw


L. Brown, A. Isaacs, I. John, D. Jones, M. Lewis, J, Lynch, S. Brown, J.D.R. Thomas, K. Gough, R. Stevens

Clerk Chris Delaney

Public: No members of the public were present

1 / Apologies
C.Cllr J. Tremlett
2 / Disclosures of personal interest
3 / (a) / Approval of the Minutes of the last Ordinary Meeting – 13/03/2014
The minutes were agreed as a true record.
(b) / Matters Arising from the Minutes of the last Ordinary Meeting
5d) The clerk was asked to liaise with the Tin Shed and the Boathouse to organise publicity for the “free entry to residents” scheme.
5a) The clerk confirmed that he had written to CCC planning regarding member’s concerns about the number of units proposed at the former school.
3. The clerk confirmed that he had written again to Dwr Cymru and they were investigating the subsidence problem in the car parking area.
5. Members were concerned about the amount of debris on the path to Sir Johns Hill and that the boardwalk had moved again. The clerk was asked to contact CCC.
2. The clerk had received correspondence from the South West wales branch officer of the Woodland Trust regarding the state of the woodland following the Hunt. They had contact all parties concerned expressing their concern and had closed the permissive bridleway until further notice.
4 / Accounts for payment and a note of income received
2126 / CJD Salary March
CJD Office Costs March
HMRC March
Zurich Insurance / £
£ / 355.27
2127 / SWALEC / £ / 3.65
2132 / JRB Dog Bags
EH Factors
Gardening Services
R. Thomas
Total / £
£ / 352.80
Income Interest £ 00.96
Balances 28/03/14
Current account £ 3925.87
Reserve Account £ 7787.16
Gratuity £ 47.66
Total £ 11,760.69
5 / It was reported that £50 had been collected at the first car boot sale on the 9th April.
The clerk reported that he had received correspondence from Welsh Government regarding the Legislative Reform Order 2014. These removed the necessity to have two signatures on cheques and would path the way for the council to have electronic banking. The clerk would present a detailed report at a future meeting.
Policy issues
(a) / Planning
W/29140. Exeter House King Street, shop and flats Granted 21/03/14
W/28083 Round Park Affordable dwelling granted 17/03/14
W/29468 Old National School conversion into three dwellings, granted 27/03/14
W/29904 Castle View Restaurant provision of a new sign. Members had no issues with this application.
W/29894 Clifton garage demolition and construction of three cottages. Members had no issues with this application.
c) / Seats and planters
Members discussed the relocation of seats and benches following the scheme. It was agreed that the benches would be relocated alongside Island House wall and the current seat would be repaired and reused. Two new seats would be purchased for the area by Jubilee Square to match those acquired for the scheme. Replacement planters were discussed and it was felt that those commercially available were expensive and not particularly suitable. It was agreed to ask local joiners for quotes.
Laugharne Events
The Mayor summarised the discussions from a second meeting of community groups held on the 1st April. The group were proposing a large community concert to take place in late autumn and were developing a community event calendar. The Mayor reported that there would be a further meeting of all parties involved in the second Laugharne Weekend as well as the police, county highways, count licensing officers and the community council. It was hoped that this would ensure that the event was well organised and managed. The BBC would broadcast from the castle over the long holiday weekend and the studio and equipment would be off loaded in the car park and taken up to the castle on smaller vehicles.
6 / For information
(a) / Reports on Groups and Meetings
There was nothing further to add.
(b) / Clerk’s Report
The clerk reported on various pieces of correspondence. County council officers were developing the Gateway scheme and raised concerns lighting the feature. Members discussed the comments that CCC had made and agreed that the scheme should proceed without a lighting element.
(c) / County Councillor’s Report
County Councillor Tremlett had apologised.
(d) / Other matters
1.  Members agreed that the Grist bus shelter should be painted and the clerk was asked to obtain a cost for doing this.
2.  Members were concerned about cars parking on and obstructing the pavement. The clerk was asked to discuss this with the police.
3.  The clerk reported that the new interpretive panel for the All Wales Coastal Path would soon be placed in the Gardens replacing the current panels.
4.  Members asked the Scrutiny Committee to look at planting willow trees to screen the treatment works
5.  Members agreed to a travel grant of £100 to Daniel Lewis a pupil at Ysgol Dyffryn Tâf from Laugharne.
The meeting closed at 9.15 pm