Published by

Ceres Fraternity Inc

Revised August 2017

Duties and Responsibilities of Chapter Officers


Duties and stated in the by-laws: (Article XVII, Sections 1, 2, and 3)

1. To decide all questions of discipline and decorum.

2. To act as a tribunal unto which all grievances shall be brought.

3. To act on questions pertaining to the general welfare of the chapter.

4. To perform other duties that may be needed by the chapter.

5. To present to the chapter a set of regulations that shall govern the conduct of the members of the chapter. Such regulations shall become chapter by-laws upon the approval by a two-thirds (2/3) vote of the members of the chapter.

6. An auditing committee and a licensed professional auditor (optional) shall be selected at the beginning of each school year. It shall be the duty of the auditing committee and the auditor (optional) to inspect and audit all financial records of the chapter officers at the end of each quarter, trimester, or semester and report findings to the chapter, to the Faculty Advisory Committee, and to the Executive Director.

Additional Duties Suggested:

1. To prepare agenda for chapter meeting.

2. To report to the chapter on action taken by the Executive Committee.

3. To work closely with the Housemother, House Manager, and/or the Residence Director, so that she/they is/are informed about all activities and operations of the chapter.


Article XVIII, Section 1 of the International By-Laws state that “The President, Secretary, and Treasurer of the chapter, and such others as each chapter may designate, shall constitute the Executive Committee of the chapter, and the Secretary shall be Secretary of the Executive committee.”

Some chapters have found it convenient and advantageous to enlarge the Executive Committee to include such officers as Recruitment Chair, Social Chair, New Member Educator, etc. The size and composition of the Executive Committee should depend on the size and needs of the chapter.

PRESIDENT-Executive Officer of the Chapter

Duties as stated in the By-Laws:

1. Preside at all meetings.

2. Enforce discipline and the observance of the Constitution and By-Laws.

3. Decide all questions of order.

4. Appoint all committees not otherwise provided for.

Additional duties suggested:

1. Provide direction and cause to be developed a clear-cut and positive program for the chapter.

2. Set the tone and provide dynamic leadership for the chapter.

3. Encourage the positive efforts of all officers and committees.

4. Make certain other officers and committees carry out their duties and responsibilities. Work closely with the Housemother, House Manager, and/or the Residence Director to obtain counsel, comments, and suggestions for the betterment of the chapter.

5. Handle correspondence with International Office promptly.

6. Handle arrangements for consultation with the chapter’s assigned consultant from the International Executive Board.

7. Work closely with officers of the association and counsel with them frequently.

8. Seek the counsel of the Faculty Advisors.

9. Submit a detailed and chronologically arranged report to the person who succeeds as President.

SECRETARY - Recording and corresponding (optional)

Duties as stated in the By-Laws:

1. To keep a record of all proceedings of the chapter and executive committee meetings.

2. To send to the International Executive Director a report together with remittance for international initiation fees, immediately following each initiation.(see due dates)

3. To return to the International Executive Director the chapter membership report (Term Report), together with the remittance of international dues for the quarter, tri-mester, or semester.

4. To cooperate with the association secretary and the International Executive Director in all matters of mutual concern to the chapter, association, and international office.

Chapter Officer Handbook 18

Suggestions for carrying out duties:

Accuracy and promptness are requisites to the proper functioning of the Executive Director’s Office. The secretary forms the link between the chapter and the international organization. Upon the secretary falls most of the responsibility for keeping the relationships between the two units moving forward, as they should. When a letter is received from any source, it is both courteous and necessary to good business operations to reply to it as soon as possible.

Initiation Reports

1. Keep one copy for your Chapter records, and send the original to the International Office. (These forms are provided by the International Office and are in the Policies and Procedures Manual.) The form should by typed. If not, please provide a separate typed/word processed list with the members names listed.

2. List names alphabetically.

3. Give the full name plainly and exactly as the initiate wishes it to appear on her membership certificate.

4. Give complete permanent home address and zip code. The post office requires the use of box numbers, route numbers, and/or street address when available.

5. Send report to the International Office immediately following the initiation for associate members or by due dates of 5/1 and 12/1 for new members.

6. Initiation fee is $____80__ per initiate - including those listed as Associate Members.

7. Please make check payable to: Ceres International.

Jewelry Orders

1. All requests for official jewelry are placed on the order forms provided by the International office. Use only the jewelry order forms that are current. Keep a copy for your Chapter records and send the original to the Executive Director. Money must accompany orders.

2. Orders should bear the name of the responsible individual at the fraternity house address.

3. Please indicate on the jewelry order form whether the back of the badge is to be engraved with the member’s name and chapter. Attach the engraving list form to the jewelry order form before mailing.

4. All dues and fees must be paid and chapter/association must be current with fees due at the time of these orders.

5. Please make all checks payable to: Ceres International.

Chapter Officer Handbook 18

Term Reports

The By-Laws state that the term report is due in the International Office in the fall semester by October 15th, and in the spring semester by March 15th.

The International Office will send each chapter a computerized report soon after the start of each semester/term.

Refer to the Policy and Procedure Manual for information on how to complete this form. If you are terminating any members, please refer to the Termination Policy that was adopted by the Ceres International Board in November 2000.

Both chapters involved should report transfer students. The home chapter reports the member as withdrawn (WD) indicating the chapter to which she has been transferred. The new chapter reports the transfer’s name on the form with the former chapter noted in parenthesis after the member’s name.

A letter of recommendation should be sent to the new chapter by the transfer’s home chapter. A copy of this letter and the letter of acceptance of the new chapter should be filed with the International Office.

All undergraduate members who are in school are required to pay International Dues regardless of their place of residence on the campus.

The International Dues are listed in the Policy and Procedure Manual.

Please make checks payable to: Ceres International.

Signatures of faculty advisors must appear on the report.

Election of Officers

Immediately following the election of officers, the outgoing secretary should send the list of newly elected officers to the International Office.

Faculty Advisors

Chapter secretaries are to provide the International Office with the names of faculty advisors at the beginning of the new school year and at any time there is a change made in the advisors.

Associate Members

1. Chosen from non-fraternity faculty or non-fraternity laywomen who are interested friends of Ceres.

2. Initiation fees are the same as for undergraduates - $80.

3. Associate members are considered as alumni at once and do not pay term or semester dues.


Duties as stated in by-laws:

1. To receive and hold all funds of the chapter and to disburse them upon order of the chapter.

2. To render annually to the chapter, to the faculty advisory committee, and to the international Office a Summary report of her collections, disbursements, accounts receivable, and bills payable. To furnish similar information to the executive committee at any time upon request.

3. To execute a bond for not less than $1000.00. Note: The bond is provided at cost through the International Office. The bond covers the position and is for a one-year period.

4. Work closely with successor and provide her a complete schedule of activities of the treasurer.


Recommended Duties:

1. Organize a program to acquaint prospective members with the rules and policies of the chapter, how business is handled and various facilities available at the house.

2. Provide each prospective member with a Membership Handbook.

3. Assume responsibility for providing the prospective members with knowledge of Ceres, both locally and internationally, and of the university.

4. Assume responsibility for the conduct of prospective members. Set the exemplary example.

5. Serve as an intermediary between members and new members to be.

6. Seek ways to make membership education a stimulating learning experience.

7. Assist each prospect in her personal development and growth.

Additional Suggestions:

1. Invite speakers from the university and community.

2. Invite outstanding alumni to visit with and speak to prospective members.

3. Help plan, in conjunction with housemother, house manager, or resident director, social activities.

4.  Keep prospective members informed of time and scope of all planned activities.

5.  It must be clearly understood that hazing is not a part of the art of building sisterhood.

6. Provide successor with a complete report of the activities.


Duties of the Social Chairperson

1. Provide an escort for the housemother whenever and wherever she desires to attend campus and community functions.

2. Schedule all social events such as common meals

3. Keep the chapter posted on all university events.

4. Encourage participation in social activities.

5. Represent the chapter at appropriate social meetings. (ie.Panhellenic, Greek council, homecoming.)

6. Arrange for chaperones for all special chapter functions.

7. Take all social problems of the chapter to the office of the dean of women or other responsible official in the university.

8. Help keep social events running smoothly.

9. With the aid of the housemother or house manager, inform members and prospective members of proper etiquette.

10. Assist prospective members and members with social problems which occur.

11. Maintain a close and informed relationship with the housemother, house manager, or resident director.

12. Plan special programs such as Mothers’ and/or Parents’ weekend, and Legacy dinner.

13. Pass to successor a complete list of the activities of the social chairperson.


Duties of the Historian

1. Make certain that each initiate signs her name in the chapter register (herd book). Regularly check the chapter register to add new data; whenever alumnae visit the chapter, review their history to make it current.

2. The historian shall keep a scrapbook in which will be entered all interesting current events of the fraternity and of the individuals therein, also important collegiate history which shall be suitable for publication in the newsletter and in the annual.

3. The scrapbook should be kept in the chapter house. It should be accessible to the guests and is useful for recruiting new members.

4. Provide successor with a list of the activities of the historian.


Duties of the Recruitment Chairperson

1. Attempt to avoid participation in a general recruitment week for these reasons:

a. The new student has not had time to become acquainted with the various fraternities to determine exactly which is best for her.

b. Gain the respect of new student by not urging them to commit herself the first few days of school.

c. Because of local circumstances, the chapter may deem it necessary or essential to participate in recruitment week activities. However, this should be done only after very careful consideration of the factors involved.

2. A fairly uniform balance among the various curricula is ideal.

3. Keep in contact with alumni for recommendations of perspectives.

4. It is the recruitment chairperson’s responsibility to determine a perspective’s grade point, her activities, and college interests before any action is taken. The perspective should be invited to the chapter as often as necessary.

5. Honesty is the best policy in approaching a perspective. Answer all her questions concerning dues, duties, responsibilities, and benefits.

6. Make perspective feel at home. Don’t all surround her at once.

7. Show the perspective the entire house on her second visit.

8. Be a helpful source of information to the perspective on any questions she may have concerning the fraternal system or the university.

9. Provide a schedule of activities to successor.


Duties of the reporter/ public relations chairperson

1. Edit the chapter newsletter.

2. Place international office in mailing list for newsletter.

3. Maintain a chapter and alumni directory.

4. Submit news items to hometown papers and members.

5. Submit news to campus newspaper.

6. Coordinate publicity for alumni and chapter functions.

7. Gather news and photographs for each issue of The Rose and Scroll, mailing them to the international office.

8. Cooperate with secretary of the association in obtaining news of alumni.

9. News deadline for The Rose and Scroll are:

Fall issue- as published

Spring issue- as published

10. Provide successor with schedule of activities.

Chapter Officer Handbook 18


Duties of the Music Chairperson:

1. Be responsible for singing at meals, firesides, serenades and other activities.

2. Arrange for song practices; direct singing.

3. Stimulate interest in chapter singing.

4. Aid in the forming and function of quartets and combos.

5. Encourage participation in campus musical activities such as marching band and vocal groups.

6. Provide successor with a list of activities.

Officer Installation

*This ritual is only a guideline and may be adapted to fit the needs of your chapter. It is to be performed immediately following new officer elections.