Board Meeting Minutes- March 11 @ 7:00pm

Board Members Present: Karina Rangel, Angela Chavez, George Dias, Kimberly Jennery, Aidon Jennery, Ken Cole, Sindy Anderson, Judy Willats, Andrew Alva, Pallavi Raju, Troy, Tannyhill, Jeanette Cole, Andrew Walters

Non Board Members: Kelly Gallino, Mike L., Gina Deluca, Paola Ramos

Board Members Excused: Resa Kopp, Stephanie Argast, Dan Cox, Keith Scott

Guests: John and Ricardo, on behalf of their children and Bill Davis

General Info. & Routine Business:

1. Feb. minutes

*Motion to approve by Aidon/ 2nd by Karina, passed with 2 abstentions

2. Treasurers Report

*$145,745 + $180 in petty cash

3. Calendar Updates

* Confirm with Keith try out dates for older players

*Picture day will remain 2 weeks after Opening day

4. Web Reviews & Updates

* Troy will continue updating web and P&P

Priority Business:

1. Board Positions- Paola Ramos, as Director of Scheduling

* Motion to approve by George/ 2nd by Kimberly, passed by all

* Still need to recruit for board positions for Fall

2. U6 reassignment of players

Issue- 3 players wish to be moved from their current team to Bill Davis’s team. Registered online, 1 player made a “buddy request”, which was honored. Another parent check coach request, was not included on print out the Coordinator was given.

* Motion by Andrew W. to move players/ 2nd by Troy, does not pass with 10 opposed

3. Clubhouse status

*Board would like at least 1 other property to compare, looking for a bigger meeting space and a safe location to keep records

* Motion by Karina to keep vacate motion in place/ 2nd by Judy

4. Spring Review

* Still waiting to hear from ACC, fields are available to play either 7v7 or 11v11

* Practice fields, list “traditional” fields on web site

* School site child care to be given field usage priority if there should be a conflict

*Check with Larry about Ohlone availability on Sun.

5. Fall Registration

*League will absorb $7 online reg. premium

*Add a $10 late fee to those who, reg. online and fail to complete reg. by handing in paperwork no later than 4/30

* Motion by Aidon/ 2nd by Troy, passed with 2 abstentions

* Add a $10 late fee across the board for anyone registering after 4/30

* Motion by George/ 2nd by Judy, passes with 4 abstentions

* Revisit volunteer fee in 2011

* Online info, no problem found

* All request either buddy or coach will not appear in Fall registration forms, and will be removed for Spring 2011

6. Fall Rec. Training

*U6-U10, will switch dates in Aug.

*U12 & U14, ask for the training to be team specific

*Look into a written waiver for parents to sign, similar to try out waiver

Directors Report:

1. Registrar

*Waiting for CYSA expo before any new info from CYSA

*Dual registration still an issue, Gina concerned that info will not be available if teams are not registered with CYSA and only registered with US Club and NorCal

*Ken, Keith, and Gina will discuss issue, it will take $1600 to dual register teams

*Spring totals- 396 players, 213 returning/ 183 new players

2. Director of Team D1-D3

3. Director of Teams D4

*U8 Coordinator will honor 3-4 request in the Fall season that were not able to be fulfilled this Spring

4. Director of Scheduling

5. Director of Referees

*15 new refs, 24 took the test

*Meeting dates will be posted on the web site

6. Events

*Picture day moved back to 2nd Sun after Opening Day

7. Volunteers

8. Equipment

*All coaches received equipment

9. Communications

*Update voicemail and league message

*Put up banners about sign ups

10. Web

*Updates to web site

11. Fields

*Ohlone not secured for 4/14, looking into a new venue

12. Field Marshal

*Ready to start training, date will go up on the web

13. Apparel