The Nueces County A&M Club

PO Box 6985

Corpus Christi, TX 78466

February 22, 2017

Howdy Ags!

The Nueces County A&M Club has just wrapped up its most exciting and beneficial years in recent memory. Thank you to all of the 2016 volunteers, donors, Club Officers, Board of Directors, and Chairpersons for your time and effort in making all club events enjoyable and successful. A special “hat tip” is in order to Dr. Derek Chang, the 2016 NCAMC President, for a job well-done! The 2016 Aggie Happy Hours & Aggie Luncheons brought local Aggies together to socialize and learn a little about local events and organizations. Our Annual Aggie Banquet was a wonderful event, which was headlined by former Aggie quarterback Stephen McGee. Our local Aggie Muster brought individuals & families together to reflect and remember our fellow Aggies lost over the past year. We had a handful of volunteering events including our local Big Event. Finally, our annual Aggie Night at The Hooks, Lonesome Dove BBQ, George Puls ’44 Golf Tournament, and Salty Aggies Fishing Tournament raised a combined $15,000 for scholarships to local high school students bound for our revered institution, Texas A&M University.

As you can see, we’ve been busy and I believe the hard work and dedication of all participants is extremely encouraging! The 2017 Salty Aggie forecast looks bright and promising as well, with several events already on the schedule. As always, on April 21st, the 2017 Nueces County A&M Club Muster will be held at the Solomon P. Ortiz International Center. Our keynote speaker will be Dr. Larry McKinney ’71, Executive Director of the Harte Research Institute for Gulf of Mexico Studies. The NCAMC’s President Elect, Lari Jo Johnston ’96, has worked hard to put together a great program. If you have any questions, concerns, or information regarding the 2017 Muster Roll Call, please contact Lari Jo at . Several Aggie Happy Hours (every 1st Thursday of the month) and Aggie Luncheons (every 3rd Friday of the Month) have been set up including:

The Nueces County A&M Club

PO Box 6985

Corpus Christi, TX 78466

Aggie Happy Hours

March 2nd - Cassidy’s Irish Pub

April 6th - Chuy’s Fine Tex-Mex

May 4th - TBD

June 1st - Rebel Toad Brewing Co.

Aggie Luncheons

March 17th - Johnny Philipello, Buc Days

April - No Luncheon (Muster)

May 19th - Dr. Beth Lewis, Del Mar College

The Nueces County A&M Club

PO Box 6985

Corpus Christi, TX 78466

As the Nueces County A&M Club President for 2017, I am dedicated to the continual success of the Club’s endeavors. All of the hard work, donations, and volunteering provided are investments in our local Aggies who are bound for College Station. When learning their stories and how dedicated they are to their families and community, it is evident that Nueces County and Texas A&M University will be well-represented. Finally, please be sure to renew your Club Membership ($25 per family).

Thanks again for your support this year!

Gig ‘Em & God Bless!

Sean P. Walker ‘06

President, Nueces County A&M Club