Pupil Premium Grant Expenditure 2015/16

Number of pupils and pupil premium students
Total number of students on roll (years 7 -11) / 345
Total number of pupils eligible for pupil premium / 91
Total amount of funding for PP students / £84,450

Provision to support disadvantage students

Provision / Number of
pupils. / Costing / Impact
English 1:1
and small
group / 16 pupils / £26000 / KS3 – 10% of students were below target in English, as opposed to 16% of non PP
KS4 – Progress 8 improved from previous year and the gap between PP and others also decreased
Accelerated reader / 38 pupils / £1300 / 70% of years 7 and 8 improved their reading age by more than 6 months between December and June.
Read Write inc / 8 pupils / £95 / 78% improved reading age by more than a year.
Maths 1:1
and small
group / 16
pupils / £26000 / KS3 – 22% of students were below target in Maths as opposed to 16% of non PP
KS4– Progress 8 improved from previous year and the gap between PP and others also decreased
PP Co-ordinator / All PP pupils. / £1500 / Gap between PP and Non-PP reduced (in school and
against national)
and tracking / All PP pupils. / Part of SLT
PP lead / Improved tracking and earlier intervention. More
interventions carried out at KS3. More detailed
feedback given for PEP reviews and round-robins,
allowing for targeted intervention.
Targeted TA
support in
core subjects / All year 10
&11 PP pupils / £6,000 / Decrease in gap between PP and non PP at KS4. Minimal or no gap in KS3.
Mentoring / All PP pupils. / Part of PP
lead and TA
support and
House staff / This was given to all PP students by members of SLT. As stated elsewhere in terms of Progress 8 this did improve on the previous year and the gap between PP and non PP was decreased. Attendance had an impact on this. 63% were able to access the mentoring, of these 70% had positive progress scores.
advice / All PP pupils
in year 9-11 / £3900 / Support and guidance in making option choices at the
end of Year 9. Appropriate post-16 route identified
during Years 10 and 11. Greater focus and awareness
of achievements needed, all PP year 11 pupils achieve
grades needed for next steps. All PP students had additional careers interviews. No students were NEET.
Forest school provision / 5 pupils / £2400 / 10 students across KS3 accessed this and went on to support students from Avalon in forest school activities.
timetable / 12 pupils / £545 / Reduction in exclusions. More students focussing on Core subjects in KS4. Medical tuition supported 1 student, others catered for in Student Support Centre.
Clubs / 20 pupils / £708 / Reduction in number of homework issues reported by
to develop
social and
aspects of
learning. / 5 pupils / £1816 / All PP students completed year 11 and went onto Education. Fewer exits and exclusions across school.
meetings. / 20 pupils. / £191 / Reduction in PA from previous year. Improved attendance figures.
Extra-curricular / All PP pupils. / £2095 / Increased involvement in extra-curricular activities
from mentoring sessions with PP lead and TA
mentoring sessions.
Equipment / All PP pupils. / £3600 / PP students had allocation for uniform, equipment, Examination equipment and revision resources. All accessed this.
Raising aspiration activities / All PP pupils / £2100 / All PP students accessed trips to Universities, which was paid for.
Trips / All PP pupils / £6200 / Increased participation in trips.

Pupil Premium Grant for 2016/17

94 Students @£935=£87890.00

Please see ‘Pupil Premium Provision map’ for planned provision in 2016/17