PhD by Published Work
The eligibility criteria for the award of PhD by Published Work are laid down in the Regulations for the award at paragraphs 2.1 and 2.2.
This guidance note explains the interpretation of continuous employment and full-time equivalence in relation to eligibility to register for this award.
The Regulations for this award were drafted in October 1995 by the Research Degree Regulations Working Party and approved by the Academic Board later that year. The Regulations were drafted after wide consultation and close scrutiny of the Regulations from several other UK universities. Common factors across the HE sector were identified and formed the basis for drafting the JMU Regulations. The working party’s intention was to stay broadly in line with other UK HEIs and it adopted what it felt to be best practice from other universities.
The question of whether part-time staff could be considered eligible was discussed and it was agreed that such staff should be able to demonstrate 3 years full-time equivalent service at the University by virtue of the FTE number assigned to the post. The working party felt that part-time staff should not be unfairly disadvantaged by or excluded from this route to a PhD.
Continuous Employment
Sessional lecturers’ contracts are renewed on a semester by semester basis. An individual may have been working for JMU on continuously renewed sessional contracts for several years. There is no reason why such individuals should not be treated as continuously employed unless a redundancy payment has been made to the individual concerned.
Full-time Equivalence
The contractual requirements of a full-time lecturer are as follows:
- To teach up to a maximum of 540 teaching hours per year.
Sessional contracts will indicate whether the applicant has performed the full-time equivalent of the maximum number of teaching hours.
- Administrative duties.
Sessional lecturers are not employed to undertake administrative duties. It would be unfair to discriminate against an applicant because he/she does not undertake administrative duties when the University does not employ them for that purpose.
- Research activity.
If an applicant applies to register for this award and a prima facie case is established in all other respects, then the applicant would have established that he/she is actively engaged in research.
Breaks in Contract
If there are breaks in an applicant’s contract the reasons for such breaks would need to be investigated.
- That for staff on fractional contracts, full-time equivalence will be calculated on the FTE number assigned to the post.
- That sessional lecturers will be eligible for registration once they have accumulated the equivalent of 3 years full-time teaching hours (currently 540 per year).
- That applicants with breaks in continuous employment will be dealt with on a case-by-case basis.
- That MPhil or PhD by research project (ie the conventional mode) be regarded as the more appropriate route for the following categories of staff:
- Research Assistants
- Teaching Assistants
- Teaching Company Associates
For further information and guidance please contact:
Sue Ward
Postgraduate Registrar
Ext: 6466
FT Equivalence.doc