ZERO / QUALIFYINGSubstantial Minor / Max
points / Points lost / Score
SIGNAL EXERCISE / Handler adapting speed to dog ____
Unmanageable ____
Unqualified heeling
Any audible comm. to:
Stand ____
Stay ____
Sit ____
Come ____ / Failure on first signal to:
Stand ____
Stay ____
Drop ____
Sit ____
Come ____
Anticipated ____
Sat out of reach ____ / ____ Improper hand position ____
____Forging Crowding handler ____
____Lagging Sniffing ____
____No change of speed ____Fast ____Slow ____
____Heeling wide---on turns ___ abouts ____
____ Audible command during heeling or finish
____Extra signal to heel ______Sit ____
____Holding signals
Slow response to signal to
____Stand. . . . . Down...... Sit...... Come ______No sit front-finish Touching handler____
____No finish Sat between feet ____
Poor sits ____
Poor finish ____ / 40
Out 1st retrieve article
___L ___L ___L
___M ___M ___M / Leather
Anticipated ____
Extra command ____
Sat out of reach ____
Anticipated ____
Extra command ____
Sat out of reach ____ / L M L M
__ __ Handler not turning in place __ __
__ __ Excessive roughness by handler __ __
__ __ Handler roughness in touching __ __
__ __ Handler’s arms not at side __ __
__ __ Not sitting after turn __ __
__ __ Not brisk or direct response __ __
__ __ Doesn’t go directly to articles __ __
__ __ Doesn’t work continuously __ __
__ __ Picks up wrong Article then dropped: ______Dropping article on return __ __
__ __ Touched handler __ __
__ __Slow response Sat between feet __ __
__ __No sit in front Poor finish __ __
__ __No finish Poor sit __ __
__ __Handler error / Leather
30 / Leather
RETRIEVE / Does not:
Go out on command ____
Go directly to glove ____
Retrieve right article ____
Fails to retrieve ____ / Anticipated ____
Extra signal ____
Sat out of reach ____ / ____ Handler not turning in place ____ Not facing designated glove
____ Excessive signals or motion ______Touching dog sending ____
____ Handler’s arms not at side
____ Not brisk or direct response ____
____ Unnecessary mouthing or playing ____
____Dropping glove Touching handler ____
____Poor delivery Sat between feet ____
____No sit in front Poor sit ____
____No finish Poor finish ____ / 30
JUMPING / High Jump Bar Jump
Does not: Does not:
____ Leave on order ____
____ Go substantially in right direction ____
____ Stop on command ____
____ Jump as directed ____
____ Does not go out between the jumps ____
____ Anticipated command / signal to go out ____
____ Does not go at least 10’ beyond jumps ____ Uses jump as aid ____
Climbing jump ____ Knocking bar off ____ / ____ Holding hand signals ____
____ Touching dog sending ____
____ Not brisk or direct response to directions ____
____ Slightly off direction ____
____ Anticipates ____ Turn ____ Stop ____ Sit
____Does not sit on command
____No sit in front Touched handler ____
____No finish Sat between feet ____
Poor sits ____
Poor finishes ____ / 40
/ 170Moving Stand and Examination / Shows fear, resentment ___
Moves from position left
Sits or lies down before called
Growling or snapping ___ / Fails to: Heal ___
Stand ___ Stay ____
Accept examination ____
Or Return ____
Extra commands or signals ____
Moves during exam ____
Anticipation ____
Repeated barks or whines ____ / ____ Improper hand position
____ Forging ____ Crowding ____ Lagging ____
____ Handler hesitation / pause ____
____ Slow response to stand command ____
____ Repeatedly moving feet while in place ____
____ Slight move ___ during ___ after exam ____
____ Not brisk returning ____
____ Sits in front ____
____ Sits crooked or improper heel position ____ / 30
/ 200____ Not natural-smooth ____ Lack of willingness or enjoyment ____ Handler error ____H. Disciplining ____Shows fear ____Fouling ring
____Disqualified ____Expelled ____Excused less penalty for unusual behavior—
Explanation of penalty______Total Net Score______