Critical Content/Concept Web

Unit Topic:

Conceptual Lens:


Grade: 6th
Subject: Social Studies
Unit: Prehistoric Society: Survival
Lens: Change

Enduring Understandings


Guiding Questions

1.  Revolution of agriculture leads to division of labor.
State Standards WHC
3.1.1 Explain how historically people have relied on their natural resources to meet their needs.
3.2.2 Trace the evolution of hunting-gathering and agrarian economic systems. / a.  What is agriculture?
b.  What is domestication?
c.  How did agriculture impact prehistoric people?
d.  How did division of labor lead to specialization?
2.  The search for resources to meet basic needs determines migration patterns.
2.3.1 Identify main reasons for major migrations of people.
2.3.2 Explain how climate affects human migration and settlement. / a.  Why do groups migrate?
b.  How does geography and climate impact people?
c.  What determines areas of settlement?
3.  Civilizations develop and adapt to meet their needs. / a.  What are the basic needs of man?
b.  What is the difference between Paleolithic man and Neolithic man?
c.  How did Neolithic society develop from Paleolithic people?
d.  What is the time period for prehistoric man?
e.  What types of evidence do anthropologists/archaeologists use?
f.  What differences in technology existed between Paleolithic and Neolithic time periods?
g.  How do artifacts reflect time, place, and human conditions?
h.  What is the difference between a fossil and an artifact?
Grade: 6th
Subject: Social Studies
Unit: Prehistoric Society: Survival
Lens: Change
AC = Assessment Code: Q – Quizzes P - Prompts

Critical Content and Skills O – Observations WS – Work Samples

D – Dialogues SA – Student Self-Assessment
T - Tests
Students will Know… / AC / Students will be able to… / AC
1.  The history of ancient people is understood through tools, pre-historic art and other artifacts.
2.  The development of agriculture and trade changed the way ancient people lived.
3.  The worlds earliest people banded together to provide for their basic needs, creating the first civilizations.
4.  The relationship between geography, climate and areas of settlement.
5.  Compare technologies using artifacts between Neolithic and Paleolithic civilizations.
6.  Identify the factors leading to the change from hunter/gatherer to agricultural societies. / 1.  Read and interpret maps as they relate to migration.
2.  Examine and draw conclusions from artifacts.
3.  Recognize cause and effect relationships
4.  Compare and contrast information from Paleolithic and Neolithic eras.
5.  Identify main ideas.
6.  Use critical thinking skills.
7.  Read for comprehension.
Common Core State Standards for Literacy in History/Social Studies 6-8
Note: All Common Core Objectives will be included in the skills section of each unit. Teachers must include these objectives in their instructional units.
Please see pages 23-25 of this document for a complete list of the CCSS for Literacy in History/Social Studies.

Critical Content/Concept Web

Unit Topic:

Conceptual Lens:


Grade: 6th

Subject: Social Studies

Unit: River Valley Civilizations

Lens: Interaction

Enduring Understandings


Guiding Questions


1.  Advancing technology leads to specialization and an increase in trade.

State Standards 6-9 WHC
3.1.1 Explain how historically people have relied on their natural resources to meet their needs.
3.1.3 Analyze the role of money as a means of exchange.
3.1.4 Describe alternative means of exchange.
3.2.2 Trace the evolution of hunting-gathering, agrarian, industrial and technological economic systems.

a.  What is trade?

b.  What are some advantages and disadvantages of trade?
c.  What other forms of exchange were developed in addition to trade? (e.g. coined money, shells, standardization, weights, measures, etc.)
d.  Which civilizations used a standard form of exchange? (i.e. Egypt, India, China)
e.  How did standardization impact trade/exchange?
f.  How does specialization develop?
g.  What advances in technology allow specialization to develop?
h.  How does the use of resources affect trade?
Grade: 6th
Subject: Social Studies
Unit: River Valley Civilizations
Lens: Interaction

Enduring Understandings


Guiding Questions

2.  Environmental elements influence where civilizations develop and thrive to include movement of goods, ideas, culture and technology.State Standards 6-9 WHC
1.7.1 Explain how man adapted the environment for civilization to develop
2.1.1 Develop and interpret different kinds of maps, globes, graphs, charts, databases and models.
2.3.2 Explain how climate affects human migration and settlement.
2.3.3 Describe how physical features such as mountain ranges, fertile plains, and rivers led to the development of cultural regions
2.4.1 Explain the impact of waterways on civilizations.
2.5.4 Describe how the conservation of resources is necessary to maintain a healthy environment. /

a.  How do River Valley environments influence where civilizations develop and thrive?

b.  How do topography and bodies of water influence the movement of goods and ideas?

c.  How does the environment impact the development of cultures?

d.  How does climate affect areas of settlement?


3.  Civilizations develop government to provide structure, order and organization.
State Standards 6-9 WHC
4.4.2 Analyze the various political influences which shaped western civilization including the City-State, Monarchy, Republic, Nation-State, and Democracy. /

a.  Why are laws developed?

b.  How do interactions among people cause laws to change?c.  What systems of government were found in the River Valley civilizations?d.  How did religion influence governmental hierarchy in River Valley civilizations?


4.  Early civilizations developed lasting technological innovations and contributions.

1.6.3 Analyze the characteristics of early civilizations
1.7.2 Identify the technological advances developed by Ancient, Greco Roman, Medieval, Early-Modern, and Modern European societies and civilizations.
1.8.1 Find examples of how writing, art, architecture, mathematics, and science have evolved in civilization over time
5.  Civilizations exhibit social class structures.
1.8.2 Identify the origins and characteristics of different social classes.
1.9.1 Explain the relationship between religion and the peoples understanding of the natural world.
1.9.3 Discuss how religion influenced social behavior and created social order.
6.  Written language impacts the formation, organization and interactions of civilizations.
1.6.1 Describe types of evidence used by anthropologists, archaeologists, and other scholars to reconstruct early human and cultural development.
1.7.2 Identify the technological advances developed by Ancient, Greco Roman, Medieval, Early-Modern, and Modern European societies and civilizations.
1.8.1 Find examples of how writing, art, architecture, mathematics, and science have evolved in civilization over time
7.  Religion has had a significant impact on civilizations throughout history.
1.9.1 Explain the relationship between religion and the peoples understanding of the natural world.
1.9.3  Discuss how religion influenced social behavior and created social order.
/ a.  How did the innovations and contributions of each civilization define their culture?
b.  How did the innovations of early River Valley Civilizations impact math and science?
c.  How did the art and architecture of the early River Valley Civilizations reflect their beliefs?
a.  What effect can religion have on social structure?
b.  What effect can government have on social structure?
c.  How did religion and government together impact social structures within ancient civilizations?
a.  How does written language impact the way information is recorded and communicated?
b.  How did River Valley civilizations use written language?
c.  What types of archaeological evidence has been found that gives insight to written languages from ancient civilizations? (Rosetta Stone, Code of Hammurabi, Vedas, etc.)
a.  What is the difference between monotheism and polytheism?
b.  How did religion affect the interaction between groups within a civilization?
c.  How did people use religion to explain natural phenomena?
Grade: 6th
Subject: Social Studies
Unit: River Valley Civilizations
Lens: Interaction
AC = Assessment Code: Q – Quizzes P - Prompts

Critical Content and Skills O – Observations WS – Work Samples

D – Dialogues SA – Student Self-Assessment
T - Tests
Students will Know… / AC / Students will be able to… / AC
1.  Civilizations prosper in regions where favorable geographic elements exist.
2.  Chronologies, similarities and differences of the four ancient river civilizations suggest similar patterns.
3.  Irrigation and other adaptations affect the development of the river valley civilizations.
4.  River valley civilizations developed governments to provide order, structure, and organization.
5.  River valley civilizations made contributions, which influenced later cultures.
6.  Social class structures developed in the ancient river valley civilizations.
7.  Students will know the different religious beliefs associated with each river valley civilization.
/ 1.  Create, read, interpret and relate historical timelines (relate all four river valley civilizations).
2.  Read, interpret and label maps of river valley civilizations.
3.  Collect and interpret data from charts, graphs and visual aids.
4.  Use multiple resources to collect information
5.  Compare and contrast cultures.
6.  Analyze, compare and contrast the social class structures of each river valley civilization.
7.  Explain the impact of religion on the river valley civilizations.
Common Core State Standards for Literacy in History/Social Studies 6-8
Note: All Common Core Objectives will be included in the skills section of each unit. Teachers must include these objectives in their instructional units.
Please see pages 23-25 of this document for a complete list of the CCSS for Literacy in History/Social Studies.

Critical Content/Concept Web

Unit Topic:

Conceptual Lens:


Grade: 6th
Subject: Social Studies
Unit: Early Civilizations of Latin America
Lens: Adaptations

Enduring Understandings


Guiding Questions

1.  Civilizations adapt to and change their environments to meet their needs.World History and Civilizations, 6-9
1.7.1 Explain how man adapted the environment for civilization to develop.
2.3.1 Identify main reasons for major migrations of people.
2.3.2 Explain how climate affects human migration and settlement.
2.5.4 Describe how the conservation of resources is necessary to maintain a healthy environment.
3.1.1 Explain how historically people have relied on their natural resources to meet their needs.
Geography – Western Hemisphere
1.8.1 Describe major aspects of the civilizations of the Western Hemisphere prior to European contact, such as Mesoamerica.
2.  Innovations solve problems and shape societies.
World History and Civilizations, 6-9
1.7.2 Identify the technological advances developed by Ancient, Greco Roman, Middle Ages, Early-Modern, and Modern European societies and civilizations.
1.8.1 Find examples of how writing, art, architecture, mathematics, and science have evolved in western civilization over time.
Geography – Western Hemisphere
1.8.1 Describe major aspects of the civilizations of the Western Hemisphere prior to European contact, such as Mesoamerica.
3.  Civilizations have unique cultures that include class structures and religion
World History and Civilizations, 6-9
1.6.3 Analyze the characteristics of early civilizations.
1.8.1 Find examples of how writing, art, architecture, mathematics, and science have evolved in western civilization over time.
1.8.2 Identify the origins and characteristics of different social classes.
1.9.1 Explain the relationship between religion and the peoples understanding of the natural world.
1.9.3 Discuss how religion influenced social behavior and created social order.
Geography – Western Hemisphere
1.8.1 Describe major aspects of the civilizations of the Western Hemisphere prior to European contact, such as Mesoamerica. / a.  What was the purpose and benefit of agricultural adaptations such as: intercropping, slash-and-burn farming, chinampas, and terraces?
a.  How were technological advances used in Latin Americas to assist in the sustainability of each Latin American civilization? (causeways, roads, bridges, agricultural innovations).
b.  How did early Latin American civilizations communicate (spoken and written)?
c.  How were the number systems of the early Latin American cultures similar/different?
d.  How were the architectural structures similar/different between the early civilizations of Latin Americas?
a.  How did government structures differ between the early civilizations of Latin Americas?
b.  What role did religion play in each early Latin American civilizations?
c.  What features of social structures were present in early Latin American cultures?
Grade: 6th
Subject: Social Studies
Unit: Early Civilizations of Latin America
Lens: Adaptations
AC = Assessment Code: Q – Quizzes P - Prompts

Critical Content and Skills O – Observations WS – Work Samples

D – Dialogues SA – Student Self-Assessment
T - Tests
Students will Know… / AC / Students will be able to… / AC
1.  The general location of the early Latin American civilizations.
2.  How the environment and climate affected the people in Latin Americas.
3.  How innovations and ideas influenced the development of early civilizations in Latin America.
4.  That social structures existed in early Latin America.
5.  The religious beliefs of early Latin American civilizations.
6.  Examples of art, architecture, language and/or technology from early Latin American cultures.
7.  How cultural diffusion influenced the development of cultures within early Latin American civilizations.
8.  What caused the demise of each early Latin American civilization. / 1.  Read and interpret maps.
2.  Examine and draw conclusions from artifacts.
3.  Recognize cause and effect relationships.
4.  Create, read, interpret and relate historical timelines.
5.  Compare and contrast cultures.
Common Core State Standards for Literacy in History/Social Studies 6-8
Note: All Common Core Objectives will be included in the skills section of each unit. Teachers must include these objectives in their instructional units.
Please see pages 23-25 of this document for a complete list of the CCSS for Literacy in History/Social Studies.

Critical Content/Concept Web

Unit Topic:

Conceptual Lens:


Grade: 6th
Subject: Social Studies
Unit: Classical Foundations of Greece and Rome
Lens: Contributions/Conflict/Cooperation

Enduring Understandings


Guiding Questions

Global Perspectives
1.  Cultural values and perspectives are reflected through language, literature, the arts, and architecture of societies.
2. Cultural borrowing influences the development of civilizations. / a.  How did the lifestyles of Athens and Sparta reflect the differences between the two city-states?
b.  How did Roman architecture and infrastructure (roads) help maintain and expand Roman culture?
a.  Which contributions were adapted by other cultures?
b.  Why and how are cultural ideas transferred across societies?
c.  What civilizations contributed to the development of Greece and Rome?
d.  What aspects of Greek culture did the Romans adapt for their use?
Grade: 6th
Subject: Social Studies
Unit: Classical Foundations of Greece and Rome
Lens: Contributions/Conflict/Cooperation

Enduring Understandings


Guiding Questions

3.  Increases in trade lead to merchandising and expansion.
State Standards WHC
3.1.1 Explain how historically people have relied on their natural resources to meet their needs.
4.  The economic principles of trade and merchandising encourage the exchange of resources, ideas, and culture.
State Standards WHC
3.1.1 Explain how historically people have relied on their natural resources to meet their needs. / a.  What causes an increase in trade?
b.  How can trade lead to expansion?
c.  How does merchandising affect colonization?
a.  How does trade serve as a catalyst for exchange of resources, ideas, and culture?
Grade: 6th
Subject: Social Studies
Unit: Classical Foundations of Greece and Rome
Lens: Contributions/Conflict/Cooperation

Enduring Understandings


Guiding Questions