Monday 20 October 2014- Agenda

12.30-14.30 : Maternity Meeting Room, Ground Floor, RBH

  1. Welcome and Apologies(CW)
  1. Minutes of last meetingnote reports attached to agenda(all)
  1. Birthplace revisited– looking at evidence from the 2011 study; thinking about the factors that influence women’s choices when planning place of birth

(a workshop-style item, working in groups)

Welcoming colleagues for Healthwatch to join us in reflection.(CW /all)

  1. Feedback & questions – parent reps
  2. ‘Walking the patch’ today…summary of feedback
  3. NewburyChildren’s Centre feedback (& update on Healthwatch West Berks Maternity Survey) (LM & AW/CW)
  4. Bath Road Reading feedback (CW)
  5. Summary of online feedback & Twitter (CW)
  6. ‘Any questions?’
  1. Parent reps: evidence-based topic: episiotomy (JF)
  1. RBH Care Quality Commission Report - maternity update on action plan (GV)
  1. Standing items (please all look at the attached sheet before the meeting – I won’t ask Gill to present it all) – comments and questions
  2. Diversions & home birth service availability

(ie capacity; also discuss any staffing news)

  1. Birth statistics – normal birth, C-birth etc.
  2. Complaints(GV/all)
  1. RBH projects/news (GV & team)
  1. Home birth project
  2. ‘Friends & Family Test’
  3. Rushey Birth Centre – update on room availability (see 6)
  4. Normal birth on Delivery Suite
  5. High dependency unit project
  6. Any other news
  1. Any other business.


Next meeting: January 2015 (Maternity Meeting Room RBH)

2015 dates to be advised (CW)

REPORTS –October 2014 Agenda

Maternity Clinical Governance

(Forum/MSLC rep. Catherine Williams)

These monthly RBH meetings are about risk management and good practice. The formal business includes discussion and approval of new and revised guidelines, protocols and maternity information leaflets (CW receives the leaflets before each meeting to review and comment); review of particular cases where practices might need to be reviewed; complaints; staffing and capacity; and making arrangements to share NHS-wide alerts about clinical matters and new policy guidance e.g. NICE guidelines.

Topics discussed in recent meetings have included:Care Quality Commission report on RBH including maternity; room closures – Rushey Midwife-Led Unit; guideline for use of pool in labour and birth; guidelines relating to care of women with diabetes; letter now handed to all woman at booking about elective caesarean without a medical reason; correct episiotomy technique; staff vacancies and recruitment; ‘Guardian’ system ordered for Delivery Suite; plans for the external review of the services, to be undertaken by RCOG; news of appointment of new Trust chief executive, August 2014.

Maternity information leaflets reviewed and updated have included: swine flu; pain relief in labour; sterile water injections for pain relief;

Chair’s notes

The CCG Federation Maternity Services Steering Group (West Berks) continues to discuss the post-CQC work at RBH Maternity; RBH projects including the VBAC project and the homebirth project; and a range of strategic issues.

The Strategic Clinical Network for Children & Maternity in the Thames Valley is working on projects including reducing stillbirth; ‘stay with your midwife’ – a project in Buckinghamshire looking at ways to ensure that women stay in midwife-led care, whenever possible; having a standard Maternity Dashboard’ to allow information from different Trust to be compared; looking at what perinatal mental health services are available.

Parent Forum staying in touch via the closed Facebook Group - topics including:

  • the RBH letter now being given to all women at booking regarding caesarean birth;
  • Healthwatch West Berks survey and report;
  • proposed Healthwatch Reading project on maternity;
  • topics of interest to cover in January/March – focus on c-birth in January (incl c birth letter, and report on VBAC project); focus on new national guidance incl intrapartum care in March.
  • Also, networking via Facebook has generated national interest among MSLCs (in the national online Forum for reps and chairs) and more networking on Facebook and Twitter (new hashtag #mslc, suggested by us, now being used by other mslcs too).
  • Parent Forum still looking for a ‘social media’ volunteer to work alongside LM & CW (Facebook and Twitter)
  • Planning next parent reps meeting – Nov/Dec

@BerksMaternity chair on Twitter@birthvoicesbrks parent reps on Twitter (lead: Lindsey Middlemiss)

RBH Storks’ Fund

(charitable fund to help with maternity services projects)

(MSLC rep. Lisa Ramsey)Lisa will report at our meeting.

Attach:July 2014 minutes, Feedback reports (Newbury, Reading Road, online data/summary of birthstories), Standing items sheet + Complaints Report

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