Chair of Executive: Jacqui Warne, Headteacher, Ellen Tinkham School, Hollow Lane, Exeter, Devon EX1 3RW
Chief Executive: Paul Holland
10thJuly 2017
Dear Colleague,
SWALSS: Enhancing Leadership and Management Expertise in Special Schools and Academies
2016 / 2017
Baytree School, The Campus, Baytree School, Weston-super-Mare, BS24 7DX
The Globe Hotel, Topsham, Exeter, Devon EX3 0HR
I have pleasure in attaching details of the Leadership and Management Course which will be led once again by Chris Davies, Course Leader, in conjunction with other Headteacher colleagues and current members of Leadership Teams in successful special schools. In addition, a team of professionals who will provide bespoke presentations relating to management specific processes and procedures in special schools.
The 2016 / 2017 course members came from special schools across the South and South West, South Wales, Birmingham and Greater Manchester.
Evaluation Comments - 2016 / 2017 Course:
Having been an Assistant Head / Deputy for 8 years the course tasks and topics provided are very useful MOT and self-evaluation
I am better equipped to do my job in my new middle management position – thank you
Behaviour management session – extremely beneficial
Excellent comprehensive range of management skills throughout the 5 days
Please continue to offer the course to aspiring leaders – it enhances confidence, knowledge and skills
Interviews, staff management, managing effective teams and Ofsted – extremely valuable
I would have valued additional information on staff recruitment, interviewing and behaviour management
Evaluation Analysis (36):
Excellent / Very Good = 30 (83%); Good = 5 (14%); Satisfactory = 1 (3%)
In addressing the DfE cuts of 8% to school budgets the SWALSS Executive – with sponsorship support from HAYS and Schools Advisory Service – has reduced the course member fees to £375 for SWALSS member schools and £475 for non-member schools.
Please return the application form as specified by Wednesday 28th September 2016 - we will operate on a first come basis and disappointments may be inevitable.
With best wishes
Yours sincerely
Paul Holland
Chief Executive
The Association for Professionals in Special Education
Operations Team:Chief Executive: Paul Holland:; SWALSS Finance Manager: Issy Johnson: ; SWALSS Admin / Marketing Assistant: Imogen Lisle: