The Classroom Survey --Getting to Know You!


Prince Charles School, Saint John, NB Canada

A. Name of teacher: Mr. Daniel Foote

B. Grade level: Six

C. Class favorites (List your class top 5 favorites in each category):

  1. Music groups: Britney Spears, Hanna Montana, LMFAO, EMN, Taylor Swift,

Selena Gomez

  1. Authors: Valerie Tripp, Bone, Magic Tree House, Archie Comics, Diary of a

Wimpy Kid, 39 Clues

  1. TV programs: The Simpsons, Survivor, The Amazing Race, Dusk, Deathnote,

Beyond Human, I Carly, Family Guy

4. Foods: Pizza, Mcdonald’s hamburgers, taco’s, junk food, Mozza Sticks,

Spaghetti, Donairs, deep fried fish

5. School subjects: Science, Social Studies, Technology, Art

6. Sports: Soccer, basketball, HOCKEY – is really big at our school.

7. Video or computer games: Xbox 360. Wii

8. Favorite Websites: Facebook, Smosh, Underground,, chimpu

9. Other Class Favorites of your choice:

We love Halloween (Oct 31) and Christmas(Dec 25) – these are our favorite holidays.

Each year the day before or on Halloween our school has a huge Bazaar to raise money for activities that we do.

We also go on lots of fieldtrips.

In March we will raise about 125 salmon and release them into a nearby river in June.


A. School information

  1. Name and address of class and school

Prince Charles School

317-319 Union Street

Saint John, New Brunswick

2. Number of students in class and school

We have 14 students in our grade 6 class

We have 200 – boys and girls in the school going from Grade K to 8

  1. Size of school

Our school is small in comparing to other schools, with approximately 200 students from grade K - 8.

Mr. Foote’s (our teacher)daughter goes to a high school with 1000 students.

  1. School emblem, colors or mascot

Our school colors are blue

Our mascot is Leo the Lion

  1. Type and number of computers

We have desktop computers – in our lab we have about 30 computers and 1or 2 computers in each classroom.

Each of our teachers has a laptop computer.

  1. School history

Our school was built in 1952 – just as an elementary school. In the 1980’s the middle school was added to the school building along with our gym.

B. School program

  1. List 3 things about your school program that make it unique.

We have a school newspaper that comes out two times a year

We have a lot of activities like: Chess, hockey, choir, mini sticks, soccer, choir, Science Club and many more activities after school.

2. List school calendar from the session dates (holidays and special

events that may affect your participation).

Labor Day – The first Monday in September

Thanksgiving Day – the second Monday of October

Remembrance Day Nov 11

We have Christmas Break from Dec 23 – January 9 2012

Christmas – December 25

Boxing Day Dec 26

Valentine’s Day February 14

St Patrick’s Day March 17

March break – the first full week of March

Easter – In April – this date can vary

Victoria Day – May 25

Canada Day July 1

New Brunswick Day – the first Monday in August

Summer Break- from the end of June until the first Tuesday in September.


  1. Your community
  1. Name of your community: Saint John, New Brunswick

The capital of New Brunswick is Fredericton, New Brunswick

3Location of your community:

We are located in Southern New Brunswick Canada,on the east coast of Canada.

4. The area of your community:

Saint John is quite large; in fact it’s the largest city in New Brunswick.

  1. The population of your community:

We have approximately 130,000 people who live in Saint John and the surrounding area.

B. Special characteristics

  1. List 3 reasons why people come to visit your area.

People love to see the Reversing Falls.

People love to take day trips up the Saint John River – either by car or boat.

Saint John has some fairly good shopping

We also have the New Brunswick Museum that people like to visit.

Saint John is Canada’s oldest incorporated city, founded in 1783.

  1. Describe any unusual land formation found in or near your community.

We are located on the Bay of Fundy with the highest tides in the world.

C. Industries

List major industries or occupations in your community.

Oil/ natural gas/ potash mine (in Sussex, New Brunswick)

Shipping, tourism


Please feel free to share any other information about yourself that you think would help us to know you better.

Here are some you tube videos of our city and the surrounding area you may want to check out:

- a great video of various pictures of Canada

– Saint John, NB

- Saint John, NB

– Sussex, NB – Where Mr. Foote lives The Balloon Fiesta

– Caton’s Island, a Summer Camp many of our grade 6 students have attended.

– Our National Anthem O Canada