Agenda Item No.
Report of the Director of Environment and Commercial Services
Author: Marcos Martos-Higueras Tel: 01992 556229
Local Member: Councillor Roger Beeching
1 Purpose of Report
To consider planning application ref. 3/0056-10 (CC0469) for the erection of a single storey pitched extension to provide new pre-school accommodation, new hard play area, storage space and 7 additional car parking spaces at St Andrews Church of England (VC) Primary School, Mill Race, Stanstead Abbotts
2 Summary
2.1 The proposed development is for the provision of a 26 place pre-school with associated fenced outdoor play and parking provision. This would extend to the school’s existing foundation stage to offer a comprehensive Early Years Foundation Stage education. The proposed building would form an extension to the north-west of the southern group of school buildings. The layout of the extension would include an open plan play area, group room, toilets, baby changing area, an office and a kitchen. A lobby is also proposed, between the new extension and the existing school building. The proposal would result in an increase of 26 children and 4 staff.
2.2 The principal issues to be taken into account in determining this application are:
· need;
· location;
· design;
· car parking and traffic congestion;
· trees and hedges;
· impact on amenity.
2.3 Stanstead Abbotts Parish Council and the Parish Hall Management Committee have objected to the proposal. 1 letter of support has been received
3 Conclusion
3.1 Hertfordshire County Council has secured capital funding to provide extensions to the 15 hour free education offer for children aged 3 & 4 years. The County Council has identified that provision should be made at the St. Andrew’s School, Stanstead Abbotts.
3.2 The proposed development is located within the Conservation area of Stanstead Abbotts. Following policy SD2 (Settlement hierarchy) of the East Herts Local Plan, development can be acceptable in villages such as Stanstead Abbots.
3.3 The proposed extension and lobby would be similar in design and style and would use matching materials to the existing pre-school building (dated around 1900s) and is considered appropriate within the Conservation Area. The proposed layout would not adversely impact upon public and private space.
3.4 It is proposed that 7 additional parking spaces would be created which would comply with policy TR7 (Car-Parking Standards) of the East Herts Local Plan. The site has a good footpath network which encourages people walking in a safe environment. None of these footpaths would be altered with the proposal.
3.5 Any loss of trees and hedges would be compensated through planning conditions. No significant landscape features would be affected by the proposal.
3.6 The report therefore concludes that the proposal complies with the policies of the development plan and that planning permission should be granted subject to conditions to include:
- Time limit
- Hours of operation;
- Approved plans;
- Materials;
- Fencing details;
- School travel plan;
- Car parking;
- Storage areas details;
- Contractor parking and compound area;
- Protection of trees;
- Tree / hedge planting
4 Description of the site and proposed development
4.1 The school is located in the east of the village of Stanstead Abbotts. The site consists of two main buildings located on the south west and central part of the site respectively. 19 parking spaces, including 1 space for the disabled are located adjacent to the two vehicular entrances. In addition, hard play areas and playing fields are located on the north eastern part of the site.
4.2 The site is within the Conservation Area of Stanstead Abbotts. The oldest building (where the existing pre-school, Busy Bees, operates) is located on the south western corner of the site. This building consists of a detached red brick and plain tiled block dating back to around the turn of 1900s. The other main building, located centrally to the site, was built around 1950-60s.
4.3 The school has four points of access. Three of these access points are mainly vehicular and the other one is pedestrian. The main staff entrance is located off Mill Race, via Abbotts Way, leading to the main car park (13 spaces). A second vehicular access is located off Roydon Road. Usually parents use this access as a pick up / drop off point. This access leads to a second car park (6 spaces). A third vehicular access is located off Abbotts Way (north western boundary) and it is used mostly for maintenance purposes. Finally, a pedestrian access is located on the south eastern site boundary leading to footpath no. 007.
4.4 The school is surrounded by a series of footpaths (footpaths 006, 007, 008 and 008a) and its character is mostly residential. To the west is the High Street of Stanstead Abbotts where most of the shops are located. Roydon Road has lay-bay provision without traffic restrictions.
4.5 Some trees would be removed and re-planted on site.. 1 car parking space would need to be relocated and 7 further parking spaces are proposed.
4.6 The proposed extension would be located along the north-western elevation of the existing pre-school building. Its layout would include an open plan play area, group room, toilets, baby changing area, an office and a kitchen. A lobby is proposed between the extension and the existing school building and three small storage sheds would be located within the site. The proposed building and the lobby would have a footprint of 141m2.
4.7 The proposed materials for the extension and the lobby would be:
· Walls: red facing brickwork with blue banding and brick features;
· Roof: red plain tile with patterned coursing and part flat roof with felt finish;
· Windows: painted feature windows – double glazed;
· Doors: painted feature doors – double glazed;
4.8 The applicant has applied to East Herts District Council for the demolition of the existing building (footprint of 83m2) and the removal of some landscape features.
5 Consultations
5.1 East Herts District Council does not object to the proposal
5.2 Hertfordshire County Council as a Highway Authority does not object to the proposal, subject to the following conditions;
Condition 1
Within six months of the building being occupied a School Travel Plan shall be prepared to current Hertfordshire County Council’s criteria and implemented in full throughout the life of the school.
Reason: To assist in achieving greater use of sustainable transports modes, with less reliance on the private car, in line with national government policies and County Council’s sustainable transport policies.
Condition 2
Before the development is brought into use the additional 8 parking spaces shown on drawing no. 1944-010-A-DRW-A-00-102-PLA3 shall be provided.
Reason: To minimise the likelihood of congestion on local roads caused by on-street parking.
5.3 Environment Agency does not have any objection to the proposal.
5.4 Sport England does not have any objection to the proposal.
5.5 Stanstead Abbots Parish Council objects to the proposal on the following grounds:
· loss of car parking spaces;
· the parking provided would be for the staff and not for the parents;
· traffic congestion and illegal parking along Roydon Road;
· loss of hard play areas;
· the location and design of the proposed shed would have an overshadow impact upon the Parish Hall rear garden.
5.6 Stanstead Abbotts Parish Hall Management Committee objects to the proposal on the following grounds:
· the proposed shed would have an overshadow impact upon the Parish Hall rear garden;
· the refurbishment of the Parish Hall building could meet the proposed requirements for the pre-school and therefore there is not a need for the proposed building;
· there would be a reduction in parking spaces for the Parish Council. The Parish Hall users understand that they have the right to park at the main school car park;
· the application might be invalid because there is an ownership problem; the submitted red line is not in accordance with the ownership land.
5.7 A total of 56 properties were consulted on the application and one letter in favour of the application was received.
5.8 Two site notices were erected on 19 January 2010 on the two main vehicular accesses at Roysdon Road and Mill Race. An advert was published on the Herts Mercury on 22 January 2010.
6 Planning considerations
6.1 The relevant development plan policies are:
East Herts Local Plan Second Review, adopted April 2007
SD2 Settlement hierarchy
TR7 Car parking – standards
TR13 Cycling – facilities provision (non-residential)
TR16 Powered two-wheelers
TR17 Traffic calming
ENV1 Design and Environmental Quality
ENV2 Landscaping
ENV3 Planning out crime-new development
ENV4 Access for disabled people
ENV10 Planting new trees
ENV11 Protection of existing hedgerows and trees
BH1 Archaeology & new development
BH2 Archaeological evaluations and assessments
BH3 Archaeological conditions and agreements
BH4 Demolition in conservation areas
BH5 Extensions and alterations to unlisted buildings in conservation areas
BH6 New developments in conservation areas
LRC9 Public rights of way
6.2 The principal issues to be taken into account in determining this application are:
· need;
· The location of the proposal;
· design;
· car parking and traffic congestion;
· trees and hedges;
· impact on residential amenity.
6.3 Currently, there is pre-school provision at St Andrews School and at St Andrews Parish Hall (adjacent to the school), but these services at present are not free of charge.
6.4 Hertfordshire County Council has secured capital funding to provide extensions to the15 hour free education offer for children aged 3 & 4 years. Data from the East Hertfordshire District Council’s Children and Young People’s play strategy 2007-2012 (published July 2007) shows that Stanstead Abbotts is in the top five wards with highest levels of unemployment. In accordance with the criteria set by Department for Children, Schools and Familes, the County Council has identified that provision should be made at the St. Andrew’s School, Stanstead Abbotts.
6.5 There are two other primary schools within the area. St. John the Baptist CoE Primary School is located in the village of Amwell, and its location for a pre-school would conflict with policy SD2 (Settlement hierarchy) as it is not a specified settlement for development. The other school is Amwell View Primary School located at Stanstead Abbots. This school teaches children’s with severe learning difficulties and it is considered that it would not be beneficial to locate the pre-school on its grounds.
6.6 The proposed development is located within the Conservation Area of Stanstead Abbotts. In line with of the East Herts Local Plan, policy SD2, development can be directed towards villages such as Stanstead Abbots.
6.7 The preferred location was at St.Andrew’s CoE Primary School. The siting within the school grounds enables provision and a service in an ideal location alongside school activities. Children using this facility would receive beneficial early years’ provision, that would help the children to adapt and integrate to their future educational life.
6.8 Therefore the location of the proposal within St. Andrews School is considered acceptable. It is considered that there is a need for the proposal.
6.9 The proposed extension to the west of the existing pre-school building would be single storey pitched building. The proposed building would have the main access facing Roydon Road. This access would have an accessible ramp to facilitate access for disabled people and parents with prams.
6.10 The proposed layout would not adversely impact upon public and private space. Most of the play areas for the children would be facing north, not allowing over-looking and facilitating the mobility of the children on the main school grounds. The only proposed children’s play area is adjacent to the main entrance, which would be also a parent waiting area. This space would act as a buffer between the school buildings and the parking area, increasing security.
6.11 The height and appearance of the extension would be similar to the surrounding buildings, as required on a building within the Conservation Area. It is considered that it would not be intrusive in scale to nearby residential properties respecting the character and appearance of the area. The nearest property is located around 11 metres south from the proposed extension.
6.12 A lobby is also proposed between the existing school building and the proposed extension which would have a footprint of around 14.4m2. The lobby would have a flat roof and its height (3.3m2) would not adversely impact on the existing pre-school building.
6.13 The proposed extension and lobby would be of a similar design and style and would use matching materials to the existing pre-school building (dated around 1900s).
6.14 The design and style would be similar to other buildings of the area. A ridgelight is also proposed to maximise the use of sunlight in the proposed extension. In addition windows facing south, west and north are also proposed with this aim.
6.15 In summary the design of the proposal would comply with the East Herts District Local Plan, Adopted April 2007; Policy ENV1 (Design and Environmental Quality); Policy ENV3 (Planning out crime-new development)); Policy ENV4 (Access for disabled people); Policy BH5 (Extensions and alterations to unlisted buildings in Conservation Areas) and BH6 (New developments in Conservation Areas).
6.16 Permission has been sought from East Herts District for the demolition of a single storey flat roof building located where the new extension is proposed because the site is sited within the Conservation Area of Stanstead Abbotts. Policy BH4 (Demolition in Conservation Areas) of the East Herts Local Plan states that development would be permitted if ‘(a) the structure to be demolished makes no positive contribution to the character, appearance or setting of a Conservation area and the proposed replacement use or structure preserves or enhances the Conservation Area; and (b) where appropriate, detailed proposals for the site’s use or redevelopment have been granted planning permission’. The planning application for the demolition of the buildings has not been determined by East Herts District Council (the date for determination is 25 February 2010).However the district has not objected to the proposal.