Intel® Teach Program
Essentials Course
Unit Plan Template
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Unit AuthorFirst and Last Name / Kim Higgins
School District
School Name
School City, State
Unit Overview
Unit Title
Seeing and Reviewing a Broadway Show
Unit Summary
In groups, students will plan a trip to New York City to see a Broadway musical. They will have a budget to stick to, and will plan for one night at a hotel, travel, and tickets to the show. After researching the show and “returning” home, they will write a critique of that show.
Subject Area
Music, Theater, ELA, and Math
Grade Level
Approximate Time Needed
5- 40 minute class periods
Unit Foundation
Targeted Content Standards and Benchmarks
2. Students will know the basic tools, media, and techniques involved in theatrical production. Students will locate and use school, community, and professional resources for theatre experiences. Students will understand the job opportunities available in all aspects of theatre.
3. Students will reflect on, interpret, and evaluate plays and theatrical performances, both live and recorded, using the language of dramatic criticism. Students will analyze the meaning and role of theatre in society. Students will identify ways in which drama/ theatre connects to film and video, other arts, and other disciplines.
Students will demonstrate the capacity to listen to and comment on music. They will relate their critical assertions about music to its aesthetic, structural, acoustic, and psychological qualities. Students will use concepts based on the structure of music's content and context to relate music to other broad areas of knowledge. They will use concepts from other disciplines to enhance their understanding of music.
Speaking and Writing
2. Speaking and writing for critical analysis and evaluation requires presenting opinions and judgments on experience, ideas, information and issues.
Student Objectives/Learning Outcomes
Students will be able to critically review a Broadway Musical by writing a critique of a performance
Students will be able to plan and budget for a trip to New York City to see a Broadway Show
Students will be able to read a variety of maps to navigate around New York City
Curriculum-Framing Questions
Essential Question / How does exposure to the Arts change a person’s views on society?
Unit Questions / What knowledge is necessary for your opinion to matter?
Is planning important?
Content Questions / How much knowledge do you need in order to write a valid critique of a performance?
How can a budget affect planning a trip?
What makes a theater production worth seeing?
Assessment Plan
Assessment Timeline
Before project work begins / Students work on projects and complete tasks / After project work is completed
Brainstorm / Collaboration and project checklist / Group conferences / Rubric / Reflection
· Brainstorm the things you need in order to plan a trip
· Brainstorm as to what knowledge you need to make a critique valid / · Collaboration and project checklists for groups to fill out( could be a log or journal prompts) / · Periodic group conferences with the teacher with the teacher using anecdotal notes / · Collaboration and project rubrics / · Journal prompt
Assessment Summary
I plan on using a variety of assessments within the project. I want students to be able to self-monitor their progress in the project and the collaborative effort of themselves and their peers.
Unit Details
Prerequisite Skills
Basic knowledge of travel, basic math, basic theater knowledge( this project will be done after that theater knowledge is directly taught)
Instructional Procedures
Students will learn basic theater background info including:
Brief history of American Musical Theater
How music is used in a theatrical production(purpose of songs)
Stage directions
Parts of a stage
Theater jobs
Video conference with a theater professional on Broadway (?)
Before the project:
Brief lesson on planning a trip
Map reading
Budgeting tool(excel)
Accommodations for Differentiated Instruction
Special Needs Students / I will have students that will be grouped accordingly. Some will have paraprofessionals. Some will have to have assignments and products modified per their individual educational plans
Nonnative Speakers / I have no nonnative speakers in my class
Gifted/Talented Students / Gifted students can have a variety of opportunities past the initial project. They can write their critique from a certain perspective like lighting or sound. They can explore further job opportunities in the theater world. They can try to budget their trip with a lower budget.
Materials and Resources Required For Unit
Technology – Hardware (Click boxes of all equipment needed)
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Intel® Teach Program
Essentials Course
Digital Camera
DVD Player
Internet Connection / Laser Disk
Projection System
Television / VCR
Video Camera
Video Conferencing Equip.
Technology – Software (Click boxes of all software needed.)
Desktop Publishing
E-mail Software
Encyclopedia on CD-ROM / Image Processing
Internet Web Browser
Multimedia / Web Page Development
Word Processing
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Intel® Teach Program
Essentials Course
Printed Materials / Prepared unit on theaterSupplies / Graphic organizers and other worksheets
Internet Resources /,,,
Other Resources / Video conference, computers signed out
Programs of the Intel® Education Initiative are funded by the Intel Foundation and Intel Corporation.
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