David Gourion

M.D, Ph.D

Phenotype-Genotype strategies in Schizophrenia

Candidate genes involved in early brain development


International publications

  1. Bah J, Quach H, Ebstein RP, Segman RH, Melke J, Jamain S, Rietschel M, Modai I, Kanas K, Karni O, Lerer B, Gourion D, Krebs MO, Etain B, Schurhoff F, Szoke A, Leboyer M, Bourgeron T. Maternal transmission disequilibrium of the glutamate receptor GRIK2 in schizophrenia. Neuroreport. 2004, 26;15(12):1987-1991.
  1. Gourion D, Leroy S, Bourdel MC, Goldberger C, Poirier MF, Olie JP, Krebs MO. Cerebellum development and schizophrenia: an association study of the human homeogene Engrailed 2. Psychiatry Research. 2004; 30;126(2):93-8.
  1. Gourion D, Goldberger C, Bourdel MC, Jean Bayle F, Loo H, Krebs MO. Minor physical anomalies in patients with schizophrenia and their parents: prevalence and pattern of craniofacial abnormalities. Psychiatry Research. 2004; 30;125(1):21-8.
  1. Gourion D, Goldberger C, Olie JP, Loo H, Krebs MO. Neurological and morphological anomalies and the genetic liability to schizophrenia: a composite phenotype. Schizophrenia Research. 2004, 1;67(1):23-31.
  1. Gourion D, Pelissolo A, Orain-Pelissolo S, Lepine JP. Neonatal tuberculous meningitis in a patient with Asperger's syndrome. Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders. 2003;33(5):559-60.
  1. Gourion D, Goldberger C, Bourdel MC, Bayle FJ, Millet B, Olie JP, Krebs MO. Neurological soft-signs and minor physical anomalies in schizophrenia: differential transmission within families. Schizophrenia Research. 2003,1;63(1-2):181-7.
  1. Gourion D, Pelissolo A, Lepine JP. Test-retest reliability of the Temperament and Character Inventory in patients with opiate dependence. Psychiatry Research. 2003; 1;118(1):81-8.
  1. Bayle FJ, Leroy S, Gourion D, Millet B, Olie JP, Poirier MF, Krebs MO. 5HTTLPR polymorphism in schizophrenic patients: further support for association with violent suicide attempts. American Journal of Medical Genetics. 2003, 15;119B(1):13-7.
  1. Pelissolo A, Gourion D, Notides C, Bouvard M, Lepine JP, Mouren-Simeoni MC. Familial factors influencing the consumption of anxiolytics and hypnotics by children and adolescents. European Psychiatry. 2001;16(1):11-7.


  1. D Gourion, C Goldberger, S Leroy, MC Bourdel, JP Olié, MF Poirier, MO Krebs. Age at onset in schizophrenia : evidence for an interaction between Brain Derived Neurotrophic Factor and Dopamine Receptor D3 gene variants.
  1. Céline Goldberger, David Gourion , Sophie Leroy, Céline Hoareau, Marie-Chantal Bourdel , Marie-Odile Krebs. Reelin gene polymorphism and response to antipsychotic drugs in schizophrenia.

National publications (in french)

  1. Gourion D, Perrin E, Quintin P. [Fluoxetine: an update of its use in major depressive disorder in adults] in french. Encephale. 2004;30(4):392-9.
  1. Gourion D, Gourevitch R, Leprovost JB, Olie H loo JP, Krebs MO. L’hypothèse neurodéveloppementale de la schizophrénie. Encephale. 2004;30(2):109-18.
  1. Gourion D, Guillin O, Olie JP. Agitation aiguë et délire. Revue du Praticien. 2003 ;15;53(6):683-92.
  1. Vetel JM, Pellerin J, Perrin E, Gourion D, Goldberger C, Hugonot L. Construction et validation d’un questionnaire de dépistage de la dépression (DEP-GER) chez les patients de 75 ans et plus. La Revue de Gériatrie, 2003, 28, 7, 559-566.
  1. Gourion D, Viot G, Goldberger C, Cartier M, Bourdel MC, Poirier MF, Olie JP, Loo H, Krebs MO. Validation d’une échelle de signes morphologiques. Encephale. 2001;27(2):143-7.
  1. Gourion. Les traitements médicamenteux des troubles anxieux. Annales Médico-psychologiques, 2003 :161, 3, 255-259.
  1. Gourion, Spadone. Utilisation des antipsychotiques à doses élevées. L'Évolution Psychiatrique, 2002 : 67, 1, 184-198.


  1. D. Gourion and M. O. Krebs, The neurodevelopmental hypothesis in schizophrenia: Defining a composite phenotype, Schizophrenia Research, Volume 60, Issue 1, Supplement 1, 15 March 2003, Pages 81-82.
  1. E. Perrin , J. Dalery , M. Faruch , S. Ammar , P. Quintin , D. Gourion , R. Jouvent and S. Dubal, P.1.129 A double blind, randomized, multicentric pilot study comparing differential effects on cognitive functioning in agitated-impulsive depression with two SSRIs, European Neuropsychopharmacology, Volume 13, Supplement 4, October 2003, Pages S228-S229.
  1. M. E. Krebs, Y. Pouget, I. Amado, D. Gourion, C. Goldberger, J. P. Olie and M. C. Bourdel, Clinical correlates of neurological soft signs in schizophrenia: A multiple regression analysis, Schizophrenia Research, Volume 60, Issue 1, Supplement 1, 15 March 2003, Page 83.
  1. Gourion, Goldberger, Gourevitch, Lôo, Olié, Krebs. Trouble bipolaire et schizophrénie : une perspective développementale commune ? Congrès de l’Encéphale, Paris, Janvier 2003.
  1. Pelissolo, D. Gourion, A. -M. Pezous and J. -P. Lepine, The temperament and character inventory (TCI) in patients with substance use disorders: Comparative study with community subjects, European Neuropsychopharmacology, Volume 8, Supplement 2, November 1998, Page S288.


  1. Chapter “Schizophrenia and violence: A common developmental background ?” in “Crime and Schizophrenia” directed by Pr A. Raine. California. In Press.
  1. Les troubles schizophréniques. D. Gourion, A. Gut. Ed Ellipses. Paris . 2004. 154 pp
  1. Thérapeutique du trouble bipolaire : Aspects méthodologiques, In Les maladies dépressives. Jean-Pierre Olié, Marie-France Poirier et Henri Lôo Flammarion - Médecine-Sciences – 2003. 637 pages. 2003.
  1. Les troubles dépressifs chez l’enfant.Etat des connaissances cliniques, épidémiologiques et thérapeutiques. V Vantalon, D Gourion, MC Mouren-Simeoni. Doin, 1999. 86 pages. 1999.


XIIth World Congress of Psychiatric Genetics 2004

9th - 13th October 2004, Dublin, Ireland

Symposium: Developmental biology and molecular genetics of craniofacial

dysmorphogenesis in psychosis.

Chair: John Waddington, Department of Clinical Pharmacology, Royal College of Surgeons, Dublin Ireland.



  • From Sept 04-currently: Chronicle on mental health in a national TV channel (France 5; Le Journal de la Santé).

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