Rosemont Ridge Middle School

Wellness Program 2016-2017

Dear Parents and Students,

Welcome to wellness. Mr. Poulivaati and Mrs. McKern are looking forward to a great school year! Our wellness philosophy is to introduce students to a wide variety of sports, health topics and recreational activities. We believe that this will help students develop an appreciation for movement, varying skill levels, team sports and making healthy choices. We also look forward to increasing student knowledge in the areas of character, teamwork and sportsmanship. Our number one goal is to develop positive attitudes towards a lifetime commitment to wellness.

Sixth grade wellness classes will meet four days a week, with a double period during the related arts block day, for one semester.We will integrate health and wellness topics into our physical education curriculum and activities. Class units will include team handball, badminton, bowling, pedometer fitness and ultimate frisbee. In addition, students will participate in various fitness and choice activities.

Our health units include substance abuse (with an emphasis on tobacco and over the counter drugs), nutrition, physical fitness, and personal wellness (a balance of physical, mental, and emotional health). We will utilize materials from our textbook, Teen Health (Glencoe 2003), Health EdCo resources, current events articles, and guest speakers. Karen Pyeatt, our school district nurse, will offer a puberty presentation for our students.

It is our goal to give students the most appropriate current information possible, given their developmental needs, in order to make healthy choices. Your input is valuable in helping students make positive life-long habits and decisions. We encourage parents be active in their children’s health education with discussions at home. If you wish toexclude your child from a specific area of study, please contact one of us or our principal, Mrs. Briggs-Crispin, or sign and return the form below. We will meet with you and take the necessary steps for exclusion.

We are also looking for parents and community members to share their expertise/experiences with us. If you would like to be a guest speaker, please contact your child’s wellness teacher. We welcome any other questions or comments, and thank you in advance for reading both sides of this letter.

Mr. Poulivaati and Mrs. McKern

RRMS Wellness Teachers



_____I do not wish any exclusion from the wellness curriculum.

_____I would like to exclude my child from the ______unit. I’ll contact the school to set up an alternate area of health-related study. I understand my child will be in class until this occurs.

Student Name______Parent/Guardian______

2016-2017 Wellness Assessment

Wellness assessment encompasses three main areas; daily habits, class units and health assignments/projects.

Daily Habits (5 points can be earned/lost each day)

Dressing Down =2 points: I can come to class prepared, wearing my wellness uniform, daily.*

Staying on Task = 1 point: I can demonstrate consistent effort towards skill attainment.

Cooperative = 1 point: I can demonstrate responsible personal and social behavior.

Fitness = 1 point: I can demonstrate skills to improve my physical fitness.

*Wellness Uniform = Rosemont Wellness shirt, athletic shorts or pants and athletic shoes.

Class Units/Sport Education/Learning Targets

Our wellness program utilizes the Sport Education teaching model. Sport Education units are designed to be age appropriate and utilize the positive aspects of team that create confident, competent and physically active students. We have designed units to create a learning environment that allows students of all physical levels to gain confidence, knowledge and social appreciation that are directly linked to sports experiences. Our learning targets will focus on techniques, tactics and teamwork. Below is our fair play code of conduct that students will be expected to follow during Wellness class.

CODE OF CONDUCT / We agree to:
Respect our teammates, classmates and teachers.
Practice and work our hardest to be a good team player.
Have a positive attitude and encourage others.
Perform duties responsibly.
Work at achieving our personal best.
Play fairly at all times by knowing class and game rules.
Play with good sportspersonship.


6th grade health assignments will be graded on accuracy and completion, and these points will be added to students’ overall wellness grades.

Grading 100-90% = A, 89-80% = B, 79-70% = C, 69-0% = NYM (Not Yet Met)

Students will be able to access their grades online. Mr. Poulivaati and Mrs. McKern’s goal is to update grades every two weeks.

Cell Phone Etiquette

Wellness class is a phone-free zone. We do NOT allow phones in class. We will notify students if we plan to complete an assignment that involves the academic use of cell phones.


Absences do affect students’ grades, but can be made up using the PE homework form (one absence = 30 minutes of physical activity +5 points). This form is due at the end of each quarter. Injuries do require a parent and/or doctor note.

******PARENTS and STUDENTS, please remember to sign this last part*******

I want to earn a(n)_____grade in wellness class.
