La Mesa Junior High School

"Where Every Day Is A Great Day For Learning!"

26623 May Way, Santa Clarita, California 91351

(661) 250-0022 Fax (661) 252-3326

Mrs. Michele Krantz, Principal


B – 8:45 – 9:40

C – 9:45 – 10:33

Brunch 10:33 – 10:48

D – 10:53 – 11:41

E – 11:46 – 12:34

Lunch 12:34 – 1:24

Announcement (Drill) begins at 1:09

F – 1:29 – 2:17

A – 2:22 – 3:10

Tuesday, September 6, 2016


Hey Lobos, the first school dance is finally here! Next Friday, September 16th is the “Jocks and Nerds Dance.” The ticket price is $5, and the food and drinks areincluded in the ticket. Bring some extra cash, because treatsare available for purchase. There will be a DJ and a game truck. The dance will be in the gym from 3:30 to 5:00.Tickets are on sale beginning today at the ASB window. You must have your ID card to purchase one.

Attendance Awareness Month

If you miss school, you miss out!! September is Attendance Awareness Month. Every week during the month of September, students with perfect attendance have a chance to win prizes. Come to school on time every day and don’t miss out.

Dude, Be Nice Club

Students, the Dude Be Nice Club is going to be doing a lot of reaching out to different agencies. We would like to put the word out that at any time this year, we would be very happy to accept donations of any the following items:

Socks , Canned fruit, Canned tomatoes, Canned meat, Baby wipes, Shampoo, Toothpaste, Dog or Cat food. Thanks to all!

Graphic Novel Club

The Graphic Novel Club meets today at lunch in room 161. See you then!

Today in History

September 6, 1901 – The 25th president of the United States, William McKinley, was assassinated in Buffalo, New York. Today is also the birthdate of New Jersey governor, Chris Christie. He is 54 years old.

Word of the Day

primarily (adv.) – first and foremost, or for the most part; chiefly

Jane Goodall has worked with chimpanzees for over 38 years, primarily in Tanzania, Africa.

What You Should Know

Today is “National Read a Book Day.” On Read a Book Day, it’s not compulsory to read a whole book but the day serves as inspiration to people to read a section of a book they particularly enjoyed, to read with children, to donate a book to a children’s school library, or to host a book reading party.