Alanazi’s C.V, last update Jan, 2011

Amer M. Alanazi, Ph.D


Pharmaceutical Chemistry Department

College of Pharmacy, room # 2A 134

King Saud University

Riyadh, Saudi Arabia

Office: 01-467-7343




2005-2010 Doctoral degree, Pharmaceutical and

Biomedical Sciences Department, School of

Pharmacy, University of Georgia, Athens, GA, U.S.A

1997-2003 Bachelor degree in Pharmaceutical Sciences,

College of Pharmacy, King Saud University,

Riyadh, Saudi Arabia

Professional Training and Employment:

2011-present Assistant Professor, Pharmaceutical Chemistry Department, College

of Pharmacy, King Saud University, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia

July-Dec 2010 Research Assistance, Pharmaceutical and Biomedical Science

Department, School of Pharmacy, University of Georgia, Athens, GA,


2003-2004 Teaching Assistant, Pharmaceutical Chemistry Department, College of

Pharmacy, King Saud University, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia

2002-2003 Pharmaceutical Training, King Faisal Specialist Hospital And Research

Centre, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia

Research experiences:

  • PCR cloning, primers design and plasmid gene construct for protein expression
  • In-vitro protein induction and expression
  • Experience in cell culture and bioassays
  • Protein purification using HPLC ÅKTATM purifier system
  • Experience in pharmaceutical analysis techniques include: HPLC, UV-Vis spectroscopy, CD and Trep-fluorescence
  • Experience in many molecular biology techniques: EMSA, ELISA, SDS, native PAGE and DNA agarose gels
  • Experience in crystallization of protein and protein-DNA complexes using different crystal growth methods
  • Protein and protein-DNA complex molecular modeling using the modeling software COOT
  • Experience in running multiple computer platforms (Windows, Macintosh, Linux) and X-ray crystallographic data collection and processing applications (HKL denzo 2000, CCP4 suite)

Teaching Experience:

PHT 252 Graduate teaching assistance, Pharmaceutical OrganicChemistry, College of

Pharmacy, King Saud University, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia

Professional Affiliations:

2009-present American Crystallographic Association(ACA)

2006-present American Association of Pharmaceutical Scientists (AAPS)

2003-present Saudi Pharmaceutical Society(SPS)

Honors and Awards:

04/2010 Initiation as a member of Rho Chi Honorary Society of Pharmacy

(Alpha Kappa Chapter at the University of Georgia)

2003-2010 Scholarship award from the ministry of higher

education (king Saud University) to study aboard and

pursue doctoral degree in pharmaceutical sciences

2003 Second honor class of Bachelor degree in Pharmaceutical Sciences,

College of Pharmacy, King Saud University, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia (GPA 4.39 out of 5.00)


2003 Organizing committee at the6th International Saudi Pharmacy Conference:

Pharmacy Profession towards Patient Care, Saudi Pharmaceutical Society,

Riyadh, Saudi Arabia

Workshops and short courses:

04/2010 Protein Structure Initiative (PSI) andNational Institute of General Medical Sciences

(NIGMS) workshop: enabling technologies in protein structure and function, NIH,

Bethesda, MD, U.S.A

04/2010 Advanced Hazardous Materials (HAZMAT) Life Support course (AHLS),

Hosking’s Biomedical Research Centre, Savannah, GA, U.S.A

04/2009 Crystal diffraction data set collection workshop at the Advance Photon Source

(APS), Argonne National Laboratory, Lemont, IL, U.S.A

06/2006 American Crystallographic Association course in macromolecular crystallography,

Illinois Institute of Technology, Chicago, IL, U.S.A

10/2003 Scholars orientation course, Imam Muhammad ibn Saud Islamic University,

Riyadh, Saudi Arabia

06-07/2000 English language and computer sciences workshop, Riyadh Technology College,

Riyadh, Saudi Arabia

1994-1995 Car Mechanic and traffic laws competition, Moto-Bike League, Scientific Club,


Symposia attended:

07/2010 The annual American Crystallographic Association conference, Chicago, IL, U.S.A

06/2010 Graduate Students and Postdocs in Science (GSPS) 2nd annual scientific research

day, Athens, GA, U.S.A

06/2010 The 30th meeting of the Graduate Research Association of Students in Pharmacy

(GRASP 2010), Raleigh, NC, U.S.A

11/2009 The University of Georgia (UGA) conference on drug discovery, Centre for Drug

Discovery (CDD), Athens, GA, U.S.A

10/2009 The 67th Annual Pittsburgh Diffraction Society Conference, Athens, GA, U.S.A

10/2008 The Second International Interdisciplinary Conference on Vitamins, Coenzymes,

and Biofactors, Athens, GA, U.S.A

04/2008 The Challenges of Antibacterial Drug Development Conference, integrating

chemistry and biology: Resistance is Futile, San Diego, CA, U.S.A

03/2008 Georgia Graduate Student Interdisciplinary Conference (GGSIC), sponsored by

the Graduate Student Association (GSA), Athens, GA, U.S.A

04/2007 Inaugural University of Georgia (UGA) conference on drug discovery,Centre for

Drug Discovery (CDD), Athens, GA, U.S.A

10/2003 The 6th International Saudi Pharmacy Conference: Pharmacy Profession towards

Patient Care, Saudi Pharmaceutical Society, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia

10/1999 The 5th International Saudi Pharmacy Conference: Pharmacy Profession in the 21st Century, Saudi Pharmaceutical Society, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia

Peer-reviewed publications:

1. Amer M. Alanazi, Ellen Neidle and Cory Momany, Common promoter elements used by lysr-type transcriptional regulators are evident from the structures of BenM DNA binding domain with its DNA-operator-promoter complexes, Pros. Nati, Acad. Scie. (in press 2/2011)

2. Amer M. Alanazi, Samia Ansari and Cory Momany, A minimalistic crystallization screen for macromolecular-DNA complexes, Acta. Crystallographica (crystal communications) section F. (submitted)

3. Amer M. Alanazi, Ellen Neidle and Cory Momany, Ternary complex of Ben-DNA binding domain with its DNA promoter and RNA polymerase alpha CTD subunit reveals the transcriptional regulation mechanism of lysr-type transcriptional regulators, Cell. ( submitted )

4. Amer M. Alanazi, Ellen Neidle and Cory Momany, crystal packing of the lysR-type transcriptional regulator BenM DBD with its operator-promoter site catb generated a unique three dimensional crystal lattice, Acta. Crystallographica (crystal communications) section F. (in press 10/2010)

Peer-reviewed abstracts:

1. Amer Alanazi, Samia Ansari, Ajchareeya Ruangprasert, Anne Summers, Ellen Neidle,

and Cory Momany, A Minimalistic Crystallization Screen For Bio-Macromolecular-

DNA Complexes. Presented at the Graduate Students and Postdocs in Science (GSPS)

2nd annual scientific research day, Athens, GA, U.S.A (06/2010).

2. Amer Alanazi, Ellen Neidle and Cory Momany, Structures of BenM DNA-

binding domain with its DNA promoter sites explain the common elements of

promoter recognition used by prokaryotic lysr-type transcriptional regulators.

Presented at the Protein Structure Initiative (PSI) and National Institute of

General Medical Sciences (NIGMS) workshop, NIH, Bethesda, MD, U.S.A

(04/2010),the 67th Annual Pittsburgh Diffraction Society Conference, Athens,

GA, U.S.A (10/2009) and the annual American Crystallographic Association

Conference, Chicago, IL, U.S.A (07/2010 .

3. Amer Alanazi, Ellen Neidle and Cory Momany, Structural characterization

of the LysR-Type Transcriptional Regulator BenM DNA binding domain with its

DNA promoters as a model of developing novel antibiotics. Presented at the 2009

University of Georgia (UGA) conference on drug discovery, Centre for Drug

Discovery (CDD), Athens, GA, U.S.A (11/2009) and at thethe 30th meeting of the

Graduate Research Association of Students in Pharmacy (GRASP), Raleigh, NC,

U.S.A (06/2010).

4. Amer Alanazi, Ellen Neidle and Cory Momany, Crystal Structure

Characterization Of BenM And CatM DNA-Binding Domains Can Provide

Insights On Understanding The Transcriptional Regulation Mechanism Of LysR-

Type Transcriptional Regulators”. Presented at the challenges of antibacterial

drug development conference, San Diego, CA, U.S.A (04/2008).

5. Amer Alanazi, Ellen Neidle and Cory Momany, Expression, Purification And

Structural Characterization Of The DNA Binding Domains Of Two Distinct LysR-

Type Transcriptional Regulators, BenM And CatM. Presented at the Inaugural

UGA conference on drug discovery, CDD, Athens, GA, U.S.A (04/2007) and at the

Georgia Graduate Student Interdisciplinary Conference (GGSIC), sponsored by

the Graduate Student Association (GSA), Athens, GA, U.S.A (03/2008).