10th Equality, Diversity and Inclusion International Conference
28th -30th of June, 2017, Brunel University / London, UK
Conference Theme:
Stream proposal:
To be underway
Conditions constitute Chances and Borders of Diversity Learning
The renaissance of Borders as a dominant topic in recent ‘Western’ political developments seems to be part of the borderline of performed exclusion.With respect to current political situations, we would like to discuss affords of learning at the levels of individual and organizational processes. This stream emphasizes theoretical approaches and their practical application for an integrative learning process that considersculture as well.
Conditions of diversity learning are incorporated in organizational practice, field and culture. Organization is the space for professional and personal experiences and as such offers learning frames and conditions to cope and value diversity. Within this space, persons form and evaluate their construction of reality. Contained in organization, people use culture and structure (of their organization) to deal with differences and unity/privileges and discrimination/ sameness and otherness. On the subject level this occurs as practical knowledge. It is incorporated in latent wisdom but also present in legitimatory talks. On the collective level, it sets norms and codes as matter of course.
Working in participative structures and processes enables scope of action, which leads to forms of self-esteem, self-mastery and self-efficacy and might be responsible for the disposition to join democratic procedures. To experience diversity on the job and in the context of organization gets an important function for socialization of power, fairness, justice etc. It includes the socialization of society's members to a culture of supporting or scrutinizing existing social structures and conditions. Perceiving heterogeneity either marked as demographic (gender, age, sexual orientation, race, ethical or religious orientation) or functional (inter-divisional, cognitive, interdisciplinary) diversity could be a valuable irritation to support social learning (Schäffter 1991). We assume that this experience in the workplace might cause something in between the displeasure of shaking normalcy but also stimulates learning of the unexpected, new, exiting. We are interested in conditions of rejecting or preferring irritating chances of learning.
Undergoing devaluation or receiving privileges might have consequences for democratic motivation, interests and intentions on the level of the organizationand as part of society. Diversity learning in this perspective must enable border crossing in the interdependence of micro-meso-macro levels. Exclusion and discrimination occurs very seldom at the conscious level of intentional action, but is perceived through blind spots or gaps between intention and validation. This is also the case in the organisational context.
In this stream, we would like to discuss how interaction, structure and process promote or restrict personal and organizational learning as chance to reflect system inherent discrimination and privileging.We invite papers, whichstimulate, expose or provide examples of, and are related to perspectives of practical experiences and research by relating the following central issues:
- How can inclusive learning conditions and cultures be described or conceptualized?
- What are transformative qualities of diversity learning which will overcome the slotty draw and open marked borders of individualized and institutionalized learning?
- How can diversity learning focus on border crossing work?
- What are challenges of multilevel-learning in theoretical and practical dimension?
Dr. Iris Koall
Center for Continuing Studies
University of Wuppertal
Lise-Meitner-Str. 13 / W-tec
42119 Wuppertal
Tel.: +49 (0202) 31713 – 269
Sekr.: +49 (0202) 31713 – 267
Mobil: +49 (0173) 8136435
/ Verena Bruchhagen
Technische Universität Dortmund/
TU Dortmund University
DiVersion: Managing Gender & Diversity
Department of Educational Science/Sociology
Emil-Figge-Str. 50
44221 Dortmund
Prof. Dr. Brigitte Halbfas
University of Kassel
Entrepreneurship Education
Heinrich-Plett-Str. 40
34132 Kassel / Prof. Dr. Ilona Ebbers
European University of Flensburg
International Institute for ManagementDidaktics
Munketoft 3b
24937 Flensburg
Tel: +49 (0) 461 / 805 - 2034
Florian, Michael; Fley, Bettina (2004): Organisationales Lernen als soziale Praxis. Der Beitrag von Pierre Bourdieu zu Lernen und Wissen von und in Organisationen. In: Florian, Michael; Hillebrandt, Frank (Hg.) (2004): Adaption und Lernen in und von Organisationen. Beiträge aus der Sozionik. Wiesbaden: VS, S. 69-100.
Mezirow, Jack (1990): "How Critical Reflection Triggers Transformative Learning." In: Mezirow, Jack: "Fostering critical reflection in adulthood. A guide to transformative and emancipatory learning." Jossey-Bass Publishers, San Francisco
Schäffter, Ortfried (1997): Das Eigene und das Fremde. Lernen zwischen Erfahrungswelten. Aufsätze zu einer Theorie der Fremderfahrung. In: Studien zur Wirtschafts- und Erwachsenenpädagogik aus der Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, Bd. 11, Berlin (Humboldt Universität zu Berlin).
Schäffter, Ortfried (2001):Weiterbildung in der Transformationsgesellschaft.Zur Grundlegung einer Theorie der Institutionalisierung. In: Arnold, R. (Hrsg.): Grundlagen der Berufs- und Erwachsenenbildung, Bd. 25, Baltmannsweiler (Schneider Verlag Hohengehren) (377 S.)
Schäffter, Ortfried (1991): Lernen als Passion. Leidenschaftliche Spannungen zwischen Innen und Außen. In: Heger, R.-J./ Manthey, H.(Hrsg.): Lern-Liebe. Weinheim
Schäffter, Ortfried (1987): Lernen als Ausdruck von Widerstand. In: Ebert, G., u.a.: Subjektorientiertes Lernen und Arbeiten Bd.2. Dtsch. Volkshochschul-Verband, Bonn, S. 67-97