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March 14, 2017 (7:00 p.m.)

The Minutes of the Regular Meeting of the Council of the Town of Carberry held on Tuesday, March 14, 2017 at 7:00 p.m. in the Council Chambers of the Municipal Hall with Mayor Stuart Olmstead and Councillors Barry Anderson, John Anderson, Jaime MacGregor, Lin Mann, and Sandra Jones, CAO, present. Also present: Gloria Mott, Reporter.

1.  Calling Meeting to Order

Res #1 Be It Resolved That the meeting be convened at 7:00 p.m. with Mayor Stuart Olmstead in the Chair.

Moved by: L. Mann Seconded by: J. MacGregor

Carried: X Lost: ___

2.  Adoption of Agenda

Res #2 BE It Resolved That the agenda for the regular meeting of March 14, 2017 be adopted as circulated.

Moved by: J. MacGregor Seconded by: J. Anderson

Carried: X Lost: ___

3.  Adoption of Minutes

Res #3 BE It Resolved That the minutes for the regular meeting of February 14th and the joint meeting of February 27th be adopted as circulated.

Moved by: J. Anderson Seconded by: L. Mann

Carried: X Lost: ___

4.  Planning matters

a)  Subdivision Proposal

Res #4 Be It Resolved That a Zoning amendment be granted rezoning the subject property from “ARR” Agricultural Residential Reserve District to “RHD” Residential High Density District.

THAT any required Variation Orders must be obtained when the surveyor’s condominium plan has been submitted.

THAT an approved Variation Order be obtained to reduce the minimum parcel size from 21,780 square feet to 19,320 square feet and minimum front yard setback from 75 feet to 30 feet to allow for the establishment of a ‘Park, Playground & Tot Lot’ in an RHD – Residential High Density District’ on the residual lot.

THAT a Development Agreement be entered into with the Town of Carberry regarding, but not limited to, such issues as access to water meter location, infrastructure issues etc.

Moved by: J. MacGregor Seconded by: B. Anderson

Carried: X Lost: ___

b)  Rezoning to RC4 request – John McEntee, Planning Officer, discussed lots on the north (“country residential four” area) & south (“agricultural limited” area) sides of Hwy. 351, just west of Carberry. John noted that the south side lots would make more sense being in the RC4 zone, however when they are sold, existing sewage systems will not be compliant and may be required to change to holding tanks or tie into the nearby sewer system. One solution would be rezoning both areas to a Rural Residential 2 area to more accurately reflect what is happening at present in the area with smaller lots and to allow for future intensification of the area in years to come. Council to calculate additional demand that could be placed on the Carberry system.

5.  Finance and Accounts

Res #5 Be It Resolved That the Financial Statement for February 2017 be referred to Council.

Moved by: L. Mann Seconded by: B. Anderson

Carried: X Lost: ___

Res #6 Be It Resolved That the accounts, cheque no.10261 to cheque no. 10299, totaling $315,081.49 and direct deposits be approved for payment.

Moved by: J. MacGregor Seconded by: B. Anderson

Carried: X Lost: ___

6.  By-laws

a)  By law No. 2/2015 re Sewer Rates (should have answer Dec 2017)

7.  Unfinished Business

a)  Resolutions from joint meeting:

Res #7 Be It Resolved That Council hires Alex Broad for the Parks and Recreation Department at a wage of $18.50/hour.

AND FURTHER THAT costs to be shared 50/50 between the Town of Carberry and Municipality of North Cypress-Langford, commencing Feb. 15, 2017.

Moved by: J. Anderson Seconded by: L. Mann

Carried: X Lost: ___

Res #8 Be It Resolved that Keith Loney be appointed as Fire Chief for

The Municipality of North Cypress-Langford and the Town of Carberry for 2017-2019.

Moved by: J. Anderson Seconded by: L. Mann

Carried: X Lost: ___

Res #9 BE It Resolved that Don Menzies be appointed as Deputy Fire Chief for the Municipality of North Cypress-Langford and the Town of Carberry for 2017-2019.

Moved by: B. Anderson Seconded by: J. MacGregor

Carried: X Lost: ___

Res #10 Be It Resolved that Councils increase all hourly paid Joint Employee’s wages 1.5%, unless otherwise stated in their contracts.

Moved by: J. MacGregor Seconded by: B. Anderson

Carried: X Lost: ___

Res #11 BE IT RESOLVED THAT Councils accept the resignation of Kim Reynolds,

Caretaker, effective Mar. 1, 2017, with regrets.

Moved by: J. Anderson Seconded by: L. Mann

Carried: X Lost: ___

Res #12 Be It Resolved that Councils agree to be silver sponsors of the McCain Clear Lake Golf Classic in the amount of $2,000.00;

And Further that the cost be split 50/50 between the Town of Carberry and Municipality of North Cypress-Langford.

Moved by: B. Anderson Seconded by: J. Anderson

Carried: X Lost: ___

Res #13 Be It Resolved that Keith Loney, Weed Supervisor, be authorized

to attend the 2017 MWSA Spring Seminar in Russell, MB from Tues., Apr.4 to Fri., Apr.7, 2017, costs to include $25.00 registration – members, mileage, & hotel rate ($540.08 – single occupancy, incl. meals).

And Further that the cost be split 50/50 between the Town of Carberry and Municipality of North Cypress-Langford.

Moved by: L. Mann Seconded by: J. MacGregor

Carried: X Lost: ___

8.  General Business

a)  Old Town Shop – Tabled to Joint Council meeting

b)  Purchase of Mower

Res #14 Be It Resolved that Council accept the quote from T.I.C. Parts and Service

for the purchase of a 2017 GMD 240 Mower for the sum of $15,537.50

Moved by: J. Anderson Seconded by: B. Anderson

Carried: X Lost: ___

c)  Environmental Act Proposal

Res #15 Be It Resolved that Council authorize Tetra-Tech to prepare an

Environment Act Proposal for a lagoon expansion, at a cost of $32,332.75 plus taxes.

Moved by: L. Mann Seconded by: J. MacGregor

Carried: X Lost: ___

d)  Sustainable Development

Res #16 Be It Resolved that Council authorizes the clean out of our Lagoon,

removal of all the sludge in compliance with the Environmental Act, and Council agrees to

pay the Environment Act Fees for our Class 2 Development at a fee of $7500.

Moved by: J. Anderson Seconded by: L. Mann

Carried: X Lost: ___

e)  Sidewalk by Meyers Meats – Spring project – redo sidewalk (take out coal chutes)

f)  Garbage Levy

Res #17 Be It Resolved that Council set the garbage levy at $170 in 2017.

Moved by: J. MacGregor Seconded by: J. Anderson

Carried: X Lost: ___

g)  Public Works courses April 4, 5, 6th (Mike Sudak/Sam Rutz)

Res #18 Be It Resolved that Council authorize employees Mike Sudak and Sam Rutz to attend the Public Works Courses April 4th, 5th, & 6th at a cost of $763.88 per employee plus mileage/meals & accommodations.

Moved by: J. MacGregor Seconded by: J. Anderson

Carried: X Lost: ___

h)  Appoint Grady Stephenson as Deputy Fire Chief

Res #19 Be It Resolved that Council appoint Grady Stephenson as Deputy Fire Chief.

Moved by: J. Anderson Seconded by: B. Anderson

Carried: X Lost: ___

i)  MWWA Membership – Public Works - members

j)  EMO Update – Brad Wells – Emergency plan addressing long term hydro loss

k)  Letter of apology – Young offender re. incident to Town property in 2016

l)  Fire Report – One call to Carberry (false alarm) to date

m)  Kidsport

Res #20 Be It Resolved that Council give a grant of $300 to Kidsport in 2017.

Moved by: L. Mann Seconded by: J. MacGregor

Carried: X Lost: ___

n)  Communities in Bloom

Res #21 Be It Resolved that Council give a grant of $3,000 to Communities in Bloom for the 2017 year.

Moved by: J. Anderson Seconded by: J. MacGregor

Carried: X Lost: ___

o)  Taxes – Old Bank of Montreal – Tabled to April meeting

p)  Add unpaid accounts to taxes

Res #22 Be it resolved that the following unpaid accounts be added to taxes:

Roll No. 10900 – Apr.13/16 - Scotty Shaw - $50.00 – Dirt Delivery

Roll No. 63200 – May 11/16 – Brennon Meyers - $92.50 – Gravel Delivery

Roll No. 78155 – May 20/16 – Glenda Reynolds - $67.50 – Dirt & Fill Delivery

Moved by: L. Mann Seconded by: J. MacGregor

Carried: X Lost: ___

q)  Update on stretcher service – Provincial standardized fee structure for ambulances

r)  Mission Statement – J. Anderson: Update required

s)  Vision Statement – J. Anderson: Update required

t)  Cell phone Policy – Future expectations for Council

9.  Communications

From Subject

AMM News Bulletin

10.  Added to the Agenda

11.  Around the Table

J. Anderson: Urged Council to take the carbon tax survey (

S. Olmstead: Thanked staff for work on the budget

G. Mott: CPCC concession closed during bowling tournament

12.  Adjournment

Res #23 BE It Resolved That the regular meeting of council now adjourns at 8:52 p.m.

Moved by: J. Anderson Seconded by: L. Mann

Carried: X Lost: ___


Stuart Olmstead Sandra Jones

Mayor CAO