Left Brain/Right Brain Theory




Your brain has two hemispheres. Each hemisphere is responsible for different ways of thinking, e.g. the left for writing, and the right for drawing. Most individuals have a distinct preference for one way of thinking; however some people have no preference at all and rely on using both.

You can be Left Brain Dominant, Middle Brained, or Right Brain Dominant. Our society, and therefore our school system generally favours one side over the other. Can you guess which side it is, based on the list of abilities/preferences below?

LEFT BRAIN – Logical/Analytical RIGHT BRAIN – Holistic/Creative

  • sequential, intellectual, planned
  • holistic, intuitive, spontaneous

  • controls right side of the body
  • controls the left side of the body

  • auditory/visual/verbal learner
  • visual/spatial/kinesthetic learner

  • deals with facts/reality
  • deals with dreams/fantasy/mystical

  • literal
  • metaphorical, symbolic

  • talks in order to think and learn
  • "pictures" things to think and learn

  • analytical, logical
  • creative, responsive, more abstract

  • learns in a "part to whole" fashion
  • learns in a "whole to part" fashion

  • learns by trial and error, are organized, excel at rote memorization, like making the rules
  • excels at mathematics and music, follows written or demonstrated directions

Task: Complete the Left/Right Brain Self-Assessment and record your score below:

Scoring Table
____ event numbers circled = RIGHT BRAIN ABILITY
____ odd numbers circled = LEFT BRAIN ABILITY

Using Aids for Left/Right Brain Learners

Depending upon your preference, the aids found in the handouts can help you understand information more by presenting, using or supporting information in a way that is most in-line with the dominant side of your brain.

On the “left/right brain dominance characteristics” handout highlight/circle/underline as many characteristics as you can find that you have or display. Record four of them below:

LEFT Dominance Characteristics / Right Dominance Characteristics

On the Table below record at least four of the aids from the “Suggested aids for left/right brain learners” handout you feel would be most useful to you in your academic work, in the space provided below:

Strategies for LEFT BRAINStrategies for RIGHT BRAIN