I. Meeting comes to order at 9:14 am
II. Roll Call: All present except Amy and Emily. Ali leaves early at 9:30
III. Approval of minutes: Taylor moves to approve the minutes from October 26th, Bekah seconds.
Board Reports
Move to destroy the old ballots
Ali moves to destroy the ballots. Second. The ballots have been destroyed
Board of directors contract
-Read over and sign. Very serious. You are allowed to miss one conference call or face-to-face meeting. Here to the national convention it is especially important to be present
-Conference calls last about 2 hours
-If you miss 2 calls/meetings, Tracy has to generate a letter to you making you aware you have missed 2 meetings. If it continues you will be asked to step down (this has never happened)
-If you aren’t going to be on a call PLEASE notify Tracy 24 hours in advance- don’t wait until after the meeting
-You have a responsibility both to the board and to the students of Iowa
-Last year we had a conference call in early December to update the board on Midyear convention. Let’s look at doing that again.
-Send school and work schedules to Willie so we can find a commonly good time for a conference call
Midyear conference
-Historically has been the President and Treasurer who attend, would also be beneficial for the VP to attend the midyear convention
-Gordon moves to include VP in attendance at midyear convention. Second
Need business cards ASAP for Tracy, Ryan and Kyndra as well as nametags for Ryan and Kyndra
-Unsure what company we used
-Use the IANS gmail address on the business cards
Dr. Pauling
-Important Dates
-The board usually attends INA Legislative Day. This year is February 18th. In the afternoon we historically have a face-to-face meeting
-April 8th-12th is the NSNA national convention. IANS has historically paid registration, room, travel, and up to $25/day for food. Will be in phoenix this spring
-Need to be thinking about a resolution for national convention
-Graham moves to take the resolution r/t Homans sign to convention. Second.
-We maintain Gmail accounts for everyone. Try to change your name so it reflects your name and not a past board member
-Needs to talk to the people attending midyear convention after the meeting today
VI. Old Business
-Changing bylaws so that December graduates can run as brought up to the house of delegates at convention. As Tracy told the house of delegates, this is an NSNA bylaw
VII. Will be scheduled sometime in December
VII. Meeting adjourns at 10:09