Kingdom of Cambodia

Nation Religion King

Ministry of Labor and Vocational Training

No. 084/08KB/Br.K

Phnom Penh, May 28, 2008



Change of Nomination of Labor Advisory Committee

Minister of Labor and Vocational Training

-Having seen the constitution of the Kingdom of Cambodia

-Having seen the Royal Decree NS/RKT/0704/124 dated 15 July 2004 on the appointment of the Royal Government of the Kingdom of Cambodia

-Having seen Reach Kram No.02/NS/94 dated 20 July 1994 promulgating the Law on Organization and function of council of Ministers.

-Having seen the Royal Kram No. ChS/RKM/0397/01 dated 13 March 1997 promulgating the Labor Law

-Having seen the Royal Kram No. NS/RKM/0105/003 dated Jan 17, 2005 promulgating the Law on the Establishment of the Ministry of Labor and Vocational Training

-Having seen Sub-Decree No. 52 ONKr. BK dated April 01, 2005 on the Organization and Functions of the Ministry of Labor and Vocational Training

-Having seen Sub-Decree No. 47 ONKr.BK dated May11, 2006 on the Composition and the Functions of Labor Advisory Committee.

-Having seen the Prakas No. 138 K.K.B.V/BrK dated July 07, 2006 on the Appointment of Members of Labor Advisory Committee.



Article1: Appoints:

  1. Principle Members
  1. Mr. Ith Phay, Ministry of Economy and Finance as the principle member of LAC, replacing Mr. Bun Bunnarith.
  2. Mr. Khim Sokha, Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fishery, principle member of LAC, replacing Mr. Bun Ly.
  3. Mrs. Bun Chhith Veasna, Minsitry of Women’s Affairs, principle member of LAC, replacing Her Excellency. You Ory.
  4. Major General Suos Angkea, Ministry of Interior, principle member of LAC, replacing Brigadier General Kry Tuoch.
  5. Okhna Yum Sui Sang, The China Hong Kong & Maccau Business Association of Cambodia, principle member of LAC, replacing Mr. Ken Loo.
  6. Mr. Matthew Rendall, Cambodian Federation of Employers and Business Associations, principle member of LAC, replacing Mr. Bretton G. Sciarioni.
  7. Mr. Jean Boris Roux, French-Cambodian Chamber of Commerce, principle member of LAC, replacing Mr. Lievev Van De Borght.
  8. H.E. Nang Sothy, Cambodian Chamber of Commerce, principle member of LAC, replacing Mr. Diep Leng.
  9. Mr. An Bunhak, Cambodian Assoicaiton of Recruitment Agencies, principle member of LAC, replacing Mr. Ray Chew.
  1. Alternative Members
  1. Mr. Eng Tuoch, Ministry of Economy and Finance, Alternative Members of LAC, replacing Mr. Chab Sovann.
  2. Mr. Chan Hung, Ministry of Commerce, as Alternative Member of LAC, replacing Mr. Ok, Darartih.
  3. Mr. Oum Savy, Minsitry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fishery, Alternative Member of LAC, replacing Mr. Sok Heang.
  4. Mrs. Sakhoeun Savaddy, Ministry of Women’s Affairs, Alternative Member of LAC, replacing Her Excellency Chou Bun Eng.
  5. Brigadier General Vuth Phally, Ministry of Interior, Alternative Member of LAC, replacing Major General Suos Angkear.
  6. Mr. Ngeth Samnang, Cambodian Development Council, Alternative Member of LAC, replacing Mr. Sar Sambo.
  7. Mrs. Sou Moniveark, Cambodian Federation of Employers and Business Associations, Alternative Member of LAC, replacing Mr. Oum Phearin.
  8. Mr. Ray Chew, Malaysian Business Council of Cambodia, Alternative Member of LAC, replacing Mr. Tan Boroth.
  9. Mr. Ho Vandy, Cambodia Association of Travel Agency, Alternative Member of LAC, replacing Mr. Marae Ciantar.
  10. Mr. Sok Chanpheakdey, Cambodian Association of Recruitment Agencies, Alternative Member of LAC, replacing Okhna Yum Sui Sang.

Article 2: This Prakas shall take into effect from the date of signature.


(Signature and Stamp)

Vong Soth


-Ministry of RoyalPalace

-General Directorate of Senate

-General Directorate of the National Assembly

-Cabinet of Prime Minister Hun Sen’

-Council of Ministers

-All ministries ‘For information’

-All members of LAC ‘For implementation’

-General Directorate of Administration and Finance of MolVT ‘For dissemination and implementation’

-General Directorate of Ministry and Vocational Training ‘For implementation’

-All employers’Associations ‘For information’

-All Union Federations ‘For information

-Royal Tasks


Unofficial Translation by CAMFEBA