Kingdom of Cambodia
Nation Religion King
Ministry of Labor and Vocational Training
No. 084/08KB/Br.K
Phnom Penh, May 28, 2008
Change of Nomination of Labor Advisory Committee
Minister of Labor and Vocational Training
-Having seen the constitution of the Kingdom of Cambodia
-Having seen the Royal Decree NS/RKT/0704/124 dated 15 July 2004 on the appointment of the Royal Government of the Kingdom of Cambodia
-Having seen Reach Kram No.02/NS/94 dated 20 July 1994 promulgating the Law on Organization and function of council of Ministers.
-Having seen the Royal Kram No. ChS/RKM/0397/01 dated 13 March 1997 promulgating the Labor Law
-Having seen the Royal Kram No. NS/RKM/0105/003 dated Jan 17, 2005 promulgating the Law on the Establishment of the Ministry of Labor and Vocational Training
-Having seen Sub-Decree No. 52 ONKr. BK dated April 01, 2005 on the Organization and Functions of the Ministry of Labor and Vocational Training
-Having seen Sub-Decree No. 47 ONKr.BK dated May11, 2006 on the Composition and the Functions of Labor Advisory Committee.
-Having seen the Prakas No. 138 K.K.B.V/BrK dated July 07, 2006 on the Appointment of Members of Labor Advisory Committee.
Article1: Appoints:
- Principle Members
- Mr. Ith Phay, Ministry of Economy and Finance as the principle member of LAC, replacing Mr. Bun Bunnarith.
- Mr. Khim Sokha, Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fishery, principle member of LAC, replacing Mr. Bun Ly.
- Mrs. Bun Chhith Veasna, Minsitry of Women’s Affairs, principle member of LAC, replacing Her Excellency. You Ory.
- Major General Suos Angkea, Ministry of Interior, principle member of LAC, replacing Brigadier General Kry Tuoch.
- Okhna Yum Sui Sang, The China Hong Kong & Maccau Business Association of Cambodia, principle member of LAC, replacing Mr. Ken Loo.
- Mr. Matthew Rendall, Cambodian Federation of Employers and Business Associations, principle member of LAC, replacing Mr. Bretton G. Sciarioni.
- Mr. Jean Boris Roux, French-Cambodian Chamber of Commerce, principle member of LAC, replacing Mr. Lievev Van De Borght.
- H.E. Nang Sothy, Cambodian Chamber of Commerce, principle member of LAC, replacing Mr. Diep Leng.
- Mr. An Bunhak, Cambodian Assoicaiton of Recruitment Agencies, principle member of LAC, replacing Mr. Ray Chew.
- Alternative Members
- Mr. Eng Tuoch, Ministry of Economy and Finance, Alternative Members of LAC, replacing Mr. Chab Sovann.
- Mr. Chan Hung, Ministry of Commerce, as Alternative Member of LAC, replacing Mr. Ok, Darartih.
- Mr. Oum Savy, Minsitry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fishery, Alternative Member of LAC, replacing Mr. Sok Heang.
- Mrs. Sakhoeun Savaddy, Ministry of Women’s Affairs, Alternative Member of LAC, replacing Her Excellency Chou Bun Eng.
- Brigadier General Vuth Phally, Ministry of Interior, Alternative Member of LAC, replacing Major General Suos Angkear.
- Mr. Ngeth Samnang, Cambodian Development Council, Alternative Member of LAC, replacing Mr. Sar Sambo.
- Mrs. Sou Moniveark, Cambodian Federation of Employers and Business Associations, Alternative Member of LAC, replacing Mr. Oum Phearin.
- Mr. Ray Chew, Malaysian Business Council of Cambodia, Alternative Member of LAC, replacing Mr. Tan Boroth.
- Mr. Ho Vandy, Cambodia Association of Travel Agency, Alternative Member of LAC, replacing Mr. Marae Ciantar.
- Mr. Sok Chanpheakdey, Cambodian Association of Recruitment Agencies, Alternative Member of LAC, replacing Okhna Yum Sui Sang.
Article 2: This Prakas shall take into effect from the date of signature.
(Signature and Stamp)
Vong Soth
-Ministry of RoyalPalace
-General Directorate of Senate
-General Directorate of the National Assembly
-Cabinet of Prime Minister Hun Sen’
-Council of Ministers
-All ministries ‘For information’
-All members of LAC ‘For implementation’
-General Directorate of Administration and Finance of MolVT ‘For dissemination and implementation’
-General Directorate of Ministry and Vocational Training ‘For implementation’
-All employers’Associations ‘For information’
-All Union Federations ‘For information
-Royal Tasks
Unofficial Translation by CAMFEBA