Data available 2008 US S. Korea Japan China Pakistan Bangladesh India
(South Asian Civ – Economics – These data, the best available, may have large margins of error)
GNI 2006 $13,448b $857b $4,900b $2,642b $127b $70b $909b
Rank 1 12 2 4 32 38 10
[Gross national income - A measure of total output of goods and services in terms
of income earned by a country’s residents or institutions (same as GNP). Total 133 countries]
GNI PPP 2006 $13,233b $1,113b $4,229b $10,153 $383b $192b $3,800b
Rank 1 15 3 2 27 46 4
[GNI adjusted for purchasing power parity. Assume Rs. 45 (Indian) exchanges for $US1. A dollar exchanged for 45 Indian rupees will buy you much more rice or rattan chairs in India
than that dollar buys you in the US. US GNI is not 15 times what India’s is but only 3.5 times
if you consider what income can buy in India.]
Population 2007 302m 48m 128m 1.3b 160m 149m 1.3b
Rank 3 25 10 1 6 7 2
Yrly Pop Gr 0.6% 0.4% 0.0 0 0.5% 2.3% 1.9% 1.4%
(natural increase)
Proj. Pop
(2008-2025) 356m 42m 119m 1.5b 229m 190m 1.8b
GNI pc 2006 44,970 17,690 38,410 2,010 800 450 820
Rank 5 27 12 81 90 102(tie) 89
(133 total)
GNIpc PPP 44.260 22,990 33,150 7,740 1,230 2,410 3,800
Rank 1 28 17 70 105 89 83
[of 133]
Real GDP p.c. gr (p.a.), 1870-1998 (%)
1.99 ___ 2.63 1.70 [undivided India] 0.89
Real GNP p.c. gr p.a., 1950-73
2.45% 1.04% 8.05% 2.86% 1.73% -0.36% 1.40%
Real GNP p.c. gr p.a., 1973-98
1.99% 1.05% 2.34% 5.39% 2.87% 1.99% 2.01%
Real GNP gr p.a., 1991-2004
3.3% n.a 1.0% 9.7% n.a. n.a. n.a.
GDP per Capita in 1990 International Dollars in 1820
$1,257 n.a. $669 $600 _ _ $533.
Copyright E. Wayne Nafziger
US S. Korea Japan China Pakistan Bangladesh India
Life expectancy
at birth 2006 78 78 82 72 65 64 65
Rank both 16-25th (tied) 1st-4th (tied) 46-62th (tied) 88th 90-92tie 88th.
[of 134]
Disability-adjusted life expectancy 1997-99
70 63 74 62 56 50 53
Rank 24 81 1 82 125 140 135
[191 countries]
Under five mortality rate p. 1000 live births 2004
8 5 5 31 65 69 64
Rank 27th-30th 8th-15th 1st-7th 61st n.a. n.a. n.a.
Infant mortality rate 2006
6 5 3 26 78 52 57.
Human Development Index (HDI), based on education, literacy, life expectancy,
and logarithm of dollars per capita GDP (PPP), 2004
0.948 0.912 0.949 0.768 0.539 0.530 0.611
Rank 8 26 7 81 134 137 126
[1st 10 are Norway, Iceland, Australia, Ireland, Sweden, Canada, Japan, US, Switzerland, Netherlands out of 177 countries]
Gender-related development index (GDI) 2006
0.946 0.905 0.942 0.765 0.513 0.524 0.591.
Human poverty index (HPI-2) (2003)
15.4% 10.3% 11.7% Others n.a.
HPI-2 rank among 18 OECD
18 6 11.
Adult literacy rate (15+) (2004)
99-100% 98% 99-100% 91% 50% 41% 61%
Functional literacy rate (16-65) (1994-2003)
80 - 85.6% Others n.a.
Gini index (2006) [measure of income concentration – 0% perfect equality; 100% perfect inequality
0.408 0.316 0.249 0.469 0.327 0.368 0.250
Highest 20% % income share
45.8 37.5 35.7 57.9 40.3 41.3 43.3
Lowest 20% % income share
5.4 7.9 10.6 4.3 9.3 9.0 8.9
GDP per unit of energy use (2005 PPP US$ per kg oil) 2008
5.3 4.8 7.3 3.1 4.5 6.8 4.5
Electricity production (billion kwh 2008)
4268.4 387.9 1094.2 2497.4 93.8 22.6 699.0
Copyright E. Wayne Nafziger
US S. Korea Japan China Pakistan Bangladesh India
P.c. carbon dioxide emissions 2004 (metric tons)
20.6 9.7 9.8 3.9 0.8 0.2 1.2
Total Fertility Rate 2006
2.1 1.1 1.3 1.8 3.9 2.9 2.5
Combined 1st, 2nd & 3rd level gross enrollment ratio 2004 (%)
93 95 85 70 38 57 62
GDP growth, 2nd/1st qtr (p.a. basis)
3.3% 3.4% -3.0% n.a. n.a. n.a. n.a.
GDP growth, last 12 months (real)
2.2% 4.8% 0.7% n.a. 5.8% n.a. 7.9%
GDP growth forecast 2008 (Economist)
1.6% 4.4% 0.9% n.a. 6.0% n.a. 7.7%
Ind. Prod gr last year (end July 2008)
-1.5% 9.1% 2.4% n.a. -4.2% n.a. 7.1%
Unemployment rate (latest)
6.1%(Ag) 3.2% (Aug) 4.0%(Jl) n.a. 5.6%(07) n.a. 7.2%(2007)
CP increase (from yr ago)
5.4%(Ag) 5.6%(Ag) 2.3%(Jl) n.a. 25.3%(Ag) n.a. 8.3%(Jl)
CP 2008 (projected)
4.2% 4.20% 0.0% n.a. 18.6% n.a. 7.1% Trade balance (last 12 mo.) ($b)
-845 -8 88 n.a. -22 n.a. -93
Current account (last 12 mo.)
-699 -2 206 n.a. -14 n.a. -18
Budget balance (% of GDP) 08
-2.5% 1.6% -2.8% n.a. -6.4% n.a. -3.4%
Highest 10% share (c2000)
29.9% 22.1% 21.7% 33.1% Others n.a.
People per sq. km. (2005)
32 n.a. 351 140 Others n.a.
Murder rate (p 100,000)
8.6 n.a. 1.4 n.a. Others n.a.
Floor area of dwellings (ave. sq meters p. person)
61.8 n.a 25.0 n.a. Others n.a.
Same (per household)
134.8 n.a. 80.9 n.a. Others n.a.
Govt receipts/GDP
31% n.a. 31% n.a. Others n.a.
Hours worked p. a.
1966 n.a. 1889 n.a.
Sources: UN, World Bank, World Development Report 2008; Population Reference Bureau, 2008; Maddison for OECD, & Economist (September 08); World Health Organizaion. Copyright E. Wayne Nafziger
Life expectancy 2005 Hong Kong, Japan, Sweden, Switzerland 82,
Australia, France, Greece, Italy, Norway, Netherlands, Spain 80,
Austria, Belgium, Israel, Singapore 79, Chile, Costa Rica, Denmark, Finland,
Germany, Ireland, Korea Rep., Kuwait, US, UK 78
Source: World Bank 2007:288-289.
GNI 2006 (rankings): US $13,448b, Japan $4,900b, Germany $3,018b,
China $2,642b, UK $2,425b, France $2,298b, Italy $1876b, Spain $1201b,
Canada $1177b, India $907b, Korea Rep $857b, Russia $822b, Mexico $820b,
Australia $738b, Netherlands $699b, Switzerland $426b, Belgium $405b,
Sweden $394b, Turkey $394b
GNI p.c 2006 ($) (rankings): Norway 66,530, Switzerland 57,230, Denmark 51,700,
Ireland 45,580, US 44,970, Sweden 43,580, Netherlands 42,670, Finland 40, 650,
UK 40,180, Austria 39,590, Belgium 38,600, Japan 38,410, France 36,550,
Germany 36,620, Canada 36,170, Australia 35,990, Italy 32,020, Kuwait 30,630,
Singapore 29,320, Hong Kong China 28,460, Spain 27,570, New Zealand 27,250,
Greece 21,690
GNI pc (PPP) 2006: US 44,260, Norway 43,820, Switz 40,930, Hong Kong 38,200,
Neth 37,580, Germany 36,620, Denmark 36,460, UK 35,589, Finland 35,150, Austria 35,130, Belgium 35,090, Sweden 35,070, Canada 34,140, Australia 34,060, France 33,740, Japan 33,150, Singapore 31,710, Kuwait 29,200, Spain 28,030, NZ 27,220, Slovenia 23,970,
Korea 23,800, Portugal 21,580, Czech Rep 21,470
Population mid-2007 China.1,318 m, India 1,132 m, US 302 m, Indonesia 232 m,
Brazil 189 m, Pakistan 169 m, Bangladesh 149 m, Nigeria 144 m, Russia 142 m, Japan 128 m, Mexico 107 m, Philippines 89m, Vietnam 85 m, Germany 82m, Ethiopia 77m, Turkey 74 m, Egypt 73m, Iran 71 m, Thailand 66 m, Congo DR 63 m, France 62 m, UK 61 m, Italy 59 m: Sources: PRB 2007 World Population Data Sheet
Human poverty index (HPI-2) - The components of the index, different than the developing countries’ HPI-1, are the percentage of the population lacking functional literacy skills, the percentage below a 1994 income poverty line of PPP$11 daily, and the probability at birth of not surviving to age 60 (UN Development Program 2002a:21, 160-161)
HDI does not capture the adverse effect of gender disparities on social progress. In 1995, the United Nations Development Program measured the gender-related development index (GDI), or HDI adjusted for gender inequality. GDI concentrates on the same variables as HDI, but notes inequality in achievement between men and women, imposing a penalty for such inequality. The GDI is based on female shares of earned income, the life expectancy of women relative to men (allowing for the biological edge that women enjoy in living longer than men), and a weighted average of female literacy and schooling relative to those of males. However, GDI does not include variables not easily measured such as women's participation in community life and decision-making, their access to professional opportunities, consumption of resources within the family, dignity, and personal security. Because gender inequality exists in every country, the GDI is always lower than the HDI. (UN Development Program 1991:72-79; UN Development Program 2002:222-42; 255-58). Copyright E. Wayne Nafziger