“Burtonsville Elementary School: Home of the Brightest Stars in the Universe”

“We ARE the Brightest Stars in the Universe: We Plan, We Believe, and We Achieve!”

Melissa F. Smith Bettye Sellman

Principal Assistant Principal

Vol. 3 October 1, 2010

Fall Reading Data

Reading is the key that unlocks the door to learning and without it our STARs will become incredibly frustrated. Many of you read with your children over the summer and our Fall 2010 Reading scores attest to this fact. For our stronger readers they held ground if not moved forward. Reading should never be a choice for your STAR, it should always be part of whatever homework they are doing. You can make the difference between success or failure or being on grade level or above.

Students in grades K-2 are given the MClass 3D Reading Assessment three times a year. The Fall Reading assessments have been completed and our data looks absolutely great! We have twelve kindergarten students reading Levels 3-16 and we are excited by those results. There are 30 students who need to work on their letter names and sounds. We have lots of hard work to do in order for us to have all of our students reading Level 6 by the end of kindergarten. Please complete the homework assigned by the teachers.

Our first grade data is exceptional! Ninety-three percent (104/114) are reading on or above the benchmark. We have eight returning Burtonsville STARs who are reading below grade level. Our double hits in Reading should move them on grade level by the end of the school year if not before.

Ninety-five percent of our second graders (102/107) are reading on or above benchmark. We have 5 returning Burtonsville STARs below grade level. Again, our double hits in Reading should move them on grade level by the end of the school year if not before.

Students in grades 3-5 are given the Measure of Academic Performance in Reading (MAP-R) three times a year. Sixty-eight percent (83/121) of the third graders met or exceeded the benchmark of the 50th percentile. Sixty-seven percent (80/119) of our fourth graders met or exceeded the benchmark of the 50th percentile and seventy-four percent (78/105) fifth graders met or exceeded the benchmark of the 50th percentile. The third grade students who did not achieve benchmark should have been able to do so with the exception of our Special Education students (3). Parents reading with their STAR can make the difference. The students who did not achieve benchmark in grades four and five are mostly ESOL and Special Education students. Twenty-three of our fourth graders and eleven of our fifth graders should have achieved benchmark. Again, reading with your child will make the difference. Montgomery County Public Schools has moved the benchmark from the 34th percentile to the 50th percentile so students and parents must work with us to ensure success.

It is our desire to ensure that all of your children reach their highest potential; with this in mind we have scheduled a series of workshops to increase your capacity to help your STAR.

Each of the evenings will begin at 7:00 p.m. so that you will be able to eat pizza before the start of them. We promise to have you finished by 9:00 p.m. If you say that you are going to attend and send in the form stating the number of people who are coming, you must attend. Last year people responded they were coming and they did not attend. We ordered too many pizzas. We will not be able to purchase pizza if it is going to be wasted. Please demonstrate responsibility by following through on what you agree to do. Thanks.

Wednesday, October 20, 2010 “Increasing our Capacity to Soar” (Data Night) 7:00 p.m to 9:00 p.m

Adults only

Wednesday, October 27, 2010 FAMILY MATH NIGHT

All are invited 7:00 p.m to 9:00 p.m

Wednesday, November 3, 2010 Family Reading Night

7:00 p.m to 9:00 p.m

We will send home a sign-up sheet just so we know how much pizza to order.

Our School Picnic

I hope you all enjoyed the picnic as much as I did. Each year I am amazed at the turnout. I saw more of my old STARs than in previous years. They love ole Burtonsville Elementary!

I would like to extend a huge thank you to Mr. Bob Sickels, Dave Sweet, and the staff of Kids After Hours for their generous donation of amusements, cotton candy, snow cones, and popcorn. I also want to thank our PTA for the ice cream. I would like to extend a special thank you to our parents who worked when others were having fun: Jeff and Vanessa Roberts, Hilda Perez, Mai Lloyd, Kim Feher, Shawntel Chin, Mirna Viera, Matt Letts, Chad and Tippy Chitvaranund, Sherri Clark, and Toni Phillips. Thank you for those who came to our picnic. We had a wonderful time.

See you next year!!

Cafeteria News

Please return your Free and Reduced Lunch Applications as soon as possible the deadline to turn them was September 30th, 2010.

The B.E.S.T. and You

The staff and I would like ask you to please respect our rules and procedures. They are not for some people, but for all of us. Please do not interrupt teachers at the start and end of their day without having an appointment. Please do not use your time as a chaperone or volunteer to have mini conferences with staff. They have their responsibilities.

We, the staff of Burtonsville Elementary are the B.E.S.T because we are consistent, reflective, caring, and committed to doing what’s best for our children and families. If you share these same qualities we invite you to join us as one of the B.E.S.T. Remember the demonstration with the planting of our STAR flower, whatever you put in you’ll get out.

STARs Shine

Congratulations to all of our STARS who demonstrated respect during the month of September: Dejuan Johnson, Anjum Begum, Lynn Kakesa, Mekseb Zewongiel, Michaella Sevalie, Michael Tan, Madison LePore , Krista Dowuona-Hammond, Udayveer Makkar, Elshaddai Green, Pashell Elmore, Mikhi Kelly, Gilbert Otto, Faith Awojoodu, Ekua Beneman, Nyasha Marufu, Shane Lee, Madivia Mansaray, Nicholas Chitvaranund, Dinora Blanco, Ajiefatou Deen

Mario Ramirez, Anthony Richardson, Erika Reyes,

Diya Britto, Amir Siddiqui, Simran Thakkar, Aiden Williams, Omar Campos, Aiesha Solomon, Chimdi Osuji, Alana Campbell, Phylicia Cooper, Alexander Maniwang, Jason Simmons, and Veejai Bates, Tatiana Kalou, and Mikyas Gezahegn.

Converting from Air Conditioning to Heating

To prepare for the winter season, they will begin converting from air conditioning to heating on or about October 1, 2010. We do not know the exact date Burtonsville Elementary School will be converted. Please dress your children with the weather forecast in mind.


Burtonsville ES has a great new website with a lot of information. Our newsletter is one of the many things on it.



Due to allergies, no treats are allowed for birthdays. We give students birthday pencils on their birthday.

Aaron’s Army

Aaron’s Army is the name of our single parents’ group that we started last May. It was formed to support my single parents. As a single parent I walked alone. None of my friends were single nor was my church supportive. As our school population changed and I have more single moms, I realized that there are experiences and strategies that we could share and benefit from. It has been wonderful watching my moms interact during our first three meetings. The connections have been natural and rewarding. My belief is that we will gain strength by walking this path of parenthood together.

As our economy worsens we will need to find ways to stretch our dollars, have courageous conversations with our children and ourselves about what we can and cannot afford, and build friendships with folks that we have something in common with.

Our meetings are usually held the first Monday of the month. Please call to let us know if you will attend by calling the office. Child care and dinner will be provided. I hope you will join us in this opportunity to be stronger individually and collectively. I look forward to seeing you.

Health Concerns

Students havinga temperature of 100 degrees or greater and a cough or sore throat will be sent home from school. Students may return when they have been fever free for at least 24 hours without the use of medications. These students need to report to the health room when they return to school.

Burtonsville Kids Helping Kids Food Drive

October 4th-October 25th

The SGA of Burtonsville Elementary is asking for your support for the Kids Helping Kids Food Drive.

Did you know that 1in 6 children in the US are at risk of hunger?

65,089 children in Maryland are at the risk of hunger.

The effects on children can include:

* Shortened attention span

* Anxiety

* Fatigue

* Depression

The SGA of Burtonsville will provide an opportunity for students to learn about the issues of hunger, and how they can make a difference in their community.

The following is a list of the food that is needed most:

Peanut Butter Beans

Tuna Fish Canned Soup

Canned Fruits Macaroni and Cheese

Canned Vegetables Pasta

Cereal Baby Food

Oatmeal Canned Pasta


Please help your student and Burtonsville Elementary make a difference!

PTA News

Our new PTA president is Mamo Akanesh. Her email is , 301-613-2553.

In an effort to learn about Burtonsville ES and the PTA there will be an intimate chat with the principal and the PTA president during the following dates:

·  Third grade parents meet on October 12th from 7:00 pm to 8:00 pm at the school

Any parent new to Burtonsville ES may come to any one of these.

The George B. Thomas, Sr. Learning Academy

The Saturday School

The George B. Thomas, Sr. Learning Academy (GBTLA), The Saturday School, a tutoring and mentoring program for Montgomery County Students is a tutoring and mentoring program for Montgomery County students in grades 1 through 12. It can help your child reach his/her potential through small group instruction and assistance with school work, study skills, and test-taking skills. For a $50.00 registration fee per student, students will receive tutoring services from certified teachers in small group settings on Saturday mornings during the school year. Saturday mornings October 2, 2010 through April 30, 2011 from 8:30 a.m. to 11:30 a.m.

Saturday school registration is ongoing. Student enrollment continues throughout the year. Parents need to register in person at the Learning Academy Center that their child will attend. Parents and students should arrive at the center at 8:15 a.m. and ask for the Center Director to register. At the time of registration, parents must provide:

·  $50 registration fee per student. (Make checks payable to GBTLA or the The George B. Thomas, Sr. Learning Academy, Inc.)

·  Their child’s most recent report card

Every Saturday opens with a motivational session from 8:30 a.m. to 9:00 a.m. and parents are encouraged to attend.

The 12 center locations are: Blair High School, Einstein High School, Gaithersburg High School, Kennedy High School, Magruder High School, Northwest High School, Paint Branch High School, Rockville High School, Sherwood High School, Springbrook High School, Watkins Mill High School, and Wheaton High School. Our goal is to help students achieve grade level proficiency and higher by enhancing academic skills, self-esteem, and academic confidence. If you have any questions, please call

301-320-6545 or visit us on the Web at www.gbtlearningacademy.org. This opportunity is open to all students. A flyer has been sent home.

Upcoming Dates

10/5 – PTA at 7:00 pm

10/11 – Open House: Please come with picture identification

10/12 – Third Grade PTA/Principal Parent Chat at 7:00 pm

10/13 – 5th grade to Strathmore

10/15 – No school for students

10/20 – Family Data Night 7:00 pm

10/25 – Baldrige meeting 4:00 to 6:00

10/27 – Math Data Night 7:00 pm

10/29 - 1st marking period ends

11/1 – Professional Day – No school for students

11/2 – General Election Day – No school

11/3 – Reading Data Night 7:00 pm

11/19 – 2nd grade to Strathmore 11:10 – 1:50

Food for Thought

Attitude is the mind’s paintbrush. It can color any situation.