An ARTICLE Template for Frontier Journals by Global Digital CENTRAL
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a First Business or Academic Affiliation, City, State/Province, Zip Code, Country
b Second Business or Academic Affiliation, City, State/Province, Zip Code, Country
A brief description of the problem, approaches, and major findingsmust be provided here. The abstract must not exceed 100 words and must be single-column. Please do not cite any references in the abstract. Global Digital Central uses the Digital Object Identifier (DOI) System for identifying each paper published in its journals. Please do not add the DOIto your article as it will be assigned by Global Digital Central and imprinted in your PDF file before the paper is published. The copyright of this template belongs to Global Digital Central and only authors of the Global Digital Central journal papers are authorized to use it for formatting their papers. Any other use of this template without prior written authorization from Global Digital Central is prohibited.
Keywords: Three to five keywords must be provided here to assist with indexing of the article. You do not need to repeat the words in the title.
To minimize the time between submission and publication, all papers that are published by Frontiers Journals must adhere to the article preparation instructions outlined in this template. The formatting instructions apply to both the manuscripts that are submitted for review, and the final paper that is produced by the authors following the review process. This template works best with Microsoft Word 2003. For different versions of Microsoft Word, please make sure all requirements specified in this document are followed.If you are using LaTex, a LaTextemplate is available for download at our website at
All submissions must be 15 pages or less in length for original research paper or 20 pages for review paper (formatted using this template). Instead of using page numbers, all journals published by Global Digital Central use six-digit citation identifiers (CIDs): the first two digits represent the issue number (e.g., 03 for the third issue); the middle two digits representthe article type or subject area, and the last two digits are assigned according to the publication order within that issue and the article type/or subject area. This new approach allows us to build an issue one article at a time while retaining the ability to segment tables of contents by article type or subject area allowing the article to be published as soon as the final version of the paper is approved by the Editors-in-Chief. Please do not add CID numbersto your paper, as they will be determined by Global Digital Central.
The text of the paper (except the abstract) must be formatted in two-column. If any of the figures or tables is too wide to be placed in one column, they may be placed at the top or bottom of a page as one-column. Manuscripts must be written in clear, concise and grammatically correct English (either American or British style but not a mixture of both). Papers that do not conform to these requirements will be returned to the authorswithout review.
2.1Initial Submission
Before submission of your papers for review, please make sure that:
- The submission has not been previously published, nor it is under simultaneous consideration by another journal (or an explanation has been provided in Comments to the Editor during online submission).
- The work has been clearedfor public release by the sponsor of your research.
- This manuscript must contain all essential elements: text, tables, graphics/figures (and captions), references, et cetera. The tables and graphics/figures may be integrated within the text instead ofputting at the end of the paper.
- The text adheres to the stylistic and bibliographic requirements outlined in this template.
- While the initial submission file may be in MS Word or PDF file format, the final papers must be in PDF file format. The fonts must be embedded in the PDF file to ensure your paper is displayed properly (See Appendix).
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Use 9 point serif font throughout, such as Times New Roman or a close variant. Margins must be 12.7 mm (0.5 inch) on the left, right, and bottom and 19 mm (0.75 inch) on the top, with standard Letter page size (216 × 279 mm2 or8.5 × 11-inch2). The space between columns must be 0.25 inches (7 mm, 21 pt). The first paragraphs under headings and subheadings must be unindented, but all other paragraphs must be indented by 6.4 mm (0.25 inch). There must be no vertical spacing between paragraphs.
3.1Title and Author Information
All items in the title block must be centered across both columns. The title must be set in upper case 16 pt bold font, with a 14 pt space above and a 14 pt space below. Abbreviations must not be used in the title of your paper unless they are very common for the community and cannot be avoided. The authors’ names must be set in 11 pt font, with an 11 pt space below.
If the authors are from different institutions, analphabetical superscript must be used for each author to indicate institutional affiliation. The corresponding author must be identified by a symbol footnote and the email address of the corresponding author must be provided. If any additional information about other authors needs to be displayed, additional symbol footnotesmay be added at the bottom of the first page.
Following the author information, each institution with which any of the authors are affiliated must be listed, including addresses. The affiliation and addressmust be indicated by superscripts as well, and set in 9 pt italic, with a 12 pt space below the final one.
3.2Section and Subsection Headings
The sections and subsections are numbered automatically in this template. If you format your paper by hand, section and subsection headings are numbered using Arabic numerals separated by ‘.’ Subsections (heading 2, in MS Word) are 10 pt, boldface, and flush left. Sub-subsections (heading 3, in MS Word) are 10 pt, boldface, and flush left.
Sub-subsectionsare unnumbered, 10pt, boldface, with text (9 pt.) beginning immediately following the heading on the same line.
3.3Equations, Numbers, Symbols, and Abbreviations
All equations must be numbered consecutively andthe equation numbers must be placed in parentheses flush right. While Equation Editor in MS Word may be used to type equations, MathType is recommended. Insert a blank line before and after equations.
Equations(1) and (2) are sample equations formatted using the preceding instructions. If symbols in your equation are not already defined before the equation appears, they must be defined following the equation.
All variables in English or Greek must be typed using italic fonts, while the units must be typed using non-italic fonts. When the equations are referred to use “Eq. (1)”, not “Equation (1)” except at the beginning of a sentence. If more than one equation is referenced, the abbreviation “Eqs.” may be used in the middle of a sentence. At the beginning of a sentence, “Equations (1) and (2) are …” must be used.
When any abbreviations or acronyms are used for the first time, they must be defined. For example, dual-phase lag model (DPL) is widely used in descriptions of microscale heat transfer.
Fig. 1Basic construction of a typical PEM fuel cell stack
3.4Tables and Figures
The SI unitsmust be used throughout the paper, including in tables and figures. Insert tables and figures within your document scattered throughout the text for easy reading. Do not place them at the end of the paper. Tables and figures must be numbered consecutively. Table titles and figure captionsmust be aligned to the left and the font size must be 9 pt.If your figure caption extents more than one line, the second line must be indented by 9.5mm (or 3/8 inch, see caption of Figs. 2 and 3). The figure caption must be brief and not repeat the information in the text.
Table 1Surface tensions for different liquids.
Type of liquid / Liquid / Temperature (°C) / Surface tension (mN/m)Nonpolar / Helium / -271 / 0.26
Nitrogen / -153 / 0.20
Hydrogen-bonded (polar) / Ammonia / -40 / 35.4
Water / 20 / 72.9
Metallic / Mercury / 20 / 484
Silver / 1100 / 878
If your table or figure cannot fit into one column, two-column-wide figures and tables may be used. You will need to insert section break (continues) before the two-column wide figure to switch to one column format. Another section break (continuous) needs to be added after the two-column-wide table or figure to switch back to two-column format. Tables mustnot duplicate information contained in the text. See Table 1 for style and column alignment.
The figures may either have one part (see Fig. 1) or have multiple parts (see Fig. 2). The figure captions must be placed directly below the figure. If your figure has multiple parts, include the labels “(a),” “(b),” “(c)” below each part but above the figure caption (see Fig. 2). All figures and tables must be cited in the text. When citing a figure in the text, use the abbreviation “Fig.” except at the beginning of a sentence. However, do not abbreviate “Table.” All figures and tables must be numbered sequentially with relation to other figures and tables. All figures and tables must be mentioned in the text; that figure or table must appear in the nearest available space. Do not leave large empty space below any figure or table.
(a) t = 0
(b) t = τ
(c) t =6 τ
Fig. 2Line stretching at different time interval: (a) initial time, (b) oneswitch, and (c) one period of the mathematical braid.
All references must be at the end of the text and listed alphabetically based on the authors’ names and the year the reference was published, instead of the order it was cited. The list of references must be in 9-point font. To cite a reference, use the last name(s) of the author(s) followed by the year of publication in parentheses. For example, Braga and Viskanta (1990) investigated solidification of a binary solution on a cold surface. In most existing theoretical works, only the heating of thin films by a single femtosecond pulse was studied (Zhigileiet al., 2004). If the reference has one or two authors, spell out the names of all authors (e.g., Braga and Viskanta, 1990). If the reference has three or more authors, refer to the reference by using the first author’s name plus et al. in italic (e.g., Incropera et al., 2007; Zhigileiet al., 2004). If multiple references need to be cited in one set of parentheses, separate them by a semicolon (;). If the journal being cited uses CID (like all Frontier journals published by Global Digital Central), the CID [054910 in Zhang and Chen (2008)] must be used in lieu of the range of page numbers. All references cited by papers published by Global Digital Central must be linked to CorssRef by listing the DOI of each reference (if available, see DOI below Braga and Viskanta, 1990 and Zhang and Chen, 2008). For an instruction about CrossRef and DOI, please refer to Appendix B.
For papers presented in a conference or symposium, include the title of the paper, the name of the sponsoring society in full, and the date (Carey and Wemhoff, 2005). Electronic publications, CD-ROM publications and regularly issued, dated electronic journals are permitted as references. References to electronic information available only from personal Web sites or commercial, academic, or government sites where there is no commitment to archiving the information are not allowed in the reference list. Articles from Thermal-Fluids Pedia may be cited (Thermal-Fluids Pedia editor, 2010).
The references must be grouped at the end of the paper in alphabetical order of the last name of the first author in the style below.
Fig. 3 Contours of dimensionless temperature at SteFo=0.08 for melting of tin in square enclosure (Ra=2.5105, Pr =0.02 and Ste=0.01).
The following are the common errors in formatting the paper and should be avoided:
- The page size is setting to A4 (8.27 × 11.69 inch), instead Letter (8.5 × 11 inch).
- Incorrect margin in all or some pages. Please note that Margins must be 12.7 mm (0.5 inch) on the left, right, and bottom and 19 mm (0.75 inch) on the top.
- The corresponding author's email address is not added as footnote in the first page.
- Missing page numbers or page number is not centered. The page number must be centered with Times New Roman font size 9.
- Large empty space after the figure near the bottom of column. The location of figures or text should be shifted to eliminate the empty space.
- Using figures from prior publications without the permission from the original publisher to reuse these figures. It is authors’ responsibility to obtain permission and acknowledge the original publisher.
- The reference format is number system, instead of should be author-date system.
- DOIs of cited references are missing or hyperlink to the DOI is not provided. It is imperative that DOIs of the references must be included and hyperlink to the DOI must be provided.
- The two columns in the last page is not the same height. You can add a page break – continuous at the end to resolve this problem if you are using MS Word.
Please note the conclusionsmust be the section that reviews the main points of the paper. Simply duplicating the abstract is not acceptable. Please make sure that no discussion of your results isgiven in the conclusion section. Brief elaboration on the importance of the work or suggestion of applications and extensionsis also appropriate. References must not be cited in the conclusionssection. Note that the conclusion section is the last section of the paper to be numbered. The appendix (if present), acknowledgments, and references are sections without numbers.
You may acknowledge the funding source of your work as well as suggestions andcomments from, and discussions with colleagues in this section.
Cheat capacity (J/m3·K)
cpspecific heat (J/kg·K)
hlatent heat of phase change (J/kg)
kthermal conductivity (W/m·K)
Mmolar mass (kg/kmol)
q''heat flux (W/m2)
Rgspecific gas constant (J/kg·K)
ttime (s)
Ttemperature (K)
uinterfacial velocity (m/s)
xcoordinate (m)
Greek Symbols
δoptical penetration depth (m)
εtotal emissivity
ρdensity (kg/m3)
σStefan-Boltzmann constant (W/m2 ·K4)
0last time step
0initial condition
∞ambient environment
Incropera, F.P., DeWitt, D.P., Bergman, T.L., and Lavine, A.S., 2007, Fundamentals of Heat and Mass Transfer, 6th ed., John Wiley & Sons, Hoboken, NJ.
Braga, S.L., and Viskanta, R., 1990, “Solidification of a Binary Solution on a Cold Isothermal Surface,” International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 33(4), 745-754.
Carey, V.P. and Wemhoff, A.P., 2005, “Disjoining Pressure Effects in Ultra-Thin Liquid Films in Micropassages – Comparison of Thermodynamic Theory with Predictions of Molecular Dynamics Simulations,” IMECE2005-80234, Proceedings of 2005 ASME International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition, Orlando, FL.
Thermal-Fluids Pedia editor, 2010, “Melting and Solidification,” Thermal-Fluids Pedia, April 15, 2010).
Zhang, Y., and Chen, J. K., 2008, “Ultrafast Melting and Resolidification of Gold Particle Irradiated by Pico- to Femtosecond Lasers,” Journal of Applied Physics, 104, 054910.
Zhigilei, L. V., Ivanov, D. S., Leveugle, E., Sadigh, B., and Bringa, E. M., 2004, "Computer modeling of laser melting and spallation of metal targets," Proceedings of SPIE Vol. 5448, SPIE.
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