MARCH 1, 2012

11:00 A.M.

ATTENDANCE Mayor Rob Ware and Council members Mary Littlejohn, Nellie McCain and Ken Landers were in attendance. Peggy Allgood was absent. Pete Mathis, DDA

Board member was in attendance. Chairman Nancy Boehm was out of town.

DOWNTOWN Pete Mathis, DDA Board member, explained that the DDA board has four DEVELOPMENT vacancies available and seven applications. All 7 would be good candidates for AUTHORITY board member positions. Mathis presented the Council with a letter from

APPOINTMENTS Chairman Boehm with recommendations. The applicants are John Johnston,

Billy Wayne Abernathy, along with those recommended including

Donna Staples, Jeff Myers, Martha Macon and Dianna Haney. There was discussion of the applicants and their other volunteer positions. Ken Landers posed some concerns including the idea that some applicants have other volunteer and business obligations. Mary Littlejohn was concerned that turning down citizens of Cave Spring may deter future applicants. Ken Landers also had concerns about the DDA’s authority to purchase property. He questioned whether or not the city is obligated to pay for the purchase if the DDA is unable to pay for the building. Mayor Ware established that the City is obligated should this situation arise. Some of the council members were not aware of this. Mayor Ware stated that the Welcome Center would stand for itself and, if at any time it was necessary, he would purchase it himself. The Mayor also stated that he knows that the DDA is very conservative and supports their decision. Landers agreed with Mayor Ware, but also stated that he believes that the city needs to be informed before any purchases are made. He also noted that the Council needs to work with the DDA on having a clear line of communication and also having confidence in board members considering their positions carry much responsibility and obligation.

Mathis added that the council and the DDA must work together in order to focus on the good for the town. Littlejohn, in reference to DDA applicants, noted that the council and DDA may not be comfortable with the same of the candidates. Mayor Ware acknowledged that in the past some candidates that were thought to be a good choice didn’t necessarily work out. Littlejohn added that there have been some good members but some decided not to stay. Littlejohn asked that the Council interview applicants. The DDA director will be setting up interviews.

HOUSING Mayor Ware stated that the Northwest Georgia Regional Commission would like

RESOLUTION- to get into the business of buying foreclosed property, renovating, and then

NWGRC selling the property. A resolution is needed from the City that authorizes NWGRC to organize a non-profit corporation for this purpose. This will be an agenda item at the regular meeting.

COMPUTER A discussion was held about the purchase of new computer software.

SOFTWARE Presentations will be made next week. The Council will be notified of dates if anyone would like to attend.

ADJUSTMENTS A discussion on adjustments was held.


MARCH 1, 2012


VOTE TO ADD Mayor Ware stated that there needed to be a vote on adding Tires for

TO AGENDA Maintenance Truck and Safety Equipment Grant to the agenda.

MOTION TO MOTION: Mary Littlejohn made a motion to add Tires for Maintenance

ADD TO AGENDA Truck and Safety Equipment Grant. Nellie McCain seconded the motion. All voted yes.

TIRES FOR MOTION: Mary Littlejohn made a motion to purchase tires from Adam-Zuker

MAINTENANCE not to exceed $500.00. Nellie McCain seconded the motion. All voted yes.

TRUCK 3 bids were obtained.

GMA SAFETY MOTION: Nellie McCain made a motion to empower the Mayor to sign

EQUIPMENT purchase orders for safety equipment. Ken Landers seconded the motion.

GRANT All voted yes. The GMA grant, if approved, will reimburse the City for this.

MOTION MOTION: Nellie McCain made a motion to empower the Mayor to sign the GMA Grant Request for Safety Equipment. Ken Landers seconded the motion. All voted yes. The mandatory use policies will be voted on at next meeting.

ADJOURN Mayor Ware adjourned the session.




