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Pergunta nº: 745 /Question nº: 745

Título: /Title: Eucalyptus in America.

Por: / By: Lucas Quintana


Questão: /Question:

Hi Celso,

How are you? Congratulations on your work & research. I've heard that the best countries in South or Central America to plant/grow eucalyptus are Uruguay-Argentina. Is this true? If so, where specifically in Uruguay or Argentina would be the place to grow them? If this statement is not correct, what countries/areas have the best conditions to grow eucalyptus forests?

Also, where on your website can I find info about the costs of growing eucalyptus? I would just grow them to buy land and keep them there, not to sell for paper production.

I appreciate your time and insight. All the best.


Resposta por Celso Foelkel: / Answer by Celso Foelkel:

Hello Lucas, thanks for your nice words.

Eucalyptus forests are growing in many countries around the world, the most important are Brazil, Argentina, Uruguay, China, Chile, India, South Africa, Spain, Portugal and many others.

Have a look in a recent World Map of the Eucalyptus plantations in the major producing countries at:

In my Eucalyptus Newsletters I plan to cover gradually these countries, and you may find reasonable information about Portugal, South Africa and Uruguay in some of my recent papers:


South Africa:


Brazil: Rio Grande do Sul:

Brazil: Mato Grosso and Mato Grosso do Sul:

My next challenge is to write about Eucalyptus in USA, wait some more months to read.

The economics of planting Eucalyptus varies from place to place, and you are recommened to try to find local sources.

I hope you may have pleasure doing what you are planning to, going to the Euca Business for fun.


Celso Foelkel


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