Policy on Leave:

  • 1 year of leave will be granted automatically, provided the student is in good standing, the student’s primary and secondary advisors and the Director of Graduate Training agrees, and subject to departmental and university restrictions. A letter signed by the student and both primary and secondary supervisors stating the reason for leave and the expected date of return should be given to the GTC representative before the beginning of leave. If the student is not in good standing, arrangements for leave must be made in the same way as for extensions of leave beyond 1 year.
  • Extensions of leave beyond 1 year will require the following on an annual basis(this process should be initiated 10 weeks before the administrative deadline for the initiation of the desired leave extension (the beginning of the final quarter of the current leave).
  • A meeting with the student’s primary and secondary advisors andthe current area GTC representative.

Requests for on-leave extension must be made by the student in a letter written to the area GTC Representative, explaining why an extension to the 1 year limit should be granted and including a proposed date of return.

  • Valid reasons for extended leave would include such factors astemporary medical, personal, financial or family commitments/difficulties that impede performance of typical graduate training responsibilities OR internship/teaching/temporary work opportunities that would significantly further the student’s academic training and professional career. In some cases appropriate documentation may be requested of the student by their supervisor, the GTC representative or the Director of Graduate training.
  • Evidence of a serious intention on the part of the student to finish their PhD including a proposed date of return and a timeline for completion of the remaining training milestones.
  • The GTC rep or the student’s primary advisorwill circulate this letter and an email to all area faculty and to the Director of Graduate Training recommending whether or not leave should be extended. If any member of the areadisagrees with this recommendation then the matter willbe put to an area vote. If the Director of Graduate Training disagrees with the recommendation then leave will not be granted.

Extensions of leave will not be granted to students who have begun other careers and are unlikely to return to the program.