
Payment Release Schedule under R-APDRP Part A

Name of Utility:-

Loan Nos.……… to …………… (Total ___ loans)

Total Sanction amount ……………… Sanction date…………………

  • Name of IT Consultant, award ref. & date:
  • Name of IT Implementation Agency, award ref. & date:
  • Name of Boundary meter supplier, award ref. & date:

Sl. No. / Tranche / Cumulative ceiling of disb. in % of sanction / Amount to be claimed (in Rs. Cr) / Remarks
1 / Loan Advance / 30%
2 / Release of 1st tranche of 30% of loan amount upon utilization of earlier advance on the basis of certified claims and based on milestones as indicated in payment schedule of the LOA/Contract for appointment of ITIA in addition to payment for ITC, Boundary meters etc. under R-APDRP as per respective LOA/Contract. / 60%
3 / Release of 2nd tranche of 30% of loan amount upon utilization of earlier advance and 1st tranche on the basis of certified claims and based on milestones as indicated in payment schedule of the LOA/Contract for appointment of ITIA in addition to payment for ITC, Boundary meters etc. under R-APDRP as per respective LOA/Contract / 90%
4 / Release of balance 10% of loan amount upon full utilization of the loan disbursed through earlier advance & tranches and upon project completion/ commissioning. / 100%

Certificates and Authorisations

Borrower hereby certifies that:

a) Information given in this schedule for Part-A projects under R-APDRP is correct as per the records maintained for the purpose and is in line with R-APDRP guidelines.

b) ) Borrower hereby authorises Power Finance Corporation Limited to regulate the claims as per value identified in the schedule and disburse the GoI funds as per the disbursement procedure unconditionally under R-APDRP as being modified from time to time.

Authorised Signatory with seal

(State Utility)

Note:- The amount may be mentioned in Rupees crore rounded off to lakh.


UTILISATION FORMAT of advance/ tranche for release of next tranche under Part-A loans, R-APDRP


Loan Nos.______to______(total __ loans)

Details of utilization of loan advance/ tranche is as below. A certificate in form 12-B in accordance with Rule 256 of GFR for utilization of funds already released under R-APDRP is enclosed. Kindly arrange to release the next tranche/final payment expeditiously.

Sl. No. / Name of the ITIA/
Agency/ ITC / Purchase order /Work Order No. & Date / Phase/ Activity (as per ITIA payment sch.) / Description of Milestone
(as per ITIA payment sch.) / Reference to Payment Schedule (%) / Value of work done /equipment / material/ Services as certified and claimed / Mode of Payment.
Cheque No. & Date
(1) / (2) / (3) / (4) / (5) / (6) / (7) / (8)

It is hereby certified that:

a)The information given above is correct as per records maintained for the purpose.

b)The payment shown under column 7 is actually made and acceptedby the supplier/contractor/agency

c)The amount for which this claim is submitted has not been claimed earlier.

d)Income tax and other statutory deductions to be made in respect of the above payments have been made or will be made.

e)Materials/equipment/hardware/software/services for which the above payments are made were received to the satisfaction of the Utility.

f)The Materials/equipment/hardware/software/services figuring in the claim are meant to be used in the project and as approved by PFC while sanctioning the loan.

g)The progress of the projects / schemes is satisfactory in terms of the milestones indicated in contract for appointment of ITIA.

h)All the statutory deductions as applicable in respect of the above invoices/bills has been recovered and remitted/will be remitted to the respective authorities.

i)The performance bank guarantee from the supplier / agency for supplies / works as per the contract has been obtained and kept on record.

j)The claim is based on the expenditure made for Part-A projects under R-APDRP in the State in accordance with R-APDRP guidelines, SRS Document and approved DPRs by the Steering Committee.

Date:(Authorised signatory / State Utility and seal)


[SeeRule 256 (2)]


(1) Certified that out of the Loan of Rs…………. SANCTIONED under ……………………, dated ……………………….., in favour of ………………….. during the year …………………. an amount of Rs. …………….. has been utilized for the purpose for which it was sanctioned, and that the balance of Rs. ……….. remaining unutilized at the end of the year ……………… has been surrendered to the Government (vide No. ………………., dated ……………) / will be adjusted towards the loan payable during the next financial year.

(2) Certified that I have satisfied myself that the conditions on which the loan was sanctioned have been duly fulfilled / are being fulfilled and that I have exercised the following checks to see that the money was actually spent for the purpose for which the loan was made.

Kinds of checks exercised

1. The main accounts and the other subsidiary accounts and registers (including assets registers) are maintained as prescribed in the relevant Act/Rules/Standing instructions (mentioned in the Act/Rules).

2.There exist internal controls for watching quality of material received / work executed and outcomes and achievements of physical targets against the financial inputs, as per relevant rules and standing instructions.

3. All expenditure incurred is in consonance with R-APDRP guidelines/OMs issued/Quadripartite Agreement/further orders of Steering/Monitoring Committee/Sanctioned DPRs.

4. The responsibilities among the key functionaries for execution of the scheme have been assigned in clear terms & are not general in nature and no transactions have been entered that are in violation of relevant Act/Rules/Standing instructions and scheme guidelines, agreements (Quadripartite Agreement), sanction letters, contract agreements/LoAs/amendments in LoAs and agreements.