Wexford Educate Together

Agreed Report

Meeting Number: / 6 / Date: / 16th June 2015
Attendees: / Tasha Stephens (TS), Gill Hayes (GH), Theresa Dempsey (TD), Eamonn Barrett (EB) Linda Thelander (LT), Niamh Hogan (NH)
Chair / Gillian Hayes / Minutes / Tasha Stephens
Apologies: / Leonard Kelly
Minutes & Matters/Outstanding Action PointsCorrespondencePrincipal’s Report Enrolment, Child Protection, Recruitment, Health and Safety, Learn Together, Parental Involvement, School, Plan and community links.PAC Report
The PAC have done a PJ Day in the school and arranged photographs as fundraisers for the school. They have contributed towards the sixth class graduation and helped out with Sports Day.
Treasury Report Accounts are in good order
Premises ReportThe school has to reach and hold 150 children on the 30th September in order to get an extra classroom and teacher. All the relevant forms have been submitted into the department.
Health and Safety Report
Health and Safety Risk Assessment has been carried out for Term 3.
Enrolment and School Building
All procedures relating to enrolment and additional classrooms have been submitted. This will depend on us reaching the threshold in September.
SSE – Maths and English
The school has undertaken the process of School Self- Evaluation in the areas of Literacy and Numeracy. All information regarding the process will be published to the website in due course.
English Plan
The English plan has been updated by staff and ratified by the BOM
ECA Applications
There will be a drama ECA beginning in September and hopefully guitar lessons also.
Recruitment and Class Allocations
The principal has allocated the teachers to the classes for next year. Any vacancies will be filled over the summer.
Current supervision practices have been reviewed.
Croke Park / Policies – End of year Sign off
The BOM has signed off on the Croke Park hours carried out in the school and also the policies and plans done throughout the year.
Swimming lessons will be made available next year to 3rd and 4th class.
Anti-Bullying and Child Protection Annual Sign Off
All Anti-Bullying and child protections procedures have been adhered to and signed off for the year.
BOM Nominee
BOM Nominees will be reviewed next year.
Agreed Report
Time/Date Next meeting
22nd September 2015

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