Nov. 14-15th, 2014

2nd EU-US DCLL Workshop

University of California, Los Angeles

Edward K. Rice Room

6764 Boelter Hall, 420 Westwood Plaza, UCLA


8:30-9:00 / Continental breakfast
Session I: OPENING Chair: Angel Ibarra
9:00-9:10 / 5+5 / Edward Stevens (remote participation) / DOE Welcome
9:10-9:35 / 20+5 / Mohamed Abdou / Introduction to workshop
9:35-10:15 / 30+10 / Gianfranco Federici / EU DEMO project
10:15-10:45 / 25+5 / Lorenzo Boccaccini / EU blanket design and R&D for DEMO
10:45-11:00 / 15 / Coffee break
Session II: DCLL Chair: Rick Kurtz
11:00-11:25 / 20+5 / Siegfried Malang / What is DCLL (including HT and LT)?
11:25-11:45 / 15+5 / David Rapisarda / EU DCLL conceptual design for the EU DEMO
11:45-12:05 / 15+5 / Sergey Smolentsev / A design for the DCLL inboard blanket
12:05-12:30 / 20+5 / Dario Carloni / Safety considerations for the EU DCLL
12:30-14:00 / 90 / Lunch at Faculty Center
14:00-14:20 / 15+5 / Siegfried Malang / Maintenance schemes and related DCLL designs
Session III: FCI Chair: Brad Merrill
14:20-14:40 / 15+5 / Prachai Norajitra / Manufacturing of Sandwich FCI for the EU DEMO DCLL
14:40-15:00 / 15+5 / Maria Gonzalez / Sandwich FCI characterization
15:00-15:20 / 15+5 / Yutai Katoh / Progress on R&D of SiC FCI for DCLL
15:20-15:40 / 15+5 / Maria Gonzalez / SiC as an alternative FCI for EU DEMO
Session IV: TRITIUM Chair: Lorenzo Boccaccini
15:40-16:05 / 20+5 / Carlos Moreno / Modeling tools for tritium transport
16:05:16:25 / 15+5 / Alice Ying / Tritium Transport in multi-region PbLi blanket
16:25-16:45 / 15+5 / Carlos Moreno / Modelling of the tritium fuel cycle
16:45-17:00 / 15 / Coffee break
17:00-17:20 / 15+5 / Marco Utili / Tritium extraction technologies for EU DCLL
17:20-17:40 / 15+5 / Paul Humrickhouse / Analysis of Vacuum Permeator for tritium extraction for DCLL
17:40-18:00 / 15+5 / Ivan Fernandez / Experimental data for tritium transport modeling
18:00 / Adjourn
19:00 / Dinner hosted by UCLA
8:30-9:00 / Continental breakfast
Session V: MHD Chair: Yutai Katoh
09:00-09:25 / 20+5 / Elisabet Mas de les Valls
(remote participation) / Progress on PbLi MHD thermofluids in EU
09:25-09:50 / 20+5 / Sergey Smolentsev / Recent results on MHD thermofluids for DCLL in US
09:50-10:15 / 20+5 / Ramakanth Munipalli / High performance computing for MHD
10:15-10:35 / 20 / Coffee break
Session VI: FACILITIES Chair: Maria Gonzalez
10:35-10:55 / 15+5 / Ivan Fernandez / Summary of FUSKITE results on materials, modeling and data analysis
10:55-11:15 / 15+5 / Neil Morley / Multiple effects for HT DCLL
11:15-11:30 / 10+5 / Rich Callis / Conceptual Design of a Multi-effect DCLL Test Stand
11:30-11:50 / 15+5 / Ivan Fernandez / The CIEMAT LiPb loop: conceptual design
11:50-12:10 / 15+5 / Brad Merrill / INL experimental and analytical capabilities for DCLL
12:10-12:30 / 10+10 / Michael Ulrickson / Heat flux on FW. Impact on FW/blanket design and R&D
12:30-13:30 / 60 / Lunch (boxes will be brought in)
Discussion and Action Sessions
13:30-14:30 / 60 / Discussion Session A. Chair: Angel Ibarra. Areas of common interest for EU-US collaboration on DCLL and suggested actions.
14:30-15:30 / 60 / Discussion Session B. Chair: Neil Morley. Multiple effects.
a.  How to simulate multiple-effects/multiple interactions experiments in laboratory facilities.
b.  What methods are possible for simulating volumetric heating and temperature, both magnitude and gradient?
15:30-16:30 / 60 / Discussion Session C. Chair: Lorenzo Boccaccini. R&D approach and strategy for FCI.
a.  Do we focus on SiC or sandwich-type?
b.  Should all effort the next several years be focused only on low-temperature DCLL?
c.  When do we start development for high-temperature DCLL?
d.  What are the sequence of logical experiments to show that FCI is viable and practical in the fusion nuclear environment?
e.  Are present computational methods sufficient to fully analyze FCI and gap flow?
16:30-16:45 / 15 / Angel Ibarra / Workshop summary, EU
16:45-17:00 / 15 / Mohamed Abdou / Workshop summary, US
17:00 / Adjourn