Georgetown, Ky., January 29, 2015

The Scott County Board of Education met at Georgetown Middle School at 6:30 o'clock P.M. on the 29th day of January, 20 15, with the following members present:

(1) Robert H. Conway (2) Kevin Kidwell (3) Jennifer Holbert

(4) Jo Anna Fryman (5) Stephanie Powers

REgular Board Meeting

(Meeting #3)

1.  CALL TO ORDER: The meeting was called to order by Chair Robert H. (Haley) Conway.

2.  WELCOME: Haley welcomed everyone.

3.  INTRODUCE LEGISLATORS: All four legislators representing Scott County were invited to the meeting. Representatives Ryan Quarles and Brian Linder had responded that they were unable to attend. Representative Tom McKee and Senator Damon Thayer responded that they would be able to attend for a portion of the meeting. At the time of this agenda item, the legislators had not yet arrived. It was decided that introductions would be made upon their arrival.

4.  APPROVE JANUARY 22ND 2015 MEETING MINUTES: Motion made by Jo Anna Fryman. Second by Kevin Kidwell. Motion carried unanimously.

5.  APPROVE AGENDA: Motion made by Kevin Kidwell. Second by Jo Anna Fryman. Motion carried unanimously.

6.  PRESENTATION OF THE 2016 DRAFT BUDGET: Chief Financial Officer Randy Cutright presented the 2015-2016 draft budget which the board must review prior to January 31st. Cutright’s presentation included projections and trends for expenditures and revenue as well as projected enrollment. On average, Scott County schools experience a 2-3% increase in enrollment each year. The discussion also included scenarios specific to the addition of full day kindergarten in August 2015 and the building of a new high school. Phase I of the new high school facility will open for 700 students in August 2017. This budget presentation is the first in the chronology of budget development which will continue through September 30, 2015 when the Board will take action on the working budget for Scott County Schools for 2015-2016. During the budget presentation, Representative Tom McKee and Senator Damon Thayer arrived. Mrs. Putty asked Mr. Cutright to pause so the Legislators who arrived at meeting could be introduced publicly. Mrs. Putty introduced State Senator Damon Thayer, and Scott County Representative Tom McKee. Senator Thayer thanked the Board for the invitation to attend. He shared that he knows how hard is to make funding decisions when there is not an excess of funds available, and he appreciates the work being done. Senator Thayer shared with the Board Members a copy of a five year history of Scott County funds. Mrs. Putty thanked him for his attendance. Secondly, Representative McKee was introduced. He shared that he was new to Scott County, having served Harrison County for many years. He is the 78th District Representative, serving Harrison, Pendleton, and a portion of eastern Scott County. He thanked the district for doing a great job of educating his grandchildren and added that if there is anything he can do to be of service, to please contact him. Mrs. Putty thanked Representative McKee. After introductions, Mr. Cutright finished with the Draft Budget presentation.

At 8:00 pm, Haley Conway called for a recess.

At 8:15, meeting was reconvened by Haley Conway.

7.  APPROVE DEPOSITORIES OF THE BOARD: Motion made by Jennifer Holbert. Second by Stephanie Powers. Motion carried unanimously.

8.  PRESENTATION OF THE ANNUAL ASSESSMENT AND EVALUATION OF SCHOOL NUTRITION AND PHYSICAL ACTIVITY REPORT: Per KRS 158.856, a public forum was held prior to the Board Meeting at 5:30 p.m. to share the district’s annual report on nutrition and physical activity. The Board discussed the report, plan for improvement, and the comments from the public forum.

9.  ADJOURNMENT: Haley thanked everyone for attending, and added there will be a work session February 5th at 6:30 pm at Georgetown Middle School. Stephanie Powers made motion to adjourn meeting, second by Jennifer Holbert. Motion carried unanimously.

Chairman, Board of Education

Secretary, Board of Education