Weekly Review Quiz as of 2010-05-13
Economics: Micro

Chinese, Foreign Car Makers Target Same Customers
by Norihiko Shirouzu

1. For a long while in the Chinese car market,

a) foreign car makers and Chinese car manufacturers have targeted fugal customers. The two groups of companies are increasingly going after people who are just getting affluent enough to afford a car.
* b) foreign car makers have targeted rich elites and Chinese car manufacturers have targeted more fugal customers. The two groups of companies are increasingly going after people who are just getting affluent enough to afford a car.
c) foreign car makers and Chinese car manufacturers have targeted rich elites. The two groups of companies are increasingly going after people who are just getting affluent enough to afford a car.
d) foreign car makers and Chinese car manufacturers have targeted rich elites and will continue to do so.
e) foreign car makers and Chinese car manufacturers have targeted fugal customers and will continue to do so.

Talent Agencies Cry Foul, Lawsuits Fly
by Matthew Futterman

2. Two talent-agency heavyweights, CAA and IMG Worldwide, specializing in sports and entertainment stars are locked in a battle over

a) employee poaching.
* b) business poaching.
c) advertising.
d) compensation.
e) Fortune 500 executives.

Telecom Firms Thrive in Somalia Despite War, Shattered Economy
by Abdinasir Mohamed and Sarah Childress

3. The Wall Street Journal reports that Somalia’s war-torn, shattered economy has been stoked by

a) international aid.
b) a thriving democracy.
c) a growing automobile manufacturing industry.
d) the rebirth of its tourism industry.
* e) inexpensive mobile-phone service.

Taobao, Yahoo Japan Look for e-Bay-Style Heft
by Loretta Chao and Daisuke Wakabayashi

4. A Chinese internet shopping service and a Japanese search engine are poised to make a major push that is ultimately aimed at creating one of the world’s biggest online marketplaces. The internet shopping service and search engine are

a) ChinaSite.com and Google Japan Inc.
b) ChinaSite.com and Yahoo Japan Corp.
c) Taobao.com and Google Japan Inc.
* d) Taobao.com and Yahoo Japan Corp.
e) Taobao.com and Ask.jp Inc.

Oil Regulator Ceded Oversight to Drillers
by Russell Gold and Stephen Power

5. The U.S. agency, the Minerals Management Service, which oversees offshore drilling

a) does not write or implement most safety regulations.
b) sets broad performance goals for the industry and then lets oil producers and drilling companies decide how to meet these goals.
c) does not have enforcement as its primary responsibility.
* d) all of the above.
e) none of the above.