Dr. Jim Thompson, instructor

E-mail address:

Instrumental Music Office phone: 256-5100 ext. #74174

Availability for conferences, etc.: Lunch, 3rd Period, or 6th Period


This course is designed to provide the opportunity for beginning or novice guitar students to learn thefundamentals of guitar playing and some singing. Students will be expected to learn and master rhythmic and pitchnotation, how to correctly produce various chords, melodic lines, and chord progressions from written or printedmusic, all with proper position and technique. Whole-hearted participation will prepare students for a lifetimeassociation with musical activities, as well as foster a heightened understanding and appreciation for all formsof art.


Instruments: Each student will be required to obtain their own guitar, so he/she can bring it to class everyday, and take it home to practice very frequently—especially, since we don’t have much storage room here at theschool for guitars, nor can we guarantee absolute security. In fact, we suggest you mark your case, guitar, andbook very obviously, so that there can be no question of who owns your guitar and/or case. The school does NOT provide rental, purchase, or loan service of the instruments, but most local music stores in the area do have

reasonable deals for purchase and/or rentals. Yes, it is possible to get by on an electric guitar, but due to space andtime restrictions, the use of amplifiers is not feasible—(perhaps only on special occasions—but the amplifiersbelonging to Bingham’s instrumental music department are not available to guitar students).

Textbooks: It will not be feasible for students to use a different method book than what we are using for in-classinstruction and/or credit, but students certainly are encouraged to work on their own on anything they wish assupplemental material outside of class, and for some extra-credit. Therefore, each student is required to purchase the same method book. We will have enough here at the school for your purchase, which will be about $20.00 (price may vary depending on how many books are ordered.) By no means does Dr. Thompson proclaim to be an “all knowing master guitarist,” but he will assist youin any way he can to become more proficient on your instrument. The Guitar II class, will be offered 2nd Semester,which will be a continuation of Guitar I.

Class Format:

Most days of class will be spent on group instruction and/or in ensemble playing for the first half to two-thirdsof the period, and then the rest of the period will be spent on individual practice time where students areexpected to use their time wisely in preparing for their next assigned required “pass-off.” Additionally, duringthese “personal practice” times, Dr. Thompson will be available to grade those individual “pass-offs,” to help, or demonstration of whatever particular skill a student needs to pass. And yes, these times can be used for students to practice their “outside of class” material, but only ifthey are caught up with their required “pass-offs” for the class. Keep in mind that your personal practice timeduring class is a privilege—and that you should stay “on-task” when in the practice rooms, or in the hall--but only with special permission.Only under special circumstances may you use the hallway just outside the band and choir rooms. DO NOT abuse yourprivileges, or everyone will have to remain in the choir room, where there usually is too much) guitar noise, during personal practice time! Finally, at least once a term, students will be required to performeither as soloists, or in groups, in front of the class. Other class members will be attentive and supportive byapplauding enthusiastically for each other no matter what has happened. Dr. Thompson reserves the right todetermine the grade for the performance.

Consequences for appropriate behavior:

Full participation points

Positive parental contact

Positive notes home

Faster development of playing skills

Consequences for inappropriate behavior:

Reduced or zero participation points

Negative parental contact

Negative notes home

Slower development of playing skills


Note: The award of credit in this class is subject to BHS’s official attendance policy.

Also,NO SMART PHONES, CELL PHONES, I-PADS, I-PODS, LAPTOPS, etc. during class, as per School/District policy—except under special permission! (On rare occasion, permission may be issued for students to listen to their electronic device to learn a particular tune—but only if the student asks permission first and its during personal practice time!)

Bingham High’s dress code will also be enforced for all in-class activities!

Grades are determined through attendance, behavior, using individual class time wisely, and mostly by howstudents perform on their “progress/playing tests/pass-offs”.

The following represents a percentage breakdown for grading


30% Participation (includes attendance & tardies)—as per BHS’s official school attendance/citizenshippolicy. In essence, for each day class is held, each student will receive 10 participation points, andthen for each unexcused absence, 10 points will be deducted, and for each tardy 5 points will bededucted. Additionally, if a student does not have their guitar, or book, or neglects to set up a stand (or at least be near one other person who has a stand set up) 5 points can also be deducted for such deficiencies.

10% ATTITUDE (evidences of being “on task” during class—i.e. sitting up straight, stopping playingwhen the instructor signals, not talking, starting when the instructor starts, etc.)If excessive “off-task” behaviors are exhibited, attitude &/or participation points can be deducted.

60% Proficiency (evidences of being prepared for rehearsal through “progress” tests, commonlyreferred to as “pass-offs”)

Extra-Credit/Make-Up: These opportunities will be offered periodically, and make-up work especially has to be negotiated with the instructor. The maximum number of extra-credit points is 50, meaning, yes, a student desiring to improve their grade can do so—but they can’t make up an entire quarter’s worth of work just by doing extra-credit.


A fee of $20.00+or- will be required to purchase the method book for the class. Fees should be paidwithin the first week of the semester, so we can get the class underway.


We have read the Guitar I Disclosure and understand the requirements for the course.


(Parent/Guardian signature)


(Student Signature) (Printed Student Name & Period)