Study guide 1 for EOC State test---so far chapters 3-9

  1. ______The U.S. Congress is divided into two “chambers,” so it is what type of legislature?
  2. ______The “Upper Chamber” is called what?
  3. ______The “Lower Chamber” is called what?
  4. ______Members of the House of Representatives serve for how many years?
  5. ______Members of the Senate serve for how many years?
  6. ______How many Senators are elected from each state?
  7. ______What determines the number of House members from each state?
  8. ______The person in charge of the majority party in the House is called what?
  9. ______Who (title) is the President of the Senate?
  10. ______What is the title of the person who takes over the Senate when the President of the Senate is missing?
  11. ______What title is used for the assistant leader for both the majority and minority leaders in both Houses?
  12. ______What determines who gets on powerful committees?
  13. ______Congressional powers spelled out in the Constitution are called what?
  14. ______What type of Congressional powers arise out of the “necessary and proper clause?”
  15. ______Impeachment is an example of what type of power?
  16. ______Congress cannot pass laws that punish a person without a trial, known as what?
  17. ______Laws that declare an action as illegal being used to punish a person that committed the act before it was made illegal. (prohibited)
  18. ______Talking a Bill to death in the Senate is called what?
  19. ______An Amendment to the U.S. Constitution that begins in the Congress must pass both houses with what majority at a minimum?
  20. ______All spending bills must begin where?
  21. ______For a Bill to reach the President, how much difference can there be between the House and Senate versions?
  22. ______Who is the chief diplomat of the United States?
  23. ______What is the current salary of the President of the United States?
  24. ______Who approves the treaties the President negotiates?
  25. ______How many years is one Presidential term?
  26. ______What is the maximum number of years a person can be President of the United States?
  27. ______What is the maximum number or terms a person can be elected to the Presidency?
  28. ______Who approves Presidential appointments to seat Federal Judges?
  29. ______What is it called when the President officially forbids a bill passed by Congress?
  30. ______What title goes with the Presidency that means he is in charge of the US military?
  31. ______When something happens to the President, Vice President, and Speaker of the House, who is next in line?
  32. ______The actions a government makes to solve problems in a community.
  33. ______What type of “power” is administering elections?
  34. ______What type of “power” is levying taxes?”
  35. ______What type of “power” is the regulation of interstate commerce?
  36. ______What type of “power” is the declaration of war?
  37. ______Rule by a King or Queen with an elected legislature.
  38. ______Representatives make decisions
  39. ______Obey laws, pay taxes, defend the nation, serve on juries
  40. ______The spread of culture.
  41. ______Separation of Powers
  42. ______Rule by one person
  43. ______The government owns all the businesses – command economy
  44. ______Oligarchy
  45. ______was the period of time in Europe, following the Renaissance, during which there was an explosion in scientific knowledge and political thinking.
  46. ______is the term for the leaders of the American Revolution who wrote the Declaration of Independence and U.S. Constitution.
  47. ______Which political philosopher inspired the reference in the Declaration of Independence to “Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness?”
  48. ______was the philosopher who felt that government powers should be separated (into branches) to prevent any part from becoming too powerful.
  49. ______was a pamphlet, written by Thomas Paine that encouraged colonists to rebel against England.
  50. ______was written as a final response to British Acts (Coercive Acts, Tea Act, etc.) and fighting at Lexington and Concord. It referenced “the Laws of Nature” and “unalienable rights.”
  51. The ______(Colonies) had a cold climate and rocky soils, making large scale farming difficult. They specialized in logging, ship building, fishing, and fur trading.
  52. The ______(Colonies) had a warm climate and specialized in the large scale production and trade of agricultural products.
  53. The ______(Colonies) had climate and soils that made the production of cash crops easy, and their natural resources resulted in mining, ironworks, and industry.
  54. ______What English document established the principle and precedent of limited government in English law?
  55. ______All citizens vote on all issues
  56. ______Method of becoming a citizen
  57. ______established the right to a fair trial and required Parliamentary approval of taxes, moving England toward a Constitutional Monarchy.
  58. ______was the government (direct democracy) established by the Pilgrims.
  59. ______Which amendment protects persons from double jeopardy
  60. ______Which amendment protects the rights of states?
  61. ______Which amendment protects individuals from unreasonable searches?
  62. ______Which amendment is about the right to bear arms?
  63. ______Which amendment provides for the following freedoms: speech, religion, press, assembly, petition?
  64. ______Which amendment guarantees that all people will be treated fairly under the law throughout the U.S..? It was originally intended to protect the rights of freed slaves.
  65. ______Which amendment gave women the right to vote?
  66. ______The seventh amendment guarantees what?
  67. ______Who won the right to vote first, women or freed male slaves?
  68. ______How old do you have to be to vote?
  69. ______Testifying against yourself is called what?
  70. ______What kept minorities from voting (outlawed by the 24th amendment)?
  71. ______What is the term for being forced to keep soldiers in your home?
  72. ______What is the taking of private land for the public good?
  73. ______What group wanted a strong unifying national government?
  74. ______What group insisted the Constitution include a Bill of Rights because they did not trust the government?
  75. ______Government officials are subject to the same laws as citizens…
  76. ______What part of the Constitution safeguards individual freedoms?
  77. ______What type of powers belong only to the states?
  78. ______What type of powers belong only to the US government?
  79. ______What principle guarantees that each branch of government can limit the power of the other branches of government?
  80. ______What powers belong to both the US government and state governments?
  81. ______What is the “supreme law of the land?”
  82. ______Type of jurisdiction that only gives authority to federal courts to hear cases.
  83. ______Type of jurisdiction that give authority to both state and federal courts to hear cases.
  84. ______Type of jurisdiction that give authority to hear cases for the first time.
  85. ______Type of jurisdiction that give authority to to hear a case appealed from a lower court.
  86. ______Opinion that is a statement written by a justice who disagrees with the major opinion, presenting his or her opinion.
  87. ______Opinion when the Supreme Court rules on a case in which all justices agree on the ruling.
  88. ______The U.S Supreme Court may declare laws passed by Congress to be unconstitutional, a process called what?
  89. ______How many Justices are on the U.S. Supreme Court?
  90. ______Federal judges and Justices serve for how many years?
  91. ______What is the process that begins removal of a Federal Judge or Justice called?
  92. ______Who approves Federal Judge appointed by the President?
  93. ______What type of court is the first U.S/Federal Court to usually hear a case?
  94. ______Other than a judge, name another Federal official who works in a courtroom.
  95. ______What term is used to indicate the Supreme Court of the United States (SCOTUS) wants the lower court’s decision to stand?
  96. ______What term is applied to a petition/request for a lower court to send it’s court records to SCOTUS?
  97. What was the main idea, outcome and significance of the following cases?
  98. Marbury v Madison:______
  99. Plessy v Ferguson: ______
  100. Gideon v. Wainwright:______
  101. Miranda v. Arizona:______
  102. Dred Scott v. Sandford:______
  103. Tinker v, Desmoines:______
  104. Bush v. Gore:______
  105. Hazelwood v. Kuhlmeire:______
  106. in re Gault:______
  107. Brown v. Board:______
  108. US v. Nixon:______