Desert Rivers Collaborative Meeting
Tuesday- October 21, 2014; 9:00-11:00 am
Grand Junction Air Center (2774 Landing View Lane, Grand Junction, 81506)*
Desired Meeting Outcomes
- Learn about current projects , challenges/milestones, other relevant partner news, current and upcoming funding opportunities
- Affirm Desert Rivers Collaborative mission and overall goals, or redefine as necessary
- Discuss importance/relevancy and potential timeline for development of implementation plan for DRC
- Document necessary plan components
- Catalog list of challenges facing partners as larger projects are considered
- Discuss potential solutions/capacity building steps
- Define action steps necessary to develop implementation plan
- Partner updates on current or planned projects
- Discuss potential “cross-visit” with Southeast Utah Riparian Partnership
- Make decision about whether or not to host group Spring 2015
- Discuss potential sites if visit is a go
- Funding update on pending and upcoming grant opportunities for DRC
- Check in on DRC mission& goals
- Does the current focus of the group meet partners’ needs?
- Are we addressing the right questions/problems in the area?
- Partner involvement
- TC commitment to advancing partnership
- Which potential partners are we currently missing?
- Plan development discussion and input
- Purpose of plan
- Outline strategiesto achieve goals
- Assist partners with long-term land management goals
- Legitimacy with funders/strengthen grant applications
- Document successes and work completed to date
- Determine what components of a plan would be most helpfulto TC/partners?
- Definitionor documentation of riparian issues in focus area
- Landscape-scale and site specific goals and project selection criteria with public and private lands strategies delineated
- Potential list of sites w/
- Timelines for implementation
- Cost estimates
- List of barriers/challenges
- Staff capacity?
- Technical knowledge?
- Timeline and capacity for developing plan
- Number of resources in existence that can help prioritization
*Instructions for the Air Center: When you arrive at the Air Center (on the west end of the airport; access via Falcon Way and Landing View Land), push the button at the gate and say you're there for the DRCmeeting. Take a left after the gate, and park in the back lot. If you have any trouble, please call my cell phone (970-985-8759) or the Air Center (at 970-257-4800).