To be slanted is to lean or slope in one direction and therefore away from another. The slanting or leaning of God’s people should be apparent and obvious to onlookers. The Tower of Pisa would not nearly be as interesting or noteworthy if it were not leaning to one side. Because of its slant it attracts thousands of visitors. I am a slanted Christian...

In favor of teaching and preaching the Bible as the authoritative and unchanging Word of God, verbally inspired and without error in the original autographs, and therefore against the theory that the Bible “contains” the Word of God or is allegorical or mythical as held by the neo-orthodox.

In favor of belief in the deity of Jesus Christ, His virgin birth, vicarious blood atonement, and His visible second coming, and therefore against any teaching classifying Him merely as a man, a religious teacher, or an example of a good life.

In favor of declaring that Jesus Christ is the only hope and way of salvation for lost and sinful man, and therefore against the commonly held idea that other religions or philosophies are also pathways to salvation or that one can be in right relationship with God apart from repentance and faith in the Lord Jesus Christ.

In favor of the Great Commission to declare the gospel to all nations, and therefore against neo-evangelicalism which emphasizes dialogue instead of proclamation, felt needs rather than spiritual needs and the centrality of man rather than the glory of God.

In favor of the Ten Commandments, the biblical truths and principles of morality and decency, and therefore against the new morality which accepts situational ethics, political correctness and tolerance as the mantras of the modern age.

In favor of accepting biblical mandates for human sexuality, and marriage between one man and one woman, and therefore against premarital or extramarital relations, cohabitation outside of marriage and homosexuality as an alternative lifestyle rather than an abomination to God the Creator.

In favor of the servant-leadership role of men in the home and church and of the submission of women as God ordained “helpmeets,” and therefore against male passivity and the feminist agenda which undermines God’s structure of authority.

In favor of children in subjection to and under the authority of their parents, obeying and honoring them as God has called them to do in His holy word, and therefore against the modern theory that children should assert and express themselves as individuals.

In favor of personal holiness and separation from worldliness and therefore against lifestyles, fads or fashions that compromise one’s Christian testimony for the Lord Jesus Christ.

In favor of a conservative and traditional form of worship that brings glory to God and gives Jesus Christ His due preeminence, and therefore against contemporary worship services with their attendant ungodly music which entertains men rather than proclaims the gospel of Christ and the whole counsel of God.

Yes, I am a slanted Christian...