NorthsideCollegePrepHigh School

School Year 2010-2011

Español IV Regular

Mrs. Torres-Pagani

Text: Buen Viaje (Blue Book)Email:

Phone: (773) 534-3954, ext. 26864

Course Objective: Objetivos del curso

The goal of this class is to improve oral communication skills in Spanish and provide a greater understanding of Hispanic cultures, which will be achieved through the use of various media and stimuli such as movies, politics, music, cuisine, and literature.

Most importantly, the focus will be on SPEAKING and understanding both oral and written Spanish. The teacher will act as a facilitator, but it is YOUR responsibility to come to class prepared, willing to participate, and with a positive attitude. If you do not have the will to practice speaking you won't recognize your Spanish-speaking skills at the end of the semester. If you don't want to speak Spanish in class, your grade will be affected.

We will also be working throughout the semester on the amplification of your vocabulary and accuracy in the use of both vocabulary and grammatical structures through in-class discussions, FUN activities, oral presentations, and weekly quizzes.

EVALUATION: Students grades will be based on weekly quizzes, Unit tests, weekly conversation class performance, completion of homework assignments, daily participation in class, and projects.


Breakdown / Grading Scale
Participation35% / A 100-90
Quizzes20% / B 89-80
Tests25% / C 79-70
Homework20% / D 69-60
F 59-0


  1. Mandated 2” ring binder and loose leaf paper ( No exceptions!)

Binder must be divided into a. Notes b. Homework c. Groups Projects

  1. Spanish/English dictionary (A must!)
  2. Markers, color pencils, glitter, scissors, tape or glue, etc.

Note: Binders will peer edited every 3 weeks. You must keep your binder organized.

You are to take notes at all times.


Homework: All assignments are due as specified by teacher. Considerations only

if supported by a written doctor’s note or parent contact. You must have your homework ready to be turned in as soon as you enter the classroom. If you need to print any work, you must do so prior to class time. If absent, the homework is due immediately upon returning to class unless you are out for more than two class sessions. Please check the website to check for homework. If unsure please email me or call me. I do not accept late homework.

Important: For special projects or computer presentations, you must save all work on a disk, email the work to yourself, and save under your folder. Please make sure you back up your work at all times. All projects must be completed two days before due day. Also make sure your work opens from a computer station at school before presentation. No excuses will be accepted.

Attendance Policy: Attendance and punctuality are mandatory. Students with

two unexcused tardiness will receive a parent-teacher phone contact. More than two tardiness will result of a one letter grade reduction and parent contact.


Academic Misconduct: Any student performing dishonesty such as: copying

homework, test, OR misusing/downloading inappropriate information from computers, etc. will receive an immediate penalty of a grade reduction and a parent contact or conference.

Behavioral Expectations: Students are not to converse without permission. If you feel that sitting next to your friend in class may cause a distraction, please reconsider where you choose to sit.

Students disrespecting teacher or offending their peers will receive ONE verbal warning. Any reoccurrence will result of a parent contact. **Students are not to use any unpleasant language at any time.

Students are expected to respect the teacher and peers at all time.

Classroom Rules: Students are not allowed to eat (hard candy ok), drink or chew gum in the classroom. Only water bottles with pull caps are allowed. No writing on desks. No headphones should be displayed in the classroom. Do not get up from your seat, or open any windows unless instructed by teacher. Do not use computers unless authorized by teacher.

Note: You are allowed to three bathroom passes throughout each semester. You must use your eight (8) minutes passing time to go to your locker, get books, materials, use the bathroom and drink water. Permission to leave the classroom will not be authorized unless by special arrangements with parent, doctor, and/or school counselor. Do not get up from your chairs unless dismissed by Ms. Torres.

Class Guidelines

I have read the above information and policies. I agree that I will abide by these rules at all times. Any issues I may encounter throughout the year, I agree to discuss them privately with Ms. Torres in order to have a positive academic and social approach in my school year. Mrs. Torres has mentioned the availability for academic support. I agree to attend tutoring per her recommendation.


Student SignatureParent/Guardian Signature

______(______)______- ______

DateDay Time Phone Number


______Evening Phone Number

Parent Email

In order to have a positive year, it is imperative that a good teacher, student and parent relationship is established. Therefore, I will keep you informed of any academic or social struggles your child may encounter throughout the school year. My goal is to establish a positive learning experience by providing a comfortable learning and fun environment in the classroom.

If you have any questions regarding the instructional materials or how you can help your child get the most out of his/her Spanish class, please feel free to contact me at (773) 534-3954, extension 313.

My email address is:

Thank you,

Ms. Torres

Weeks 1 –2Grammar Review of Spanish III
  • Futuro regular e irregular
  • Condicional
  • Directo e Indirecto
  • Presente del subjuntivo (todas las cláusulas)
  • Subjuntivo con cláusulas relativas y adverbiales
  • Subjuntivo con conjunciones de tiempo
  • Imperfecto del subjuntivo
  • Imperativo

Examen de repaso tomará lugar el lunes, 19 de septiembre (periodo 4)

Examen de repaso tomará lugar el martes, 20 de septiembre (periodo 5 y 8)

Weeks 3-40

Capítulo 5 /
  • Influencias españolas: Acontecimientos históricos pg. 202-208
  • Actividad Oral: Un crimen pg. 209
  • Noticia “Reading Prompt” Role Play
  • Un romance y un corridor
Note: Otras lecturas, tareas y presentaciones serán anunciadas.
Video: Spain: Beyond Borders / Gramática:
  • Presente Perfecto
  • palabras negativas y afirmativas,
  • sino y pero
  • Pluscuamperfecto
  • Futuro perfecto

Capítulo 6 /
  • Los valores culturales
  • Los valores en comun
  • La influencia de la familia 267-270
  • Lectura: Cartas al director pg.264
  • Mi Padre
Note: Otras lecturas, tareas y presentaciones serán anunciadas. /
  • Pronombre con preposicion
  • Verbos reflexivos
  • Presente perfecto del subjuntivo
  • Pluscuamperfecto del subjuntivo
  • Pronombres demostrativos

Capítulo 7 / La salud y el bienestar
Estadisticas sobre la salud 296-308
La dieta 318-321
Un día de estos
Note: Otras lecturas, tareas y presentaciones serán anunciadas. /
  • Pronombre relativos
  • Por y Para

Capítulo 8 / Raíces
La herencia etnocultural de los hispanos 354-356
La fusion del Viejo Mundo y el Nuevo Mundo 357-358
Los africanos en Latinoamérica, pg. 363
Lenguas indígenas, Lectura: Rigoberta Menchú
Los Mayas371-382
Los judios en el caribe, pg. 383-386
El prendimiento de Antoñito el Camborio en el camino de Sevilla por Federico Garcia Lorca
Note: Otras lecturas, tareas y presentaciones serán anunciadas. This syllabus is subject to change /
  • Adverbios
  • La voz pasiva387-388
  • Repaso de gramática