Red Talon STD/HIV Coalition

Our goal is to reduce the prevalence of STDs among American Indians and Alaska Natives in the Pacific Northwest by uniting to share wisdom, data, and resources, identify and address common priorities, and develop strategies to eliminate STD-related disparities.

Meeting Minutes – July 10, 2006

Shoalwater Bay Tribe, Tokeland, WA

Meeting Attendees:

1.  Irene Kipp, Nez Perce

2.  Lisa Shipman, Shoalwater Bay

3.  Raylene McCloud, Nisqually

4.  Jutta Riediger, SPIPA

5.  Michael Maxwell, Tribal BEAR Project

6.  Mark Aubin, Washington State Department of Health

7.  Lonzell Maddock, Snoqualmie Tribe

8.  Bonnie Peters, Snoqualmie Tribe

9.  David Maddock, Snoqualmie Tribe

10.  Marla Russo, Washington State Department of Health

11.  Alan Winter, NARA

12.  Rose Jimmicum, Makah Tribe

13.  Stephanie Craig Rushing, Project Red Talon

14.  Lisa Griggs, Project Red Talon

Review First and Second Quarter of the STD Tribal Action Plan:

Took a look at Tribal Action Plan, as of July we are on track on all activities. (See Enclosure) or take a look on the web at

Leader Advocacy Kit:

Is complete and ready to be ordered - The Red Talon STD/HIV Advocacy Kit is designed to help tribal health advocates inform tribal decision makers about the impact of sexually transmitted diseases on tribal health, and the importance of comprehensive prevention activities. This Kit is appropriate for educating Tribal council members, school boards, health directors, and partnering agencies

Project Red Talon:

Reviewed Project Red Talon scope of work for FY 2007. At this time we are on track and met all goals and objectives.

Coalition Workgroups

**All materials will be included for those of you who could not attend for your suggestions**

1.  Media Campaign Workgroup

Group discussed possible revisions, and the need to modify – Teen Zine pamphlets

2. Testing and Treatment

Clinic Policy Workgroup

·  Group reviewed the Tribal STD Policy Checklist. This will be available by next Coalition meeting.

3. Prevention and Intervention Workgroup

Group discussed possible revisions, and the need to modify - STD/HIV/Sex Fact Sheet for Parents, Families, and Teachers of Teens Fact sheet.

Announcements and Next Steps

1. Use of Washington State IPP labs- Working on Memorandum of Agreement with interested tribes.

2. Grants/Funding Opportunities - A new grant submission for a pilot project entitled "Intergenerational Approaches to HIV/AIDS Prevention Education with Women across the Lifespan.”

The purpose of the Pilot Program is to develop cross-generational HIV/AIDS prevention education approaches for women at risk for or living with HIV/AIDS and other female family members 12 years and older, particularly targeting Native American/American Indian who are grandmothers, mothers, daughters, granddaughters, and aunts.

3. New STD Guideline – Was schedule for release on June 14, 2006 has been pushed back to August 14, 2006.

Next Meeting: Thursday October 19, 2006

Umatilla Tribe, Pendleton, OR (Wildhorse Resort & Casino)

Logistics, TBA