Norwich Playhouse Risk Assessment.

TASK DESCRIPTION:Stage work DATE: 12-9-2017

WRITTEN BY:Peter WrightAPPROVED BY:Andrew Ramsbottom

Activity/Area / Hazards / Persons at risk / Severity / Likelihood / Rating / Precautions / Severity / Likelihood / Residual rating / Management responsible
Manual Handling/ Set Get-in / Strain on back
Crushed or broken limbs
Loss of grip causing potential injury elsewhere / Resident staff/
Visiting company / 4 / 4 / 16 / Load-in/load-out routes must be made clear from all obstruction before load-in/load-out commences. All doors on the route to be wedged open to minimise time taken for carriage.
Identify heavy and awkward items and ensure that these are carried by an adequate number of people to be decided upon by the Resident Duty Technician and the Visiting Company Manager.
All members of resident staff have been instructed in safe lifting procedures.
All members of resident staff refuse to carry items they believe to be beyond their capabilities. They shall ask for adequate help.
The use of a dolly/trolley/sack barrow or piano wheels where possible to reduce physical carrying to a minimum.
All resident staff are issued with PPE (Personal Protective Equipment); i.e. steel toe-capped boots, heavy duty gloves. It is the responsibility of the Visiting Company to provide PPE for their own staff.
Only venue staff and approved staff from the Visiting Company to assist with load-in/load-out (not friends, visitors, parents, passers-by etc.)
Any building sequence of set to be developed by the Visiting Company and the Resident Staff under the leadership of the Visiting Company Manager and under the supervision of the Resident Duty Technician.
If there are any particularly awkward, sharp or dangerous bits of set, the Visiting Company must inform the Resident Duty Technician as soon as possible and, where necessary, produce their own manual handling risk assessment pertinent to the objects in question.
All throughout get-in/get-out the Resident Staff and the Visiting Company must ensure that they work steadily together without rushing and taking proper breaks.
Visiting Company Manager to check all fixings, nuts and bolts at each stage of the fit-up. When the set is built, Visiting Company Manager to do a final check with the Resident Duty Technician. / 3 / 2 / 6 / Resident Technical Manager,
Visiting Company Manager
Lighting and technical set-up / Rigging activities- Working at height / Resident staff / 4 / 3 / 12 / Where possible, the majority of ‘pre-rigging’work to be finished before the Visiting Company arrive and enter the stage area. There will always be an absolute minimum of two people present on stage whenever there is any working at height.
All Resident Staff fully trained in safe Working at Height procedures.
Only approved and maintained access equipment to be used. / 4 / 1 / 4 / Resident Technical Manager
Lighting and Technical set-up / Safety of venue rig- risk of falling lanterns, electrical safety, etc. / Resident Staff/
Visiting Company / 4 / 3 / 12 / During rigging and focussing, Resident Staff to do a visual check on all lanterns and cables in use and to make sure that each lantern is affixed to its bar with a sturdy safety chain. / 4 / 1 / 4 / Resident Technical Manager
Lighting and technical set-up / Additional rigging, adding gels- activities involving working at heights over stage:
e.g. risk of falling objects (tools, lantern accessories). / Resident Staff/
Visiting Company / 4 / 3 / 12 / Ensure all Visiting Company and Resident Staff are aware that overhead activity is taking place and that the stage is clear. No one to cross or enter the stage until the Resident Duty Technician gives the safety all clear.
Ensure that all additional rigged items are securely fixed and have safety bonds attached to them.
No unsecured tools or equipment are to be left on ladder platforms, access equipment etc. / 4 / 1 / 4 / Resident Technical Manager
Electrical / Electrical safety inc. practical electrics- risk of electrocution / Resident Technical Staff/
Visiting Company / 4 / 3 / 12 / All venue electrics are PAT-Tested every year by the Resident Technical Team and are visually inspected before each new technical fit-up. All electrical equipment brought in by the Visiting Company must carry an up to date PAT-Test sticker and/or the relevant paperwork.
No drinks/water etc. to be taken on stage near any area where electrical safety could be an issue.
All extension cables to be run in a safe and secure manner and all power cables to be run back to protected circuits (all Playhouse circuits are protected by RCBs). / 3 / 2 / 6 / Resident Technical Manager/
Visiting Company Manager
Fire / Electrical fires,
Spread of fire,
Crowd panic/ unfamiliarity with evacuation routes / Everyone / 5 / 3 / 15 / All Playhouse drapes are regularly treated to make them fire resistant. All set materials and/or drapes brought in by the Visiting Company must be either inherently flame retardant or have been treated to make them fire resistant and must bring some documentation to prove this.
Visiting Company briefed at the beginning of their arrival on Playhouse fire evacuation procedures.
All escape routes to be checked and made clear and free from obstruction during the opening of the building in the morning. / 4 / 1 / 4 / Resident Technical Manager/ Visiting Company Manager
Performance / Insufficient working light backstage; stumbles into scenery etc. / Actors/ Backstage Crew / 3 / 3 / 9 / Ensure company walk the routes from backstage to stage prior to starting the show (both in reduced light and in good light). Actors to raise safety concerns with the Resident Duty Technician and the Visiting Company Manager in advance of the show- additional working light can be added until lighting levels are sufficient.
Any flats or masking where it becomes difficult to make out the edges of in low level lighting will be marked with white tape or glo-tape. / 2 / 2 / 4 / Actors/
Resident Technical Manager
Performance / Trip hazards / Actors/ Backstage Crew / 3 / 4 / 12 / All cables to be taped down. Any cables running across access/egress points will have a white nosing added when they are taped.
Any cables that become loose during the performance must be brought to the Resident Technical Staff’s notice as soon as possible. / 2 / 1 / 2 / Resident Technical Manager
Performance / Any other venue stage issues- e.g. actors have to set close to the edge of the stage in blackout / Actors / 3 / 3 / 9 / Ensure there’s an opportunity to test stage business out before the performance. Action will be taken dependent upon the nature of the problems; e.g. white tape line to be run across the edge of stage. / 2 / 1 / 2 / Visiting Company Manager, Actors,
Resident Technical Manager
Performance / Specific performance hazards; e.g. working with the set, voice damage, stage fights etc. / Actors / N/A / N/A / N/A / Visiting Company to provide their own risk assessment. All stage business should be well-rehearsed and choreographed. / N/A / N/A / N/A / Visiting Company Manager
Security / Casual interruption by strangers;
Inappropriate behaviour by members of the public;
Traffic of unauthorised people entering backstage. / Actors/ Resident Staff/ Visiting Staff / 3 / 3 / 9 / Resident staff present at all times whilst Visiting Company are in the auditorium.
Constant vigilance by Playhouse Bar staff of any suspicious activity or behaviour throughout the day and evening.
CCTV cameras located in main Front of House public area and Bar area.
All core members of Resident Staff DBS checked.
During any public performance, a trained member of Resident Staff is constantly present in the foyer in communication with the Technical and Stage staff. At least three volunteer stewards are also present in the auditorium during any public performance, briefed in the nature of the show and fully conversant with Playhouse evacuation procedure.
Only Resident Staff and members of the Visiting Company are allowed backstage. No friends, parents, journalists etc. allowed backstage without full approval by the Visiting Company and notification to the Resident Staff of names, occupations etc.
In some instances the visiting company manager can be given a key to stage door;this is signed for and returned at the end of the day.
Buildingkey codes are held on a need to know basis and changed regularly in order to ensure security. / 3 / 1 / 3 / Resident Staff
Get Out / Similar to Get-In section but with added risks:
Fatigue after long day;
Loading out in the dark / Resident Staff/ Visiting Company / 4 / 4 / 16 / If necessary, staff to take a break before starting Get-Out.
All Resident Staff and Visiting Company to work steadily and not rush because of the lateness of the hour.
Visiting Company to ensure they are familiar with the outside Get-Out route before they are to carry anything along it- it should be well lit. Resident Staff and Visiting Company to identify any dark or tricky areas.
Only undertake higher risk activities where absolutely necessary (e.g. working at heights, lifting heavy weights). If it can wait until the following day, leave the workload until then after a long break. If it has to be undertaken, ensure that breaks and rest stops happen at very frequent intervals. / 3 / 2 / 6 / Resident Technical Manager/ Visiting Company
Working while tired / Fatigue / Resident Staff / 3 / 3 / 9 / Regular breaks are to be taken.
The Get-In/rehearsal period will be staffed adequately according to the potential workload.
Absolutely no higher risk activities to be undertaken whilst over-tired (e.g. working at heights, heavy lifting etc.) / 2 / 1 / 2 / Resident Technical Manager
Venue and Visiting Company Safety / Not adhering to Playhouse Health and Safety Policies / Visiting Company / 2 / 2 / 4 / Visiting Company Manager to read venue H & S information and brief their company accordingly.
If they have any safety concerns at the venue, they must bring them to the attention of the Resident Duty Technician immediately. Likewise, if the Resident Technical staff have any safety concerns regarding the Visiting Company, they will bring them to the attention of the Visiting Company Manager immediately.
If in any doubt about safety, stop and check. / 2 / 1 / 2 / Resident Technical Manager/ Visiting Company Manager
Backstage Areas / Trip hazards;
Obstruction of escape routes;
General housekeeping / Visiting Company / 3 / 3 / 9 / Backstage areas must be kept as clear as possible.
If prop tables or other objects are obstructing escape routes, they MUST be moved. It is the Visiting Company Manager’s responsibility to do this and the Resident Duty Technician will do a safety check before the start of any public performance.
Any cables to be taped down securely.
Any venue maintenance problems must be brought to the attention of the Resident Technical Staff immediately. / 2 / 2 / 4 / Resident Technical Manager/
Visiting Company Manager
Medical / Injuries and illness / Visiting Company / 3 / 2 / 6 / A majority of Resident Staff are trained with a First Aid At Work Qualification. Assistance can be given for minor injuries but if there is any doubt as to the nature of the injury/illness or to its treatment, it will be treated as a medical emergency and the Emergency Services will be contacted.
The Visiting Company Manager will be shown the locations of the nearest First Aid boxes.
Any injury or illness that occurs must be reported to the Resident Duty Technician immediately.
Please inform the venue if any of your Company suffer from medical conditions. / 3 / 1 / 3 / Resident Technical Manager/ Visiting Company Manager
Pyrotechnics/ Special Effects / Burns;
Stress / Visiting Company / N/A / N/A / N/A / Please inform the Resident Duty Technician as soon as possible if you plan to use any special effects (smoke, haze, strobe etc.) or pyrotechnics. A separate risk assessment will be written accordingly. Norwich Playhouse complies with all local, national and European regulations with regards to safe operation and use of pyrotechnics and special effects. / N/A / N/A / N/A / Resident Technical Manager
Severity Index / Likelihood Index / Risk Rating Matrix / Residual rating
Catastrophic / Serious / Significant / Minor / Insignificant
Catastrophic / fatality, major injury, fire or loss of property / 5 / Certain / harm is certain or near certain / 5 / Certain / 25 / 20 / 15 / 10 / 5 / 6 or less / risks adequately controlled - no further actions required
Serious / over 3 day injury, long term damage to health, serious property damage / 4 / Likely / harm will occur frequently / 4 / Likely / 20 / 16 / 12 / 8 / 4 / 6 - 12 / major accident possible - further control measures required
Significant / Hospital treatment likely, some significant property damage / 3 / Possible / Harm may occur / 3 / Possible / 15 / 12 / 8 / 0 / 3 / Above12 / control measures ineffective, possibility of major accident high, immediate further action required, possibly suspend work
Minor / slight injury, minor property damage / 2 / Unlikely / harm will seldom occur / 2 / Unlikely / 10 / 8 / 6 / 4 / 2
Insignificant / no injury or damage / 1 / Improbable / Harm difficult to foresee / 1 / Improbable / 5 / 4 / 3 / 2 / 1