Page 1CameronUniversity Banner ProjectOctober 24, 2008

Advancement MeetingNotes

Committee/Meeting Name / Advancement Meeting
Date / October 24, 2008 / Time Convened / 1:00 PM / Time Terminated / 2:00 PM
Location / Advancement office / Recorder / Jennifer Bowen
Members Present / Jennifer Bowen, Hillary Ashton, Karen Echols, Angela Melton, Vinnie
Members Absent
Topics / Discussion, Information / ActionTaken, Decisions, Recommendations
Use of General Ledger / Sample of GL is attached with agenda. How can we use this to migrate giving information to Banner?
How far back is GL available?
Procedure of use.
Clean-up of GL.
Task assignments. / Angie will look at how far back GL goes. We are thinking we can go back to at least 2006. We will determine after Tech training and data mapping how we can use this information.
If the giving history is not tied to Finance, there is a chance we can use the information from GL to create our own worksheets with giving history, cleaning up the information as we go per the paper files.
Decision on the procedure of use, clean-up and task assignments will wait until after the training on Nov. 7th.
In addition we have determined: What has been entered into GL does not matter if it is not tied to Banner Advancement. We will decide how and what gets entered into each donors history.
Questions for Banner:
  1. How and what information for accounts is being pulled from GL on the finance end.
Ex: will we pull the current information, past information. Will this be tied to GL and Advancement?
  1. Will we be building our own donor history? Or will some come from GL?
  2. Will any of our history be in the EDW/ODS? It is important that we have ALL of the donor giving.
  3. What format and titles do we need to use for the data mapping?
  4. How do we set up hard and soft credits to be migrated into Banner?
  5. How do we set up President Partners in mapping an what format do we use?

Receipting $ Policy / We need a standard foundation wide policy on who money is receipted to including hard and soft credits.
Suggestion 1:
Money is credited to the name on the check or credit card.
If business on check, money is soft credited to any necessary individuals.
If husband/wife pair, hard $ credited to male unless the female already has an ID number. (Exception: on payroll deduction, credited to individual whose check it is being deducted from. Exception2: if specifically stated, credited to that person) / Approved Policy:
Money is credited to the id # of the donor the money is received from. In this case, the donor is considered the name on the check, credit card, person cash is from. In the event of money orders and bank check, it is credited to the id # of the entity it was drawn from.
Money can be soft credited to any person or non-person organization Advancement feels necessary.
For husband/wife pairs, unless specified by the individual or the giving history indicates other wise, money is hard credited to the male unless the female is the only number currently in the system. Another exception is for payroll deduction: in this case, money will be hard credited to the individual who check the donation is being deducted from.
Use of $ receipting policy / Do we need to correct our entries (GL/Hand/etc) to reflect the new policy? / These will be reviewed on a donation by donation basis when we begin to create our files for migration
Demographic information being rolled into Banner / At last meeting, it was decided that all PP’s information would be updated and corrected in both the PP’s system and the current database.
There are a number of PP’s who Advancement does not have ownership of to correct this information. How can we work around this to migrate the “correct “information into Banner? / We will work with admissions and the registrar to clean this information up.
JB will send an e-mail to Zoe and Linda asking how they would like the requests to clean-up. JB will them get back with the group on how to update the addresses.
We will keep all PP’s addresses updated in the PP database and Box.
Spouses / Do we want to create records for spouses to have $ soft credited to? / Decision was made to not create records at the moment. We will use creating relationships in Banner to do this if needed.
Next Steps / Cleaning Data
Policy for cleaning:
Clean by folder (account)
Verify/Update Box ID
Verify $ deposited
Check transaction as verified
Notify of any discrepancies
Tally account totals from paper and compare to electronic version
Assigning Folders / On hold until after November 7th Tech Training and Migration.
We need to give Karen access to w:/workgroups/alumni/bannerimplementation folder
Deadlines / Project Timeline has extract data between 11/10/08 and 1/16/09 / Other tasks:
HA will take the folder lists and tie the folders together if they are campaigns, designations, solicitations. And if they are solicitations, what account number and designation they reference.
Vinnie will create the business id’s in box and begin to work on cleaning up the PP’s addresses.
JB will send a note to the listserv on how other schools perform NCOA. We want to get in writing from Banner on who will be responsible for setting up the NCOA/ACS extract and upload.
Migration & Tech Training / November 7, 2008 8:30-4:30
Next Meeting

Sample GL Layout

Bowen, Jennifer L. / 048441 / 048441 / 5255 / 56101 / 2009 / Bowen, Jennifer L. / 04-SEP-08 / 0 / 15 / 15
Bowen, Jennifer L. / 048441 / 048441 / 5255 / 56101 / 2009 / Bowen, Jennifer L. / 12-AUG-08 / 0 / 15 / 15
Bowen, Jennifer L. / 048441 / 048441 / 5255 / 56101 / 2009 / Bowen, Jennifer L. / 01-JUL-08 / 0 / 15 / 15
Bowen, Jennifer L. / 048441 / 048441 / 5250 / 56101 / 2008 / Bowen, Jennifer L. / 23-MAY-08 / 0 / 15 / 15
Bowen, Jennifer L. / 048441 / 048441 / 5005 / 3119 / 2008 / Bowen, Jennifer L. / 02-JUN-08 / 20.55 / 0 / 20.55
Bowen, Jennifer L. / 048441 / 048441 / 5005 / 3119 / 2008 / Bowen, Jennifer L. / 02-JUN-08 / 50.76 / 0 / 50.76
Bowen, Jennifer L. / 048441 / 048441 / 5250 / 56101 / 2008 / Bowen, Jennifer L. / 25-APR-08 / 0 / 15 / 15
Bowen, Jennifer L. / 048441 / 048441 / 5250 / 56101 / 2008 / Bowen, Jennifer L. / 26-MAR-08 / 0 / 15 / 15
Bowen, Jennifer L. / 048441 / 048441 / 5250 / 56101 / 2008 / Bowen, Jennifer L. / 28-FEB-08 / 0 / 15 / 15