A.C.E.Membership Monthly Meeting
Date: Monday, January 9, 2017
Time:4:15 pm
Location: 715 Main Street
Present: Shane Bostrom, Alison Cox,Renée McGurry, Crystal Millar-Courchene, Karl Courchene, Val Noseworthy, Nathan Gerbrandt, DeborahClark, Mike Yosyk
2)Call to Order:The Meeting was called to order at 4:25 pm byAlison Cox
3)Adoption of Agenda:
Motion: To accept the Agenda as amended to move the Financial Reports forward and to include Notice of Annual General Meeting
Moved By: Shane Bostrom
Seconded By: Karl Courchene
4)Approval of Minutes:
Motion: To accept the Minutes as presented
Moved By: Crystal Millar-Courchene
Seconded By: Renée McGurry
5)Sharing Circle: Thanks to everyone who was able to make it today.
6)Financial Report
a)Audit Report—Mike Yosyk of MYPD Chartered Accountants, our Auditor, presented the revised Audit Report
Motion: To accept the Audit Report as presented
Moved By: Renée McGurry
Seconded By: Crystal Millar-Courchene
b)Monthly Report—There has been little activity.
Motion: To accept the Financial Report as presented
Moved By: Renée McGurry
Seconded By: Shane Bostrom
7)Executive Director’s Report
a)Work on the Conference and Awards is continuing. The workshop schedule is finished and attached to the registration form. The Early Bird Information has been removed from the website and social media. We may have to review this for next year.
b)I am continuing to request sponsorships, grants and Silent Auction items. Help would be greatly appreciated.
c)The CCEPAC group to ensure Indigenous perspectives are entrenched with the ECE Curriculum has completed the changes. The document should be presented in the early part of 2017.
d)The Christmas issue of the Newsletter went Registrations reminders for the Conference and Banquet and notice of the recipients as well as potential spring workshops were included.
e)The Governance workshop series has been completed.
f)The Community Schools working group met to debrief after the gathering in November.
g)I have been looking for new office space. It is difficult but there a several leads I am pursuing.
h)I met with the new coordinator of the Neah Kee Papa program. It would be a go partnership and the program is looking to develop facilitators, which would work with the aims of our current COAP program goals.
i)I have been researching the Open Badges concept and can see some definite possibilities and a lot of potential. I will prepare a presentation for the next meeting.
Motion: To accept the Executive Director Report as amended for type errors
Moved By: Deborah Clark
Seconded By: Shane Bostrom
8)Business Arising
a)By-Law Changes
The By-Laws have been revised to more fully develop the definitions of the those who sit around the table. There have been changes to the wording and composition to reflect a more indigenous outlook and organization.
Motion: To accept the ACE By-Laws as amended for formatting errors and to circulate the revised By-Laws to the Membership
Moved By: Shane Bostrom
Seconded By: Crystal Millar-Courchene
b)Calls to Action—Discussion regarding the creating of an Ad Hoc Committee to prioritize and develop a framework for A.C.E. regarding the Calls to Action. Information will be sent to the membership inviting interested members to participate.
Motion: To strike an Ad Hoc Call to Action Committee
Moved By: Crystal Millar-Courchene
Seconded By: Karl Courchene
9)New Business
i)Manitoba Indigenous Cultural Education Centre—Notice of their upcoming Monster Bingo
b)Annual General Meeting Notice—
Motion: To circulate Notice of the Annual General Meeting, to be held February 16, 2017, at 12:30pm, at the Best Western Plus Winnipeg Airport Hotel
Moved By: Shane Bostrom
Seconded By: Crystal Millar-Courchene
a)Conference—The Keynote Speakers and the Master of Ceremonies and the entertainment for the Awards Banquet have been confirmed. Recipients have been chosen. Workshops are being finalized. This will be Renée’s final year as Conference Chair
c)Executive—The Executive Committee met to finalizethe changes in Bylaws. They are meeting to finalize the plan for the AGM in February.
d)Workshops—Members will forward names of those they would like to be part of the Cultural Committee. Deborah will contact the people indicated and set up a date to meet.
11)The Meeting was adjourned at 6:05 pm.