The independent study component of the grade 12 Biology course will be broken

down into three parts :

They are :

1) GROUP SEMINAR Application & Communication

2) POPULATION DYNAMICS UNIT TEST Knowledge/Understanding

3) MAGAZINE Application & Communication


The purpose of this part is to examine an issue basedbiological topic in depth and

present it effectively in class. (Both sides of the issue must be presented effectively.)

Choose a biological issue based topic that you are interested in researching.

A list of suggestions is provided on the back of this handout.

You will work in groups of three.

a) Prepare a 30 minute seminar on the topic. You will be cut off at 30 minutes.

It is essential that you plan very carefully in order to present all material in the

specified time and allow time for the class participation portion of your presentation.

b) Include a list of works cited (group compilation) in the proper format.

References Required: At least four, other than encyclopedias. At least one of these must be a recently published article from a

scientific periodical, such as Scientific American.

c) Prepare a one page handout (single sided) which summarizes the main points of

your seminar for the class.

d) Hand in a complete set of research notes. All point form notes will be recorded on

index cards in the manner outlined in class and handed in a day prior to your


Each member of the group must hand in a separate set of index cards.

The evaluation will emphasize thorough and complete point form notes. All

information must be included on the cards.

e) Marks will be awarded for use of audiovisual materials and for creative presentations.

Creative and substantial class participation is required.

f) No two groups will be allowed to do a seminar on the same topic.

g) Powerpoint presentations if used must be mainly graphic in nature. i.e. print limited to


Seminar content will be evaluated in class via Quizzes/Tests

SBI4U1Possible ISU Seminar Topics

-Human reproductive technology

- Human cloning

- Xenotransplantation

- Gene therapy and the future of medicine

- Genetically modified foods

- The uses of human stem cells

- Genetic testing, risks and benefits

- New forms of prenatal testing

- The future of antibiotics

- Pesticides and ecological pest control

- Bioterrorism

- Nanotechnology

-The human genome project

-Pharmaceutical applications of genetic engineering.

- Renewable Energy, sustainable solution to the world’s energy needs?

Other topics must be approved by your teacher.

Seminar dates will be determined in class


All students will write a multiple choice test based on the unit knowledge

objectives for the unit on Population Dynamics. Students will be provided

with a list of the objectives and the chapters in the textbook that they

will need to study. Class time will be available to ask questions and review

topics that need clarification. Students will also be responsible for this

material ontheir final exam.

The date of this test will be: ______


Throughout the semester you will be completing a number of submissions that

when fully completed will be compiled in a magazine format.

Including:1) Cover page

2) Table of Contents

3) Editorial

4) Ask the Expert

5) Feature Article

6) Media Review

7) Creative pages

Details on a separate piece of paper

SBI4U1 F12