Monday 20th November at 2pm
Windsor Day Centre, Newry
Present:Micéal Crilly (Chair), Assistant Director Disability Services
Bronagh McKeown, Head of Disability Day services
Mairead Murphy, Day services Manager
Paula McKeown, Communications Officer
Alan Metcalfe, Assistant Director Estates Department
Jenny Johnston, Assistant Director Human Resources Dept.
Tony Black, Head of Clinical and Social care Governance
Barry Collins, Head of Transport services
Joan Fitzpatrick, Carer Representative
Tommy Mitchell ,Carer Representative
Leoine Hudson-, Disability Action Service user Advocate
Karen Hall, Disability Action Service User Advocate (representing
Sinead Campbell)
Kathy Lavery, Head of Social Care Governance
Donna Curley, Head of Adult community Services
John McEntee, Head of Adult Community Services
Pat McAteer, Head of Specialist Services
Neil Gillan (representing Carolyn Agnew)
Dr Arun Subramanan, Consultant Psychiatrist
Noreen McComiskey, Head of Specialist Services
Margaret Devlin, RCN Representative
Petra McCreesh, Unison Representative
Brian Smyth, NIPSA Representative
Lisa Polland-O’H are, Day Opportunities Coordinator
Carmel McGrath, Day Services Manager
Johnny Mc Mahon, Head of Management Accounts
Aiden McCullagh, Self Directed Support Officer
Janet McConville, Head of Planning
Maire Marley, Senior RQIA Inspector
Ref / Issue / Discussion / Owner/DateWelcome and Introductions / Micéal Crilly welcomed everyone and thanked everyone for attending.
Apologies noted as above.
Minutes of meeting 13/10/17 / Minutes of last Project Team meeting and Workstream meetings circulated. It was requested that all Workstream minutes are circulated in advance of the wider Project Team meeting to give attendees an opportunity to read and raise issues accordingly. All minutes to be circulated by Jill Duffy to Project Team members. / Jill Duffy
Engagement with independent sector organisations / Bronagh McKeown confirmed that a list of contracts relevant to Daycare and Day opportunity services have been sourced. Further discussion to take place on most appropriate method of engagement with independent sector regarding Day Services Review / To be discussed at next Review meeting
Investment in Day opportunities / Bronagh McKeown gave a brief update on proposals for investing Day opportunities allocation, subject to discussion with Trust LDCarers Forum and HSCB. The focus will be on providing additional day opportunity programmes, thereby creating capacity for transitioners leaving special schools in summer 2018. / Bronagh McKeown / Micéal Crilly
Feedback from Workstreams / Service Delivery model- Update from Workstream meeting was shared. The focus of this group has been in defining the current service model and capturing what are the current operational and strategic issues which will inform the future Service Model. A query was raised as to whether Day Care Centres may be available for evening or weekend provision, as it was noted Service Users may feel more comfortable accessing services from a base they are familiar with?It was confirmed itis possible for Trust buildings to be used out of hours.
It was agreed that the remit of this Workstream appears very wide with significant overlap with other Workstreams. It was also referenced that Workstream members should not feel confined in defining needs, and that funding for assessed needs should be kept as a separate planning considersation. An example was given regardingfuture planning within Business cases for new build day centres. It was suggested it will be essential to future plan in relation to projected space requirements given the escalating need for very specialist equipment within Centres and RQIA space standards. It was agreed that selection of new build sites must take account of the scope to externally expand or develop vertically depending on emerging need.
Action: A review of minutes from all Workstreams needs to take place to identify potential overlap areas.
Eligibility Criteria Workstream - John McEntee gave a summary update from this Workstream.
Matters arising:
2 separate subgroups are being established, 1 for learning disability and 1 for Physical Disability.
Membership of Workstream shared.
The need to keep a register of requirements following assessment was also emphasized.
Action: John Mc Entee to feedback to next Project Team meeting on outcome of next Eligibility Criteria Worksteam meeting.
HR Engagement Workstream-Jenny Johnston advised that this Workstream is in the process of being set up and will address normative staffing levels required across services, management of change processes, staffing bandings across areas aligned to service need.
Membership of this Workstream was also reviewed. The need for a nursing representative was emphasized plus Staffside officers.
Action: Jenny Johnston to feedback to next Project Team meeting on outcome of next HR Engagement Workstream meeting.
Communication Workstream - Paula McKeown gave an update from Communication Workstream and minutes of inaugural meeting were also circulated.
Issues arising:
There needs to be greater Physical Disability Staff representation on the Workstream. It was confirmed Ray Maxwell has been nominated from Sensory Disability services.
The importance of developing a communication strategy outlining the aim of the review and progress with Workstreams was outlined. It was agreed this needs to be issued before Christmas along with action plan.
A discussion took place on Engagement events with Service users. It was agreed that a Disability Action Rep needs to be included on the Communication Subgroup.
It was further agreed there needs to be clear communication links established between all Workstreams with summary of main issues highlighted during discussions recorded.
The importance of using easily understood language was emphasized in sharing information relating to the work of the review. Speech and Language Therapy input was viewed as essential for communications with Service users.
Action- Paula McKeown will draft a letter for staff and service users and send to Micéal Crilly for signature and issuing prior to Christmas.
Accommodation Worksteam – Pat McAteer gave an update on discussion which took place within this Workstream particularly around RQIA space standards.
Action: Mairead Murphy to forward to Pat McAteer space capacity papers recently completed within Day care benchmarking current buildings against RQIA space standards.
A detailed discussion took place regarding the development of Pod Units aligned to Day Centres and operational issues associated with same.
Action: Pat McAteer to give update at next Project Team meeting on outcomes of discussion at next Workstream meeting.
Support Services - As the Designated Chair of this Workstream remains on sick leave Donna Curley agreed to convene and Chair this Workstream. Key Stakeholders from Transport, Finance, Domestic Services were discussed and agreed as essential members of this workstream.
Action: In advance of next Project Team meeting Donna Curley will convene Workstream meeting and agree Terms of Reference. / Chairs of Workstream
John McEntee
Jenny Johnston
Paula McKeown
Mairead Murphy
Pat McAteer
Donna Curley
General discussion
It was agreed that Paula McKeown will circulate a standard fronting template to be included in the minutes for all Workstream meetings.
A detailed discussion took place in relation to eligibility to service provision for Service users with autism who do not have a diagnosed learning disability. Micéal Crilly confirmed that there was no current provision but that this matter is currently subject to wider HSC debate.
Arrangements for 2018 meetings
Jill Duffy to circulate dates for monthly 2018 Project Team meetings from January – September 2018. The preferred time seems to be Wednesday afternoons with venues large enough to accommodate up to 25 persons and rotated across areas. / Paula McKeown