Lynden Canada Day Meeting

March 8, 2010

Present: Harry Droogendyk, Rob Groves, Harold Kuret, Bronka Ridley, Sharon Clugston

Rose Marie Brooks, Norma Leegstra, Janice Muranyi, Tony Ascroft, Angela Hayward

Bob Campbell.

Regrets: Ross Welton, John Pepper, Marian Brisco, Shauna Topp, Peter Finlayson

Tim Brokking, Anne Basset

7:35 pm… Meeting began with a welcome from Harry, followed by introductions.


·  Canadian Heritage Funding… Amount unknown at this time…

·  Sound System: Improvements were made at a cost of less than $1,000 versus purchasing a new system with estimates at $17,000. Additional funds will be needed to purchase a wireless and wired microphone plus speakers.

·  Sharon Klugston made out a cheque for $2500 to the Lions Club

o  financial stmts previously provided to gov’t indicated money was paid, must be in compliance and in accordance with committee’s wishes

·  Bob Campbell reported that the Legion’s participation is normally entering a float for the parade and a nominal donation.

Sign-Up Sheets: Committees > Training > Still need Chairs.

Committee Reports:

Activities & Entertainment: Bronka Ridley

The following suggestions were made:

·  Pedal Cars > Tractor Pull.

·  Two of a Kind… evening.

·  Teens… “Chill Zone” > various activities will be planned.

·  Face Painting (Buttercup)

·  Magician

·  Corky the Clown

·  Baby Show > up to 24 months

·  Celebrity Ball Game > Dan MacLean will be approached…

·  Reptile Man

·  Cavaliers, dance group

Antique Vehicles:

·  Run ads, attend local car shows and hand out flyers, judging and presentations of prizes/awards. Tony Ascroft None… Harold Kuret to submit ad to “Old Autos”


·  Citizen of the year… adult and youth awards. Life-time achievement… None


·  Please see the attached spread sheet.

Children’s Games:

·  Shauna Topp sent an email requesting additional funds this year citing the dollar store prizes were more than a dollar and we’re getting more kids… $300.

·  Colouring Contest inside to get out of heat? Lions Den is too busy as a marshalling area to use

·  The Fireman’s Tent was suggested…


·  Letters are going out this week…


·  John Pepper: Purchase, design program and obtain permits… Harold to be involved in the design/purchase work to spread knowledge

Food Booths:

·  Lynden Lions Club, Jim Bosma… None

Government Grants:

·  Has been applied for… the money must be spent.


·  Volunteers, parade, parking etc. Ross Welton sent an email advising that the cones are in storage and have been paid for. Six barricades are needed ( Rockton Fair bought some, borrow? ). Cow Paddy Bingo… Angela Hayward will approach Dave Nedelko… a goat was suggested versus a cow but Goat Raisin Bingo doesn’t have the same ring

·  think about moving to Winkelmolen storage after Canada Day, ground level storage is more convenient – Harold to check if it’s still available

Headquarters Tent

·  Marian Brisco

Opening Ceremonies

·  John Pepper

Parade and Bands

·  Anne Bassett contacted two bands… the Phillipine Band ($2000) and the Legion Pipe & Drum Band ($900)… the HYSO Band ($800 ???) Anne is still negotiating with the Phillipine Band…

Parking & Admission

·  Additional resources are required to ensure adequate coverage. Harold Kuret to post a “Help Needed Poster” in the Post Office.


·  Registration forms to be posted on the website.


·  Insurance… more money will be needed to cover increased fees and park rental

·  Parade

·  talked about insuring Canada Day stuff, whose policy… CDC vs Meet Your Maker? Decided to forget it, not worth enough


·  None


·  Promotional Signs

Raffles / Draws

·  Adults and Children… Instant Win !!! Raised $891

·  Budget plus donations.


·  Sponsor recognition… new sponsors need new signs !!!

·  Front Gate… “Donations Gratefully Accepted”, wait until new pillars are in before ordering signs


·  Tony Ascroft…Marsha Schoeman has offered to assist…

·  95% of letters have been sent out… the remainder to be sent out next week. New sponsors will be identified.


·  bank balance is $16,101.93


·  Bob Campbell to contact John Pepper regarding last years volunteers.

·  Norma Leegstra has offered to Co-Chair…

·  Please let us know how many volunteers will be needed for each venue.

·  Shirts and hats will be provided to easily identify volunteers.

New Business:

·  CDC Web Link … please refer to time lines !!!

·  Sharon Clugston to coordinate children’s gifts.

·  Tony Ascroft suggested selling souvenirs… eg. t-shirts and hats etc. and graciously offered to do the graphic artwork and bring to committee

·  Budget numbers were put forth… please see the attached spreadsheet…Harry Droogendyk motioned that the proposed budget be accepted… Seconded by Rob Groves… Carried.

·  proposed sharing the budget numbers on the Flyer, shows where the monies are spent, good for public and sponsors, thank them for their continued support.

Meeting adjourned: 9:00 pm.

Our next meeting is April 12th at 7:30 at the Lions' Den.

Please make EVERY effort to attend this meeting, your input is needed!!

Your community is grateful for your efforts!!!