Two Rivers Subdivision Meeting Minutes
May 9, 2007

Mukwonago Fire Station Meeting Room
Called to order at 7:30pm

Guest Speaker:Barb Cowsert, Executive Director of Mukwonago Chamber of Commerce

Hosts: ACB Board Members: Larry Alber, President; Ed Melchior, Treasurer Marilee Gloe, Recorder

Guest Speaker: Barb Cowsert, Executive Director of Mukwonago Chamber of Commerce. Our thanks to Barb for bringing in gift bags that included many brochures, post cards, maps and colored photos. Barb read the mission statement which said they exist to enrich our community. They produce directories for community resources, maps, and a website with info on tourism interests. There are 370 members who belong, not limited by village boundaries; nonprofits view it as a resource connection. The Chamber supports five major community events, the Bear Tracks newspaper, Farmers Market, Midnight Magic, plus the business directory, events publications. We learned we could visit them at

Issues for discussion (initiated by ACB members)

LightsThe ballasts in our lights have an approximately 5-year life span (some have failed much earlier than that, and others have been running just fine for over 8 years). The issues most folks have are either the ballasts needing replacement, or the sensors. Larry indicated that we should check that the sensors are not pointing at the light bulb, (this will make the bulb cycle on and off), and that at least one light has never turned off because an installer placed electrical tape over the sensor.
A 50 watt sodium vapor bulb is required – other bulbs will light up, but will not provide the same intensity of light. It was mentioned that one resident was told by someone else that 50-watt Sodium-vapor bulbs are “energy hogs” – this is not true; a 50-watt sodium vapor bulb uses the same amount of electricity as a 50-watt interior bulb. (Sodium vapor bulbs are not used indoors because the color balance would make people look very odd, plus they tend to get a bit hot as well.)
A resident reminded us that during installation, be sure to use a shop towel over the bulb to avoid touching the bulb with the human hand. If the oils of fingertips get onto the bulb surface, it will diminish the life of the bulb greatly. If bulbs are touched, clean themn carefully before installing them.

Exposed Garbage ContainersEnforcement of this item in the covenants will now be a focus of the ACB, as most people seem to have forgotten. For ideas, the website has two photos of what some neighbors have done. Neighbors did not raise any objections.

Trees: There was areminder to everyone to check the health of his or her trees, as dead ones will need replacement. Website information is available regarding trees.

Subdivision Annual FeesWe gave the status of the yearly assessment - 174 paid, 17 outstanding. We reminded everyone that we would enforce interest and liens if not paid, as is allowed in the covenants.

Entrance IslandsLandscape Artists have been replaced with CreateScape, who have already responded by weeding and remulching. A report of the expenses from last year and this year reported. Everyone supported the new fees. One of the Spirea has died and will be replaced. Watering is a concern when this takes place. It was suggested last year that local high schools and other non-profit educational institiutions be contacted for potential cost reductions in landscaping expenses, and no non-profit group that was contacted was interested.

Financials:A report of the funds was read. More current information is on our website. At the time of the meeting, there was $3671.20 in checking, $3,539.70 in savings, and $2500 remained in a 6 month CD. No questions were raised regarding the funds.

Issues brought up by attendees in general discussion:

Neighbors asked the first two residences on Two Rivers, east side:

744 Two Rivers Dr.:The first lot on the East as one enters the subdivision on Two Rivers Dr. has not mowed its berm for several seasons and has an unattended front lawn. Letters have been sent to these residents.

736 Two Rivers Dr.: The second residence that has not put in its driveway. This discussion took perhaps 20 minutes, as many residences were vocal in their complaint about the lack of driveway, the parking of (in the opinion of residents) excessive amounts of cars, and “junky” cars, as well as the overall bad appearance. The ACB reported the published Chapter 13 status which has prohibited progress, and that we have been working with an attorney, and are actively pursuing options at this time.
Several rumors were mentioned, and Ed mentioned that the ACB can’t comment on rumors. Ed also expressed our wish not to be unkind, to recognize that any one of us could find ourselves in a bad situation.
Larry reported he had composed a letter, which he read aloud and then circulated. The ACB was asking that persons who agreed would sign the letter, so that the owners would know their community is offering help, but wanting some progress. In energetic discussion, it was determined that attendees did not want to sign, but wanted the ACB to mention this was raised in the meeting, and all were in support of making progress.
One individual suggested everyone in the neighborhood pitch in money and we all put the driveway in. The driveway was estimated by discussion to be perhaps $10,000. It was determined that it could only be done by permission of the owners, so a volunteer team was asked to step up to follow through with this generous effort. (Name and contact obtained) The ACB is three volunteers, and reminded everyone that other volunteers are needed to address this issue.

Loose DogsA Village ordinance exists that no dogs can run unleashed. Anyone seeing dogs out without a leash need to call the village. Pet droppings were reported along a particular route. This is also a city ordinance. Some persons have to routinely pick up droppings, but do not know whose dog/owner is the culprit. We ask that anyone observing please remind the owner of their obligation, whether they reside in our neighborhood or not.

Trailer/Boat/RV parking:Trailer, boat, and RV parking are prohibited in the covenants. A reminder was disccused that folks should contact the ACB if they have a temporary need, for example, a visitor parking an RV on the drive for a short visit.

Cracks in the RoadOne neighbor reports large cracks developing and wondered about tarring. This is a city issue and should be reported by the individual seeing it, to the city.Update:tarring has been done on most of the street cracks since the meeting.

Road SignsThe complaint we receive each year regards the south end of the neighborhood on Eastern Trail. This stop is unnecessary and folks wish it to be removed. The Heron Drive concern is that people entering from E. T. can be at cross turns with those exiting Drake. A yield sign is in order. The ACB will again make this request, though our past efforts have not made progress with the village.

Electric BikesChildren are riding into the roads, raising fear that an accident will occur. Many voiced their concern that parents realize this is illegal for a good reason. The ACB asked that those who see this go to the neighbor and kindly express their safety fears as kids will do many things while a parent’s eye is turned.

Vacant HomesA neighbor asked who is responsible to maintain the lawns of a vacant property. Larry indicated the homeowner, but that if the home is listed with a real estate broker, one could call and inquire with that person. The Village will also enter properties, at the owners expense, if noxious weeds or excessively long grass are there.

Dandelion “Pit”The south end of our neighborhood has a village owned area that fills with these weeds, and persons asked who tends to that. Can we spray? Larry will inquire on this matter.

Sump pump drainage/slick conditionsWe all sympathized with the residents who find their property has a great deal of water that must be pumped after rains. One resident in particular at 1123 Drake announced he pumps non-stop for days, must keep a generator running as a backup means of preventing flooding. Where the water runs over a sidewalk, there were neighbors reporting mold/slick developing and fears of someone walking over it at night, not seeing the slick, and falling. Bleaching or changing placements were discussed. The bottom line on this is that the resident is responsible for addressing these issues, and residents should feel free to contact the Village for any inquiries about potential drain tile issues or landscape drainage plans.

The meeting concluded around 9 pm. It was a really nice meeting, with good participation and friendly discussions.

Attendance: 25 signed in, and there were 6 late arrivals that didn’t see the sign in pad.