Kindergarten Number Corner Planner

YEAR: 2011-2012 MONTH: January

This planner uses calendar markers that are: Pre-Made X Student-Made

*Can write on chalkboards or white boards or on Numeral Writing Practice sheets (Blacklines NC 6-NC 15)
**Half day K programs devote entire math time on days 1-4 to new calendar routines. After fourth day return to regular whole-group instruction, spending around 10 minutes a day on Number Corner. All day K can include another whole-group lesson or Work Places on days 1-4.
*** Alternate calendar markers available for Oct-May on website for free download OR can purchase Jan. is Supplement C5 Geometry: Growing Shapes Calendar Pattern. Skills are: identify, describe, and compare triangles, rhombuses, trapezoids, and hexagons and much more.
If your school starts today or on the 4th, move activities around as needed. Start making new calendar markers for example. / 3**
KC Update
YPC & LESD Add Dec links to YPC; intro hanging Number Labels
CG One Last Look at December; make new markers***
Save something for YTT tomorrow
(TG pp. 133-134, 139, 144-146) / 4**
LESD Update
CG*** Use pattern strip; place 4 markers; sing Shark song
KC Clap & count, add KC number cards
OMS Introduce Odd & Even Cards
YTT Introduce
(TG pp. 147-153) / 5**
CG*** What Comes Next?; sing Whales song
KC Doing the Number Rock
(TG pp. 154-159) / 6**
CG, KC, LESD, OMS, YTT: Do one activity for each component from Day 4 choices as time allows
(TG pp. 160-164)
YTT, LESD Update
CG: Update & introduce Seals & Sea Lions song
(TG p. 161, par. 4)
OMS Discuss dot card for today
(TG p. 163, par. 4) / 10
KC, LESD, YTT Update & sing Number Rock
CG Model “Today is Tuesday, January 10th, 2012”
(TG p. 161, par. 4)
OMS discuss / 11
KC, LESD, OMS, YTT Update & sing Sharks song
CG Practice writing numerals*
(TG p. 161, par. 6) / 12
CG, LESD, OMS, YTT Update & sing Whales song
KC Do Number Rock variation
(TG p. 162, par. 3) / 13
KC, LESD, OMS Update & sing Days of the Week song
YTT Review accomplishments for week (can include in newsletter, writing assignment, etc.)
CG Practice writing numerals*
Martin Luther King Day / 17
KC, LESD, OMS, YTT Update & sing Seals & Sea Lions song
CG Model “Today is Tuesday, January 17th, 2012” / 18
LESD, OMS, YTT Update & sing Sharks song
CG Examine all patterns - horizontal, vertical, diagonal
LESD Determine total number of days in school
(TG p. 162, bottom) / 19
CG, LESD, OMS, YTT Update & sing Whales song
CG Practice writing numerals*
OMS Discuss / 20
CG, LESD, OMS, YTT Update & sing Days of the Week song
YTT Review accomplishments for week (can include in newsletter, writing assignment, etc.)

Kindergarten Number Corner Planner (cont.)

YEAR: 2011-2012 MONTH: January

This planner uses calendar markers that are: X Pre-Made Student-Made

LESD, CG, OMS Update & sing Seals & Sea Lions song
KC Practice variation of face down cards
(TG p. 162, par. 5) / 24
KC, LESD, YTT Update & sing Number Rock
CG Review calendar patterns & practice writing numerals*
OMS Discuss / 25
KC, OMS, YTT Update & sing Sharks song
CG Model “Today is Wednesday, January 25th, 2012”
LESD Determine total number of days in school so far / 26
KC, LESD, OMS, YTT Update & sing Whales song
KC Do one of the variations on TG p. 162
CG Review calendar patterns & practice writing numerals* / 27
LESD, OMS, CG Update & sing Days of the Week song
YTT Review accomplishments for week (can include in newsletter, writing assignment, etc.)
Update all and complete any activities missed earlier in month or review component(s) needing most attention / 31
CG Remove odd numbered markers and examine pattern, odd and even (TG p. 161) Replace markers in chart for Day 1 of February activity

*TG=Teachers Guide, OPT=optional, CG=Calendar Grid, OMS=Our Month in School, YPC=Yearlong Paper Chain, LESD=A Link Each School Day, HWB=Here’s (When We) Were Born, BC=Bean Clock, KC=Kid Count

Bridges in Mathematics Number Corner Planner © The Math Learning Center