Together To The Top Tips
Free Mentoring for Network Marketers

Christmas 2010
Make The Most Edition

How To Make The Most Of The Holidays Without Messing Up!
In this issue, your stocking will be chock full of timely treats!
  • Great advice from Anna on how to move your business forward in December.
  • How To Make The Most Of The Holidays by our favorite natural seller, Michael Oliver.
  • Harry Browne's Christmas Gift To His Daughter
  • A Tom Big Al Schreiter classic "Are You Walking Past A Fortune?"
Merry Christmas, Everyone!
Set Up January In December by Anna Bassett:
When I owned my paramedical franchise, my multimillionaire mentor told me that if I wanted to succeed and be one step ahead of my competitors that I must not slack off during the Christmas Holidays. Most businesses would be partying while he was working.
He told me to try something new. In addition to partying with my clients, customers and potential accounts in December, I should also call them personally to wish them a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year and to set up an appointment with them in January.
I did just what he told me to do and here's what I found. Not only were people happy to hear from me and pleasantly surprised to get a personal call wishing them Merry Christmas, but because they too were in the giving mood, all of them were willing to give me an appointment to talk business in the new year.
While others spent all their time partying, I was setting up the future of my business. In January, I was on the road having meetings with insurance companies, brokers and their staff while others were still on the phone trying to make appointments with these same people.
Often I would walk away with a new client contract while others weren't even out of the gate. In the month of January, I would do more business than others would in their first quarter.
Most people are willing to look at something fresh in the new year. Be there when they're looking!
How To Make The Most Of The Holidays by Michael Oliver:
"Greetings! This is Michael Oliver. At the end of every year and the holiday season fast approaching, I like to provide you with this resource that will help you with growing your business. It's a small 'Thank You' for all your support and encouragement over the past year.
This Holiday Special Report is designed to proved you with some ideas and suggestions to meke the most of the holiday season. While this is primarily a time to relax, celebrate and give thanks, there's no reason why you cannot continue to talk with people to find out if they need help, and at the same time develop your business when the opportunities arise ... "
Click here to read the rest of this excellent article.
A Gift for My Daughter by Harry Browne:
"December 25, 1966
(This article was originally published as a syndicated newspaper column, dedicated to my 9-year-old daughter.)
It's Christmas and I have the usual problem of deciding what to give you. I know you might enjoy many things -- books, games, clothes.
But I'm very selfish. I want to give you something that will stay with you for more than a few months or years. I want to give you a gift that might remind you of me every Christmas.
If I could give you just one thing, I'd want it to be a simple truth that took me many years to learn. If you learn it now, it may enrich your life in hundreds of ways. And it may prevent you from facing many problems that have hurt people who have never learned it.
The truth is simply this:
No one owes you anything."
Click here to read the rest of Harry's gift.
Are You Walking Past A Fortune?
by Tom 'Big Al' Schreiter
Tom is a master at keeping things simple. Most of us overcomplicate things, especially to people who don't understand network marketing. Here's Tom's little gem of a book from 1987 that explains our business model in easy to understand terms.
Click here to download Tom's classic.
TTTTT Tax Tip - How To Drive The IRS Crazy
by Wayne Davies:
"The IRS just announced the mileage rates for 2011:
- 51 cents per mile for business miles driven
- 19 cents per mile driven for medical or moving purposes
- 14 cents per mile driven in service of charitable organizations
This is good news for small business owners and self-employed folks who are looking for an easy way to increase your business deductions ... "
Read the rest of the article here.
Don't Know What To Say at the Christmas Party?
Tom 'Big Al' Schreiter has a fear-banishing solution for you with his 'Magic Sequence Of Words'!
Learn what to say in the first 30 seconds to help your prospect believe you, lean forward and ask for more info.
Check out Tom's CD's called "How To Control And Manipulate The Minds of Others For Fun And Profit"
Laugh while you learn practical skills to get prospects on your side immediately!

PS You will love the three-sentence technique that makes your prospect want to buy or join immediately!
Bonus Tip from Tom 'Big Al' Schreiter: Fear of Closing Solved!
If you feel anxious about closing your prospects, maybe you can use this closing statement.
It's polite. It puts the decision on the prospect.
It's easy to say. Here it is:
"So what would you like to do next?"
For 103 ways to find prospects to say this to ...

TTTTT Sponsoring Tip - Big Al:
If you are serious about network marketing, you will need the best skills training and resources.
Most professional networkers use the tips and techniques they have learned from Tom 'Big Al' Schreiter over the years.
To see a brief video of Tom in action, please see our article MLM Success Skills with Tom 'Big Al' Schreiter ...

If you want to learn more ways and places to sponsor new distributors, take 103 terrific tips from Big Al ...

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Thanks for helping some friends!
Quote Of The Month:
"Your personal philosophy is the greatest determining factor in how your life works out."
Jim Rohn
For a good collection of quotes from Jim, watch this YouTube video.
Lessons From A Lawsuit:
Lawsuits are never pleasant, but they can be instructive.Click here to see a lone distributor take on a giant.
Top Tips Free Tool:
If your business is international, you'll like this free tool to keep track of times around the world on your desktop:My World Time
You might be an MLMer ...
... if you stay up late to recruit Santa.
Miss L. Toe
Tips from Tom:
Membership has its advantages!

This is where professionals learn, share, and exchange exactly how to build your network marketing business and earn the bonus checks you want.

Success in Ten Steps:
For your FREE copy, click here.

The Magic of Colors
by Jerry DRhino Clark:

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