Early Childhood Course Expectations

Course: Early Childhood Teacher: Mrs. Racicot (X4186) Email Address: Room 186

Textbook: The Developing Child (Glencoe, copyright 2010: $71.55)


The mission of Grafton High School is to prepare our students intellectually, physically, and socially for their role as lifelong learners and responsible citizens.

At Grafton High School we value:

  • Respect
  • Responsibility
  • Integrity
  • Academic Excellence

We believe students learn best:

•When provided with a comprehensive, challenging and engaging curriculum, to meet all learning styles.

•In an environment that fosters high expectations for one’s own actions, motivation, and responsibility.

•When they are encouraged to think, work and communicate effectively.

•In a safe and accepting learning environment that fosters respect and tolerance.

•When health and wellness are promoted and encouraged.

•By working independently and collaboratively to accomplish goals.

•When given equal opportunity to succeed academically and develop socially.

•When the entire Grafton community supports their learning in all regards.

Grafton High School students will be able to:

•Read, write, and speak effectively

•Demonstrate the ability to apply knowledge to complete tasks effectively

•Utilize critical thinking

•Enhance knowledge and skills with technology

•Exhibit behaviors that promote personal physical fitness and a healthy lifestyles

•Practice responsible and appropriate social behaviors

•Recognize and respect diversity

•Understand and demonstrate the duties and responsibilities that come with citizenship

Course Overview:

This course is designed to prepare students for the important responsibilities of parenting.

Pregnancy and prenatal care, birth and the physical, emotional, social and intellectual

Development of young children will be explored. Contemporary issues affecting young children, such as two income families, childcare, child abuse and teen parenting, will also be addressed. Opportunities for observation of children are provided both in class and in the community settings.

Course Evaluation Criteria:

Class participation 20%

Classwork 20%

Homework 20%

Projects 20%

Tests and quizzes 20%

Course Objectives:

  • Students will use the skills of listening, speaking, reading and writing.
  • Students will gain knowledge and understanding of the growth and development of
  • Children from pre-birth, to five years.
  • Students will develop skills related to prenatal care and the care of young children.
  • Students will analyze the impact of social, cultural, economic, and environmental factors on the development of young children.
  • Students will identify and use the appropriate health information and resources.
  • Students will demonstrate the ability to assess risk, consider potential consequences and make health-enhancing decisions regarding the development of young children.
  • Students will communicate related information clearly and accurately.
  • Students will observe young children and speak with their parents on issues related to parenting.

Course Content:

  • Decision to Parent: Health issues, lifestyle changes, teen pregnancy
  • Pregnancy and Prenatal Care
  • The Neonate: Characteristics and Care
  • Areas of Human Development: Physical, Intellectual, Emotional, Social and Moral
  • Infancy: Characteristics, Development and Care
  • Toddlers: Characteristics, Development and Care
  • Special Issues (to be covered at appropriate times throughout the course): Discipline, Fear, Illness, Safety, Nutrition, Special Needs, Historical and Cultural Aspects
  • Effects of Societal Trends on Children: (to be covered at appropriate times throughout the year)
  • Family Mobility, Single Parenting, Blended Families, Delayed Parenting, Child Abuse and Neglect, Childcare Options, Legislation, Education, Equipment, Furnishing and Toys.
  • Guiding the Behavior of Young Children: Daily Routines, Guidance, and Discipline Techniques.

Required Writing:Required Reading:

Classwork/Homework assignmentsThe Developing Child

EssaysPeriodicals and Handouts

Presentations, Pamphlets and PostersChildren in the News Articles

Children in the News Reviews


Requirements: Three Ring Binder or folder ,to keep all assignments and handouts organized

Class Preparation: Bring iPad (fully charged), notebook, homework and pen/pencil.

Homework will be given on a regular basis to assist the student in understanding course concepts, observations and to encourage reflection. All homework should be submitted to Google Classroom before the beginning of class. If students can’t access study guides on Google Classroom, they can access the links on the Early Childhood web page as well as the link below under Technology/iPad Protocols. It should also help the students pursue a lifelong quest for learning through awareness of research, discovery and technologies. All sources should be cited, using the MLA format. Homework and classwork should be written in student’s own words and in complete sentences.

Classroom Rules: Be on time. Be prepared. Be respectful and courteous. Use appropriate language at all times. All Digital Citizenship Rules at GHS apply:

Technology/iPad Protocols:

  • Students will be held to all the standards and requirements listed in the Acceptable Use Policy as outlined in the Grafton High School Student/Parent Handbook, which can be found at on the district website:

Users are digital citizens and use information and technology in safe, legal and responsible ways. Digital citizens follow these guidelines:

3.A. Digital Citizenship-Respect

  • Respect yourself by selecting and posting appropriate names, images and information online. Keep personal details, personal schedules and contact information private.
  • Respect others: Do not bully, stalk or harass anyone. Report abuse and inappropriate use of technology. Do not share personal account information with anyone, use an account of someone else, or leave your account open and unattended. Do not edit or delete files belonging to others.
  • Respect intellectual property by citing all sources including websites, books and media; and requesting permission to use software and media produced by others, including graphics and music.

3.B. Digital Citizenship-Responsibility

Users are expected to be respectful and ethical. Each user represents Grafton Public Schools and will communicate with language and gestures that are appropriate and not profane, racist, sexist or discriminatory.

  • Students are expected to come to class with the iPad fully charged
  • iPad and all other electronics are put away in a secured location when not being used for instructional purposes.
  • There will be no food or drink near the iPad at any point.
  • Checking e-mail, social media (Facebook, Twitter, etc.), texting, unpermitted online chatting (Facetime), and/or “IM”ing from the iPad is not allowed during class time.
  • No game playing at any time during class time.
  • Off-topic surfing the Internet is not permitted.
  • Students will follow specific directions from the classroom teacher when the Internet is involved in a project.
  • Cell Phones are put away and never charged during instructional time.
  • Cheating and plagiarism is prohibited.
  • Students will access classwork and homework assignments at the The Developing Child Student Center at:

You will need to enter the assigned chapter under Classroom Activities.

  • Students are expected to come to school with the iPad charged for the day and to bring them to class fully charged

Absence Policy/Make Up Work: If a student was out of school, he/she is responsible for obtaining any missing work the day he/she returns to school.Students should make up work within two days of return. If absence is longer than two days, student will meet with Mrs. Racicot to determine an appropriate timetable for completion. For previously assigned long-range projects, students must pass in these assignments on the first day the student returns back to school. Assignments handed in late, for reasons other than excused absence, will never be given full credit. Late major assignments and projects, for any reason other than excused absence will lose ten points per day late. Students are expected to hand in these assignments on the day they return. All tests and other assignments must be made up within one calendar week of returning to school or a 0 will given.

Extra Help: Extra help is available before school, after school or during extended block when given notice. Mrs. Racicot is available after school on most Wednesdays.

Cheating and Plagiarism will not be tolerated. All student work should be completed in their own words, with all sources cited, using the MLA format. When working in groups, all group members are responsible to insure all sources are documented. Please refer to Student Handbook.

Student/Parent Signatures

I have read and understand the Course Expectations for ______.

(name of course)


Student Signature Parent Signature
