PBS Product List (1995-2003)
1. Abbott, C. A., Berry, M. W., et al., 1997, Computational models of white-tailed deer in the Florida Everglades.: IEEE Computational Science and Engineering, v. 4, p. 60-72.
2. Abbott, Catherine Ann, 1995, A Parallel Individual-Based Model of White-Tailed Deer in the Florida Everglades (Thesis), Knoxville, TN, University of Tennessee.
3. Aiken, George, Reddy, Mike, et al., 2000, Interactions between dissolved organic matter and mercury (abstract), USGS Water Quality Workshop, West Palm Beach, Florida, Available online at http://sofia.usgs.gov/workshops/waterquality/abstracts/aiken_final.pdf
4. Al-Rabai'ah, H. A., Koh, H. L., DeAngelis, D., et al., 2002, Modeling fish community dynamics in the Florida Everglades: role of temperature variation: Water Science and Technology, v. 46, no. 9, p. 71-78.
5. Allen, C. R., Pearlstine, L. G., et al., 2001, The spatial distribution of diversity between disparate taxa: spatial correspondence between mammals and ants across South Florida, USA: Landscape Ecology, v. 16, no. 5, p. 453-464.
6. Allen, L. H. Jr., Sinclair, T. R., et al., 1996, Evapotranspiration of vegetation in Florida: perpetuated misconceptions versus mechanistic processes, Soil Crop Science Society Florida Proceedings, 56p. 1-10.
7. Anderson, G., Smith, T. J. III, and Nuttle, W. K., 2002, Restoration of sheetflow to northeast Florida Bay: an assessment of structural modifications to the C-111 Canal (poster), Available online at http://sofia.usgs.gov/publications/posters/restore_sheet
8. Anderson, Gordon H., and Smith, Thomas J. III, 2002, Hydraulic conductivity of riparian mangrove forest peat adjacent to the Harney River, Everglades National Park: a comparative field study of field saturated and saturated hydraulic conductivity methods (abstract), American Geophysical Union, Spring Meeting, Program with Abstracts, Washington, D.C., H31A-02 Available online at http://sofia.usgs.gov/projects/hydro_mangrove/abstract-agu02.html
9. Anderson, John E., Desmond, Gregory B., et al., 1997, Reflectance calibrated digital multispectral video, a test-bed for high spectral and spatial resolution remote sensing: PE&RS, v. 63, no. 3, p. 224-229.
10. Arrington, D. A., Winemiller, K. O., et al., 2002, How often do fishes "run on empty"?: Ecology , v. 83, no. 8, p. 2145-2151.
11. Bales, Jerald D., Fulford, Janice M, and Swain, Eric D., 1996, Review and evaluation of a model for simulating the natural hydrology of South Florida: St. Petersburg, FL, U.S. Geological Survey, Factsheet FS-180-96, Available online at http://sofia.usgs.gov/publications/fs/180-96/
12. Bales, Jerald D., Swain, Eric D., et al., 1998, Review of selected features of the Natural Systems Model, and suggestions for applications in South Florida: St. Petersburg, FL, Water-Resources Investigation Report WRIR-97-4039, 22 p. Available online at http://water.usgs.gov/pubs/wri/wri97-4039/
13. Ball, M. H., and Schaffranek, R. W., 2000, Modeling seasonal inundation patterns in the south Florida Everglades (poster), American Society of Civil Engineers Joint Conference on Water Resources Engineering and Water Resources Planning and Management, Minneapolis, Minnesota.
14. ---, 2000, Water-surface elevation and water depth analysis using a GIS application (abstract), American Geophysical Union, Spring Meeting, Program with Abstracts, Washington, DC, H31C-06.
15. Ball, M. H., Schaffranek, Raymond W., et al., 2000, Flow-velocity data collected in the wetlands adjacent to Canal C-111 in south Florida during 1997 and 1999: St. Petersburg, FL, U.S. Geological Survey, Open-File Report OFR-00-056, 42 p. Available online at http://sofia.usgs.gov/publications/ofr/00-56/
16. Ball, Maria H., Schaffranek, Raymond W., and Riscassi, Ami, 2000, Regional simulation of seasonal inundation patterns in the south Florida Everglades (poster), Greater Everglades Ecosystem Restoration (GEER) Conference, Naples, Florida, Available online at http://sofia.usgs.gov/geer/posters/inundation/
17. Barr, G. L., 1996, Hydrogeology of the surficial and intermediate aquifer systems in Sarasota and adjacent counties, Florida: Tallahassee, FL, U.S. Geological Survey, Water-Resources Investigations Report WRIR-96-4063, 81 p. Available online at http://fl.water.usgs.gov/Abstracts/wri96_4063_barr.html
18. Basset, A., Fedele, M., and DeAngelis, D. L., 2002, Optimal exploitation of spatially distributed trophic resources and population stability: Ecological Modelling, v. 151, no. 2-3, p. 245-260.
19. Bates, A. L., Orem, W. H., et al., 2001, Geochemistry of Sulfur in the Florida Everglades: 1994 through 1999. Tallahassee, FL, U.S. Geological Survey, Open-File Report OFR-01-007, 54 p. Available online at http://sofia.usgs.gov/publications/ofr/01-007/
20. ---, 1998, Tracing sources of sulfate in the northern Everglades using sulfur isotopic compositions (abstract), American Geophysical Union, Spring Meeting, Program with Abstracts, Boston, Mass., S93.
21. Bates, A. L., Orem, W. H, et al., 2002, Tracing sources of sulfur in the Florida Everglades: Journal of Environmental Quality, v. 31, no. 1, p. 287-299.
22. Bates, Anne L., Spiker, Elliott C., and Holmes, Charles W., 1998, Speciation and isotopic composition of sedimentary sulfur in the Everglades, Florida, USA: Chemical Geology , v. 146, no. 3-4, p. 155-170.
23. Bauer, B. H, Etnier, D. A., and Burkhead, N. M., 1995, Etheostoma (Ulocentra) scotti (osteichthys:percidae), a new darter from the Etowah River system in Georgia: Alabama Museum of Natural History Bulletin, v. 17, p. 1-16.
24. Bennetts, R. E., Kitchens, W. M., and DeAngelis, D. L., 1998, Recovery of the snail kite in Florida: beyond a reductionist paradigm, Transactions of the 63rd North American Wildlife and Natural Resources Conference., p. 486-501.
25. Bennetts, R. E., Kitchens, W. M., and Dreitz, V. J., 2002, Influence of an extreme high water event on survival, reproduction, and distribution of snail kites in Florida, USA: Wetlands, v. 22, no. 2, p. 366-373.
26. Bennetts, Robert E. and Kitchens, Wiley M., 1997, The Demography and movements of snail kites in Florida: Gainesville, FL, Florida Cooperative Fish & Wildlife Research Unit Technical Report No. 56-2, 169 p.
27. Benoit, J. M , Gilmour, Cynthia C., et al., 1999, Sulfide controls on mercury speciation and bioavailability to methylating bacteria in sediment pore waters: Environmental Science and Technology, v. 33, no. 6, p. 951-957.
28. Benoit, J. M., Mason, R. P., et al., 2001, Constants for mercury binding by dissolved organic matter isolates from the Florida Everglades: Geochimica Et Cosmochimica Acta, v. 65, no. 24, p. 4445-4451.
29. Benoit, J. M., Mason, R. P., and Gilmour, Cynthia C., 1999, Estimation of mercury-sulfide speciation in sediment pore waters using octanol-water partitioning and implications for availability to methylating bacteria: Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry, v. 18, no. 6, p. 2138-2141.
30. Best, G. Ronnie, 2001, Greater Everglades ecosystem restoration research needs to increase certainty, Interdisciplinary Seminar Series on Conservation and Restoration of Natural Resources, Center for Natural Resources, Gainesville, FL, Available online at http://cnr.ifas.ufl.edu/conferen/RonnieBestPresentation.pdf
31. Best, G. Ronnie, and DeAngelis, Donald, 2002, Ecological Modeling and Processes, Greater Everglades Ecosystem Restoration Informational Workshop Series, Davie, FL, Available online at http://sofia.usgs.gov/publications/infosheets/ecoworkshop/
32. Best, G. Ronnie, Jones, John W., and Desmond, Gregory B., 2002, Landscape Mapping and Topography, Greater Everglades Ecosystem Restoration Informational Workshop Series, Davie, FL, Available online at http://sofia.usgs.gov/publications/infosheets/landtopoworkshop/
33. Best, G. Ronnie, and Krabbenhoft, David P., 2002, Contaminants and Biogeochemistry, Greater Everglades Ecosystem Restoration Informational Workshop Series, Davie, FL, Available online at http://sofia.usgs.gov/publications/infosheets/biogeoworkshop/
34. Best, G. Ronnie, and Schaffranek, Raymond W., 2002, Hydrologic Modeling and Processes, Greater Everglades Ecosystem Restoration Informational Workshop Series, Davie, FL, Available online at http://sofia.usgs.gov/publications/infosheets/hydroworkshop/
35. Best, G. Ronnie, and Wingard, G. Lynn, 2002, Paleoecology and Ecosystem History, Greater Everglades Ecosystem Restoration Informational Workshop Series, Davie, FL, Available online at http://sofia.usgs.gov/publications/infosheets/paleoworkshop/
36. Bidlake, W. R. and Boetcher, P. F., 1997, Simulation of the soil water balance of an undeveloped prairie in west-central Florida: Washington, D.C., U. S. Geological Survey, Water-Supply Paper 2472, 57 p.
37. Blaine, T. W , and DeAngelis, Donald L., 1997, The interaction of spatial scale and predator-prey functional response: Ecological Modelling, v. 95, no. 2/3, p. 319-328.
38. Blalock-Herod, H. N, Herod, J. J., and Williams, J. D., 2002, Evaluation of conservation status, distribution, and reproductive characteristics of an endemic Gulf Coast freshwater mussel, Lampsilis australis (Bivalvia : Unionidae): Biodiversity and Conservation, v. 11, no. 10, p. 1877-1887.
39. Blalock, Holly N, and Herod, Jeff, 1999, A comparative study of stream habitat and substrate utilized by Corbicula fluminea in the New River, Florida: Florida Scientist, v. 62, no. 2, p. 145-151.
40. Bolster, C. H., Genereux, David P., and Saiers, James E., 2001, Determination of specific yield for the Biscayne Aquifer with a canal-drawdown test: Ground Water, v. 39, no. 5, p. 768-777.
41. Bolster, C. H., and Saiers, James E., 2002, Development and evaluation of a mathematical model for surface-water flow within the Shark River Slough of the Florida Everglades : Journal of Hydrology, v. 259, no. 1/4, p. 221-235.
42. Brewster-Wingard, G. L., Cronin, T., et al., 1999, Long-term Florida Bay salinity history: a synthesis of multi-proxy evidence from sediment cores (poster), 1999 Florida Bay and Adjacent Marine Systems Science Conference, Program & Abstracts, Key Largo, Florida, Available online at http://sofia.usgs.gov/flaecohist/publications/GLBWFBSC99.pdf
43. Dwyer, G. S., and Cronin, T. M., 1999, Reconstructing the salinity history of Florida Bay using ostracode shell chemistry (abstract), 1999 Florida Bay and Adjacent Marine Systems Science Conference, Key Largo, Florida, Available online at http://sofia.usgs.gov/publications/papers/fl_bay_abstracts_1999.pdf
44. Brewster-Wingard, G. L., and Ishman, S. E., 1996, The biotic record of change in Florida Bay and the South Florida ecosystem (abstract), 1996 Florida Bay Science Conference Abstracts, p. 25-26. Available online at http://www.aoml.noaa.gov/flbay/sedi96.html#biotic
45. Brewster-Wingard, G. L., Ishman, S. E., and Cronin, T. M., 1998, Historical salinity and seagrass trends in Florida Bay derived from benthic faunal data (abstract), 1998 Florida Bay Science Conference Abstracts, Available online at http://www.aoml.noaa.gov/flbay/brewsteretal.html
46. Brewster-Wingard, G. L., Ishman, S. E., et al., 1999, Providing a framework for assessment and restoration of the Everglades ecosystem: an example of the use of paleoecologic and geochemical data in Florida Bay, Department of the Interior Conference on the Environment, Denver, Colorado.
47. Brewster-Wingard, G. L., Stone, J. R., and Cronin, T. M., 2000, The present is the key to the past and the past is the key to the future: the role of paleoecology in reconstructing the ecosystem of Florida Bay, The Geological Society of America, Southeastern Section - 49th Annual Meeting, Charleston, South Carolina, 32, no. 2p. A-8.
48. Brewster-Wingard, G. L., Stone, J. R., and Holmes, C. W., 2001, Molluscan faunal distribution in Florida Bay, past and present: an integration of down-core and modern data: Bulletins of American Paleontology, v. 361, p. 199-231.
49. Brewster-Wingard, G. L., Wardlaw, B. R., et al., 2001, Use of ecosystem history data in resource management and restoration: a case study from Florida Bay, Everglades National Park, Geological Society of America Annual Meeting, Boston, Massachusetts, Available online at http://gsa.confex.com/gsa/2001AM/finalprogram/abstract_23492.htm
50. Brewster-Wingard, G. L., Willard, D. A., et al., 1995, Measuring historical change in the Everglades ecosystem: microfauna and flora as tools, The First SEPM (Society for Sedimentary Geology) Congress, Program and Abstracts, St. Petersburg, Florida, 1, p. 129.
51. ---, 1995, South Florida ecosystem history: floral and faunal response to environmental changes during the last 100 years, Geological Society of America Annual Meeting, Abstracts with Programs, New Orleans, Louisiana, 27p. 296.
52. Brewster-Wingard, G. L., Willard, D. A., and Ishman, S. E., 1996, Paleoecology as a tool in the restoration of modern ecosystems: an example from South Florida, The Geological Society of America, Southeastern Section - 45th Annual Meeting, Jackson, Mississippi, 28p. 4-5.
53. Brewster-Wingard, G. Lynn, 1996, Ecosystem History of Florida Bay: Reston, VA, U.S. Geological Survey, Factsheet FS-144-96 , Available online at http://sofia.usgs.gov/publications/fs/144-96/
54. ---, 2001, Shaping south Florida's unique coastal ecosystems: natural and anthropogenic influences, The Geological Society of America, Southeastern Section - 50th Annual Meeting, Raleigh, North Carolina, 33, no. 2. A-64 Available online at http://gsa.confex.com/gsa/2001SE/finalprogram/abstract_4441.htm
55. Brewster-Wingard, G. Lynn, and Ishman, Scott E., 1999, Historical trends in salinity and substrate in central Florida Bay; a paleoecological reconstruction using modern analogue data: Estuaries, v. 22, no. 2B, p. 369-383.
56. Brewster-Wingard, G. Lynn, Ishman, Scott E., et al., 1995, Preliminary analysis of down-core biotic assemblages: Bob Allen Keys, Everglades National Park, Florida Bay: Reston, VA, U.S. Geological Survey, Open-File Report OFR-95-628, 35 p. Available online at http://sofia.usgs.gov/publications/ofr/95-628/
57. Brewster-Wingard, G. Lynn, Ishman, Scott E., et al., 1998, Preliminary paleontologic report on Core 37, from Pass Key, Everglades National Park, Florida Bay: St. Petersburg, FL, U.S. Geological Survey, Open-File Report OFR-98-122, 24 p. Available online at http://pubs.usgs.gov/pdf/of/ofr98122.pdf
58. Brewster-Wingard, G. Lynn, Ishman, Scott E., et al., 1997, Preliminary paleontologic report on Cores 19A and 19B, Russell Bank, Everglades National Park, Florida Bay: Reston, VA, U.S. Geological Survey, Open-File Report OFR-97-460, 29 p. Available online at http://sofia.usgs.gov/publications/ofr/97-460/
59. Brewster-Wingard, G. Lynn, Ishman, Scott E, et al., 1996, Preliminary report on the distribution of modern fauna and flora at selected sites in north-central and north-eastern Florida Bay: Reston, VA, U.S. Geological Survey, Open-File Report OFR-96-732, 34 p. Available online at http://pubs.usgs.gov/pdf/of/ofr96732.html
60. Brewster-Wingard, G. Lynn, Ishman, Scott E., and Holmes, Charles W., 1998, Environmental impacts on the southern Florida coastal waters; a history of change in Florida Bay: Journal of Coastal Research, v. 26, p. 162-172.
61. Brewster-Wingard, G. Lynn, Stone, J. R., and Holmes, Charles W., 2000, Molluscan faunal distribution in Florida Bay, past and present: an integration of down-core and modern data (poster), Greater Everglades Ecosystem Restoration (GEER) Conference, December 11-15, 2000, Available online at http://sofia.usgs.gov/geer/posters/mollusc_dist/
62. Brewster-Wingard, G. Lynn, Stone, Jeffery, et al., 2001, 200 year history of Florida Bay, Everglades National Park, Florida (poster), USGS Open House, Reston, Virginia, Available online at http://sofia.usgs.gov/publications/posters/200yrhis/
63. Brewster-Wingard, G. Lynn and Willard, Debra A, 1995, South Florida ecosystems: changes through time: St. Petersburg, FL, U.S. Geological Survey, Factsheet FS-171-95, Available online at http://sofia.usgs.gov/publications/fs/171-95/
64. Brewster-Wingard, Lynn, Ishman, Scott E., and Willard, Debra A., 1998, Reconstructing the history of south Florida's ecosystem: the role of modern and paleoecological data (poster), Linking Spatial and Temporal Scales in Paleoecology and Ecology, Geological Society of America Penrose Conference, Solomons, Maryland, Available online at http://sofia.usgs.gov/flaecohist/publications/Penrosepanel.pdf